Online Prayer Requests


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Our son Tom...Tom has been between treatments #9 and #10, #10 was this week, (treatments are 48 hour chemo) then Tom thinks he'll have a couple of weeks off, he still has good spirits and attitude in spite of feeling like was flattened by a steam roller, his diet that he follows has been a blessing too. However the pulmonologist has concerns for Tom about his lungs as his finger tips and his hands are getting a pale bluish-purple from time to time and their not sure what the cause is, so they have ordered a full pulmonary function test for him on the 6th of April, they'll also do a c-scan of the lungs.

I pray regularly for my friends on TOL and for their special needs as mentioned. Tom is included!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Thank you all for praying for our son Tom, we really appreciate it. Being 1100 miles away is a bit of a concern, but like with Tom who takes what the three Hebrew children told the king Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel "Our God is able" very seriously along with Hebrews 13:5, and we believe that too.

So with a sincere fellowship of prayer(s) that make things a lot less wearisome and worrisome.

Psalmist and Mrs Psalmist


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Thank you all for praying for our son Tom, we really appreciate it. Being 1100 miles away is a bit of a concern, but like with Tom who takes what the three Hebrew children told the king Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel "Our God is able" very seriously along with Hebrews 13:5, and we believe that too.

So with a sincere fellowship of prayer(s) that make things a lot less wearisome and worrisome.

Psalmist and Mrs Psalmist

Here is a current photo of our son Tom after 11 rounds of 48 chemo spaced two weeks apart. He looks tired but strong, he said it takes about 3-4 days to shake off the effects of the chemo treatments. the markers for the liver cancers are now in the 150 range which started out at 14000 in October 2011; and the cancer on his pancreas is benign, it has neither shrank nor enlarged, so the his Dr said it's best to leave it alone.

He's our first son, he'll be 48 next week, we love Tom dearly, he's a granpa too.

He's thinking about joining TOL, and thought he'd like the user name of Psalmist II, what an honor that would be.
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New member
Could somebody please pray for my Good Friend Zac, he's in quite a situation at the moment involving his relationship.

We're both only 16, I know this kind of stuff happens. But he's not a Christian, and I'm worried.

Thanks guys.


New member
Could somebody please pray for my Good Friend Zac, he's in quite a situation at the moment involving his relationship.

We're both only 16, I know this kind of stuff happens. But he's not a Christian, and I'm worried.

Thanks guys.

I'm praying for Zac. May he have healing in his body, mind and spirit.


New member
Could somebody please pray for my Good Friend Zac, he's in quite a situation at the moment involving his relationship.

We're both only 16, I know this kind of stuff happens. But he's not a Christian, and I'm worried.

Thanks guys.

I am praying both for Zac and for you, that the Lord work through you to Zac for the Glory of God.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Here is a current photo of our son Tom after 11 rounds of 48 chemo spaced two weeks apart. He looks tired but strong, he said it takes about 3-4 days to shake off the effects of the chemo treatments. the markers for the liver cancers are now in the 150 range which started out at 14000 in October 2011; and the cancer on his pancreas is benign, it has neither shrank nor enlarged, so the his Dr said it's best to leave it alone.

New info on Tom's cancer markers for the liver, markers are now 133. Next chemo round next week. Praise the Lord for what has been done, what it is being done, and what will be done.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
New info on Tom's cancer markers for the liver, markers are now 133. Next chemo round next week. Praise the Lord for what has been done, what it is being done, and what will be done.
Cancer can be ruthless, and any improvement is a blessing for the sufferer.

Son of Jack

New member
A dear couple that we were friends with in NC lost their baby at 37 weeks yesterday. Pray that the Lord would comfort their pain in the midst of this great tragedy.