"OSAS" people are not answering this question.


Well-known member
This is you...

Luke 18:9-14
And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. ...​

That's very similar to what you do, not what I do. The Pharisee necessarily sinned under the Mosaic ordinances and believed he was better than other sinners because of what God supposedly did for him through a sacrifice. He did not want to repent from sin, just avail himself of a sacrifice. Your alleged righteousness is no better.

We are different in that you claim you don't sin because of what you do or don't do.

Of course, that's logical. If I believe in God, it's not possible for me to simultaneously be an idolater. To be an idolater I would have to not believe the gospel. What I did was believe the gospel, and that truth set me free from idolatry for ever. I don't believe in other gods, let alone worship them.

If I know I have nothing to covet and consequently don't, then I am truthful when claiming I don't commit the sin of coveting. Everyone sins as the result of what they do or don't do because sin is transgression of the law.

I don't sin because of Christ did.....nothing to do with what I have done or don't do.

If you covet, you sin; but you are trying to claim that when you covet it's not sin because of what Christ did. That's not truth but an example of strong delusion.

It's a huge difference you fail to see.

No, I see the difference, which is why I have been trying to expose your false doctrine. I'm just giving you rope to hang yourself by asking you to explain the difference.

I am not under the law.

You are not under abrogated Mosaic ordinances like Leviticus 15:30, but that doesn't mean you can violate the golden rule without suffering the wages of sin. A murderer does not have eternal life (1Jn 3:15).

I am under grace and don't have to pretend like I keep the law.

Pretend? Does that mean you don't keep the law against stealing? I don't steal, and I'm not pretending. You will not tell us if you still commit any of the acts listed by Paul in Galatians 5:19-21. I don't do those things, and wouldn't be a believer if I did.

You are still under the bondage of the law and have to pretend like you keep it. That's a sad thing.

I'm not pretending I keep the ten commandments, and what's sad is your are not and implying you don't. Several of those are death penalty offenses, and all are acts of hatred against others. Should someone trust you around their spouse or children if you would commit the acts prohibited by the ten commandments? No! That would be asinine. You are a danger to yourself and others until you can honestly say you don't violate the ten commandments and live by the golden rule.


Well-known member
Well, you see, "you" are not in the Body of Christ. So, you're still
totally in the flesh and in my humble opinion, you are "Spiritually
dead." In order for you to become a "Child of God" you must
hear and abide by the Grace Gospel (Paul's Gospel) ...

You are claiming salvation is conditional on believing MAD doctrine.

That's about as loopy as the nut who claimed GT wasn't a believer because she read the NIV.

It's all legalism, not grace. But you are unable to see.


Well-known member
That's very similar to what you do, not what I do. The Pharisee necessarily sinned under the Mosaic ordinances and believed he was better than other sinners because of what God supposedly did for him through a sacrifice. He did not want to repent from sin, just avail himself of a sacrifice. Your alleged righteousness is no better.

Of course, that's logical. If I believe in God, it's not possible for me to simultaneously be an idolater. To be an idolater I would have to not believe the gospel. What I did was believe the gospel, and that truth set me free from idolatry for ever. I don't believe in other gods, let alone worship them.

If I know I have nothing to covet and consequently don't, then I am truthful when claiming I don't commit the sin of coveting. Everyone sins as the result of what they do or don't do because sin is transgression of the law.

If you covet, you sin; but you are trying to claim that when you covet it's not sin because of what Christ did. That's not truth but an example of strong delusion.

No, I see the difference, which is why I have been trying to expose your false doctrine. I'm just giving you rope to hang yourself by asking you to explain the difference.

You are not under Leviticus 15:30, but that doesn't mean you can violate the golden rule without suffering the wages of sin. A murderer does not have eternal life (1Jn 3:15).

Pretend? Does that mean you don't keep the law against stealing? I don't steal, and I'm not pretending. You will not tell us if you still commit any of the acts listed by Paul in Galatians 5:19-21. I don't do those things, and wouldn't be a believer if I did.

I'm not pretending I keep the ten commandments, and what's sad is your are not and implying you don't. Several of those are death penalty offenses, and all are acts of hatred against others. Should someone trust you around their spouse or children if you would commit the acts prohibited by the ten commandments? No! That would be asinine. You are a danger to yourself and others until you can honestly say you don't violate the ten commandments and live by the golden rule.

