On Deservedness

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes, lots of things have warnings and risks. Doesn't mean that you deserve what happens to you. There are risks to going outside in a storm. If you do and get struck by lightning, is that deserved?

Yes. Just because risks exist doesn't mean you deserve the consequences. There is a risk of falling when rock-climbing. Do those who fall deserve it?

What's your definition of 'deserve'?

Definition of DESERVE
transitive verb
: to be worthy of : merit <deserves another chance>
: to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital <have become recognized as they deserve — T. S. Eliot>
: to have earned because of some act or quality

I wouldn't use that language over a DUI driver having a crash or a promiscuous person getting an STD. Maybe you would.

I think part of what you're getting at is whether or not the person is worthy of sympathy. If someone drives drunk and crashes that person might not garner much sympathy, but I still wouldn't say they deserved to crash.

to have earned because of some act



New member
Hall of Fame
If you get struck by lightning after going out into a storm, you deserve some blame for it...
If you're going to assign blame then the person is 100% to blame. Who else could even potentially get it? :idunno: But I wouldn't say they deserve to be struck by lightning.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If you're going to assign blame then the person is 100% to blame. Who else could even potentially get it? :idunno: But I wouldn't say they deserve to be struck by lightning.

i was chewing on this last night

i would say that they deserved to get struck by lightning

i would not say that they deserved the consequences of getting struck by lightning - death, permanent disability, etc

still chewing on it :chew:


New member
i see this with artie all the time

"you said A, so you must have meant B and that means C*"

* C=
1. you're a racist
2. you're a misogynist
3. you're a rapist apologizer

over and over and over and over....
Isn't it lovely to have your words picked over and have their meaning decided for you?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
likewise, I would say that certain circumstances exist in which a woman deserves to be raped, in that she had earned it by her actions

but i would hesitate to say that she deserves the emotional and psychological effects that might come with it

still chewing :chew:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Divisiveness among Christians would be bad. Do you see that here? I see non Christians versus Doser, angel, GD, GO , Ebenz. Tambora is the odd one out and she has sided with non Christians on this one as a result of being a victim herself. They should have left her alone but Doser wasn't the only one to blame there.

I disagree, I think all have taken hard sides on this, refuse to listen to others at all, even though both have some valid points...it is an argument not a discussion. That is why I will not get caught in the crossfire of a bunch of angry people exchanging fire at each other, it is pointless.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I disagree, I think all have taken hard sides on this, refuse to listen to others at all, even though both have some valid points...it is an argument not a discussion. That is why I will not get caught in the crossfire of a bunch of angry people exchanging fire at each other, it is pointless.

i'm not angry :idunno:

i find it enlightening


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
saves me a lot of work, trying to figure out what i had meant :thumb:

Cmon dude! you start a thread titled "Deservedness" meaning "deserved it", "had it coming to ya", "your fault" and you expect that not to get interpreted just as you wrote it? Again, where are you going with this?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Cmon dude! you start a thread titled "Deservedness" meaning "deserved it", "had it coming to ya", "your fault" and you expect that not to get interpreted just as you wrote it? Again, where are you going with this?

well, just as I would answer "yes" to all the scenarios in the OP, i believe that in some cases the rape victim has earned it by her (or his) actions


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
i'm not angry :idunno:

i find it enlightening

No, at this point I just think you are finding some enjoyment in watching the fireworks of people tearing each other apart...the cleanup after the show could be a problem for you though.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, at this point I just think you are finding some enjoyment in watching the fireworks of people tearing each other apart...the cleanup after the show could be a problem for you though.

meh :idunno:

this always happens when town's off sulking


Well-known member


It's what I saw. From the very moment I dared to say the only scenario I could find where the victim had some fault of HER OWN was the stripper at a frat party. Even then I made it clear the rapist had his OWN fault and guilt. I even told you then that we weren't as far apart as you might think.

BECAUSE you all have since admitted that there are consequences for one's own behavior. Then the muddying of the waters began in earnest.


New member
Hall of Fame
i was chewing on this last night

i would say that they deserved to get struck by lightning

i would not say that they deserved the consequences of getting struck by lightning - death, permanent disability, etc

still chewing on it :chew:

Not sure that the consequences can be broken off like that. :idunno:


Hall of Fame

justly or rightly earned; merited:

What has been said and agreed with by some (who know who they are) is that rape victims deserve to get raped.

Now, it will be claimed "only some rape victims" deserve to be raped.

Again, no mention of the RAPISTS pretty well indicates that those who put ALL of their energy into lashing out at rape victims sympathize and applaud the rapists.

Those same rapists are the ones who will become more bold and rape anyone in their path. Women, children, senior citizen, toddlers.

By this line of reasoning (which I do not endorse), a child who talks to a stranger deserves whatever happens to them.

A man who isn't aware that he has a flat and drives anyways, deserves to die in a head-on collision.

Men who are hanging out in in public spots hoping to pick up on women deserves to be drugged, robbed, beaten ... and anything else that happens to them.

A homeowner who forgets to lock a window or door, deserves whatever happens to them should someone break in.

That pretty much defines deservedness if the standard was consistent.

However, it isn't. Rape has been specifically singled out because MOST of the victims are women. To tell a man no would indicate that women actually have the authority to rule over a man in regards to her OWN body insofar as the choice to refuse sex.

No one is protesting to men and women making responsible choices, but rather the glee a few have taken in the effort to spit on victims.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
look at who's confronting me

anna bybee artie rusha zoo

anna and bybee have already explicitly blamed me for his leaving

That is something I am not up to speed on, nor do I believe that it has anything to do with the current war being waged on this board. You go ahead and do what you feel is right going forward, I am going back to the politics forum and I don't intend to comment on this subject matter further, I don't see any fruit being borne from it. Happy Thanksgiving...


Well-known member
look at who's confronting me

anna bybee artie rusha zoo

anna and bybee have already explicitly blamed me for his leaving

They blame you, of course, and you deserve some of that blame. You were horrible to Town. I'm pretty sure I've made that clear to you before this "rape" issue even came up. But, that gives them no excuse for this fiasco that has ensued. Knight even came on and commented how we used to be able to have discussions without all this drama.

You have made some excellent points (unlike your "coward" thread), and I made the mistake of agreeing with those point.

If I'd have jumped on the old "blame Res" bankwagon, I'd be sitting in tall cotton getting the high five from all those who now count me a despicable cold-hearted poor excuse for a woman.

It's a good thing this isn't my first rodeo. I might be a bit upset. ;)
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