On Deservedness

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New member
If you're going to assign blame then the person is 100% to blame. Who else could even potentially get it? :idunno: But I wouldn't say they deserve to be struck by lightning.

This may be a matter of semantics. I venture to guess that everytime someone inadvertently says a rape victim deserves what they got, what they really mean is that the deserve the blame for it.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
They blame you, of course, and you deserve some of that blame. You were horrible to Town. I'm pretty sure I've made that clear to you before this "rape" issue even came up. But, that gives them no excuse for this fiasco that has ensued. Knight even came on and commented how we used to be able to have discussions without all this drama.

Aint that the truth...it is sad that we can't have a discussion around here anymore, just arguments & drama. Reminds me of Congress...:chuckle:


Hall of Fame
We are miles apart on this.
I'm am floored at your attitude towards saying anyone is deserving of rape.

As am I ... it is the type of cruelty and hate-filled post I would have expected from the ex-poster known as Sky.

Greg Jennings

New member
1. Does a homosexual who chooses to ignore warnings and advice about the risks of engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners deserve to get AIDS?
I wouldn't say they deserve it, but they were very stupid for engaging in that without protection and expecting everything to be ok

2. Does a driver who chooses to ignore warnings and advice about the risks of drunk driving deserve to get a DWI?
2a. Does he deserve it if he crashes his car?
Yes, because he is endangering the lives of others, not just himself. I don't think he necessarily "deserves" a crashed car though. The DWI is punishment enough. I'd know

3. Does a pedophile who ignores warnings and advice about the risks of molesting children deserve to get caught and punished?
For the same reason as above, yes. He's harming others and breaking the law.


Well-known member
We are miles apart on this.
I'm am floored at your attitude towards saying anyone is deserving of rape.

If I was stripping at a party with a bunch of drunks, I'd deserve whatever I got. My own conscience would convict me of my guilt. Afterwards, I would thank God that I wasn't beaten half to death during the rape (if that were the case). I would thank God that there wasn't a killer in the bunch who hated all women, and my cut up body wasn't dumped in a dumpster somewhere.

I'm always grateful for any mercy that is shown me whenever I commit any FAULT...whenever God spares me the punishment I deserved for my wrong doing. I also would have learned a very valuable lesson at a relatively cheap price. NO, I do not consider the rape of an adult woman as horrible as I do torture and death, or the rape of a child. I'm always one to be thankful when I didn't have to pay a bigger price for my bad choices. And I've been soundly attacked for holding these views. I find that very odd.


Well-known member
Maybe John 9 has some implication on the TOL subject that never dies.

1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.
2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?
3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

The victim doesn't deserve it. However, as they say in boxing "Protect yourself at all times."


New member
Hall of Fame
This may be a matter of semantics. I venture to guess that everytime someone inadvertently says a rape victim deserves what they got, what they really mean is that the deserve the blame for it.

I was talking about the lightning example. Rape isn't lightning.

And I don't think blame and deservedness are always the same.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Not sure that the consequences can be broken off like that. :idunno:

i know, and i also know that a lot of my reluctance is due to the societal conditioning of 55 years

That is something I am not up to speed on, nor do I believe that it has anything to do with the current war being waged on this board. You go ahead and do what you feel is right going forward, I am going back to the politics forum and I don't intend to comment on this subject matter further, I don't see any fruit being borne from it. Happy Thanksgiving...

thanks rocketdude - always good to see you here

and VOTE CARSON! :banana:

They blame you, of course, and you deserve some of that blame. You were horrible to Town.

i have been and he's deserved it (earned it by his actions) - a lot of our dynamic goes back years before you showed up

but i've had an epiphany about him lately that explains an awful lot of his behavior that has always puzzled me - not sure it would be appropriate to share (certainly not here in the middle of all this drama) and i'm still chewing on it - but the pieces of the puzzle have been falling into place


Well-known member
i have been and he's deserved it (earned it by his actions) - a lot of our dynamic goes back years before you showed up

but i've had an epiphany about him lately that explains an awful lot of his behavior that has always puzzled me - not sure it would be appropriate to share (certainly not here in the middle of all this drama) and i'm still chewing on it - but the pieces of the puzzle have been falling into place

At least you're willing to look at the situation. It's more than I can say for many on this site. If donkeying down on stupid was a contest here, we'd be hard pressed to pick a winner.


New member
At least you're willing to look at the situation. It's more than I can say for many on this site. If donkeying down on stupid was a contest here, we'd be hard pressed to pick a winner.

What others see as an unpleasant comment, I see as a clear picture of the reality here. Donkeying down on stupid could be viewed as unpleasant and the guilty parties would naturally take offense.


Well-known member
It is your blithe entitledness to make these kinds of comments that makes you so very unpleasant.

And it's your blithe "entitledness" to not only make such general comments, as I did, but those about me, and to me. You're entitled to speak every vile, putrid, and nasty comment that pops into that spiteful brain of yours.....that's what make you so very unpleasant. :thumb:


New member
And it's your blithe "entitledness" to not only make such general comments, as I did, but those about me, and to me. You're entitled to speak every vile, putrid, and nasty comment that pops into that spiteful brain of yours.....that's what make you so very unpleasant. :thumb:

You are not very original.
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