Let's put it this way. I wouldn't trust you around my children because you claim when you see a pretty GIRL, your desires (even when they result in an erection) are not a result of sinful lust. :nono:

Our Lord's sacrifice on the cross for sin was not a "supposed sacrifice". You are, in fact, an idolater, because you worship your own sorry flesh. You are simply under the law and NOT under grace, so there is no hope for you at the present time.

Yep, it's sad because you are clearly raising your children in the same error you are in. The wages of sin is death, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD is eternal life. It's a gift you refuse to accept, but claim must be EARNED. :noid:


Well-known member
Yes. I have to pretend when I do it, since I believe the pope's. I figure its better than nothing.

You have to pretend when you take communion because you take it in the Catholic Church? In what way are you pretending? Better than nothing? I don't understand what you are trying to communicate. Are you Roman Catholic, or not?


Well-known member
Let's put it this way. I wouldn't trust you around my children because you claim when you see a pretty GIRL, your desires (even when they result in an erection) are not a result of sinful lust. :nono:

Our Lord's sacrifice on the cross for sin was not a "supposed sacrifice". You are, in fact, an idolater, because you worship your own sorry flesh. You are simply under the law and NOT under grace, so there is no hope for you at the present time.

Yep, it's sad because you are clearly raising your children in the same error you are in. The wages of sin is death, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD is eternal life. It's a gift you refuse to accept, but claim must be EARNED. :noid:

Slander, false witness and evading my points ... again.


Well-known member
Slander, false witness and evading my points ... again.

Your "points" demonstrate your ignorance of God's righteousness, and your refusal to submit to it. Which is why that verse from Luke about the Pharisee fits you to a tee. You remain under bondage, but refuse to admit it.

Romans 10
2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.​


Well-known member
Bob George's book and theology has some major holes. I read the book several years ago. This is an interesting critique of his theology:

2 Peter 1:9 says, "But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins" [not new or future sins!]. 1 John 1:9 has proven to be the thorn in Mr. George's side. On his radio program I have heard him desperately attempt to get people to disbelieve the Scripture and to believe his theory. 1 John 1:9 declares, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." The claim is that one cannot interpret 1 John 1:9 as confession being required for forgiveness without falling into legalism. This constant floating up of the charge of "legalism" is supposed to scare you away from the plain truth of the passage. It also ignores the context of the passage which just two verses later in 1 John 2:1 we read, "My little children, these things I write unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have a advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." Now, keep in mind that George believes that all sin is already forgiven. He states that the believer receives "life," and not "forgiveness" in salvation. The one receiving "life" is thereby sealed by the Holy Spirit, resulting in Eternal Security. If every single human being was forgiven of their sins 2000 years ago on the Cross, how could we do anything that could ever require a Lawyer with God? How can John in his First Epistle put the condition of "if" we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins..., when they were already forgiven? These Biblical passages become utter nonsense if the unbiblical theory of Mr. George is true!​


Well-known member
Let's put it this way. I wouldn't trust you around my children...

Remember when poster JohnW claimed he could murder someone today as a Christian and still be forever justified? I started a thread on it and you defended him and agreed with his idea in spite of 1 John 3:15. Would you trust poster JohnW with your children?


Well-known member
Do you still commit any of the acts that Paul listed in Galatians 5:19-21? Yes or no?

I am not in the flesh. You seem ignorant of that very important fact. Those in the flesh commit works of the flesh.

No question the natural man cannot understand spiritual things....as you keep making abundantly clear. If you are going to understand Paul, you have to first learn what Paul means when he uses the terms that he does. "They that are in the flesh cannot please God"....which is why you see them committing the "acts" he speaks of in those verses.

Romans 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.​

Now, this is the part you hate.....read this verse as if your life depends on it (because it does).

Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.​


Well-known member
Remember when poster JohnW claimed he could murder someone today as a Christian and still be forever justified? I started a thread on it and you defended him and agreed with his idea in spite of 1 John 3:15. Would you trust poster JohnW with your children?

I did defend him and I would trust him with my children in a heartbeat. I knew exactly where he was coming from....you, being a natural man of the flesh, do not.