On Deservedness

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New member
Hall of Fame

Because there is no direct link between unprotected sex and AIDS or driving drunk and crashing.

There is a direct link between driving drunk and molesting children and their legal punishment. We have laws and have written those things into the code. If you break a law then you deserve the punishment.

Driving drunk doesn't make you deserve crashing. Having unprotected sex doesn't mean you deserve to get an STD.

If someone molests a child do they deserve to be punished? Yes.
Do they deserve to be killed by the child's father? No.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Doser are you playing truth or consequences yet again... ad nauseam? At this point I don't believe you are after honest discussion on controversial issues but, more to stir up more divisive crap on the board, pit members against members, to create strife & division...not cool at all, and to what end? You really need to take inventory on what your own motives are here, what you are doing is not right, nor is it even remotely Christian.

Prov. 6:12 ¶ A worthless person, a man of iniquity,
Is he who walks with a perverse mouth;
Prov. 6:13 Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet,
Who motions with his fingers;
Prov. 6:14 In whose heart is perverseness,
Who devises evil continually,
Who always sows discord.
Prov. 6:15 Therefore his calamity will come suddenly.
He will be broken suddenly, and that without remedy.

Prov. 6:16 ¶ There are six things which Yahweh hates;
Yes, seven which are an abomination to him:
Prov. 6:17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood;
Prov. 6:18 A heart that devises wicked schemes,
Feet that are swift in running to mischief,
Prov. 6:19 A false witness who utters lies,
And he who sows discord among brothers.
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Hall of Fame
Doser are you playing truth or consequences yet again... ad nauseam? At this point I don't believe you are after honest discussion on controversial issues but, more to stir up more divisive crap on the board, pit members against members, to create strife & division...not cool at all, and to what end? You really need to take inventory on what your own motives are here, what you are doing is not right, nor is it even remotely Christian.

Nailed it.


New member
Doser are you playing truth or consequences yet again... ad nauseam? At this point I don't believe you are after honest discussion on controversial issues but, more to stir up more divisive crap on the board, pit members against members, to create strife & division...not cool at all, and to what end? You really need to take inventory on what your own motives are here, what you are doing is not right, nor is it even remotely Christian.

Prov. 6:12 ¶ A worthless person, a man of iniquity,
Is he who walks with a perverse mouth;
Prov. 6:13 Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet,
Who motions with his fingers;
Prov. 6:14 In whose heart is perverseness,
Who devises evil continually,
Who always sows discord.
Prov. 6:15 Therefore his calamity will come suddenly.
He will be broken suddenly, and that without remedy.

Prov. 6:16 ¶ There are six things which Yahweh hates;
Yes, seven which are an abomination to him:
Prov. 6:17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood;
Prov. 6:18 A heart that devises wicked schemes,
Feet that are swift in running to mischief,
Prov. 6:19 A false witness who utters lies,
And he who sows discord among brothers.

He has a history here. Has he ever done anything different?


New member
Doser are you playing truth or consequences yet again... ad nauseam? At this point I don't believe you are after honest discussion on controversial issues but, more to stir up more divisive crap on the board, pit members against members, to create strife & division...not cool at all, and to what end? You really need to take inventory on what your own motives are here, what you are doing is not right, nor is it even remotely Christian.
We don't agree often, but this is a great post.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Because there is no direct link between unprotected sex and AIDS or driving drunk and crashing.

first of all, that was assumed to be covered in the "warnings and risks" parts in the OP

secondly - are you kidding me?

kids get taught from ten grade health class on that unprotected sex is a sure path to getting STDs, including AIDS

and what drivers ed class were you in that didn't show you the horrific crash scenes that you could expect to be part of if you chose to drink and drive?


Driving drunk doesn't make you deserve crashing. Having unprotected sex doesn't mean you deserve to get an STD.

even if you know it's a strong possibility and choose to do it anyways?

If someone molests a child do they deserve to be punished? Yes.
Do they deserve to be killed by the child's father? No.

why not?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Doser are you playing truth or consequences yet again... ad nauseam?

anna started it, when she took exception to something I said on a thread about the morality of aborting pregnancies due to rape

i explain it here: http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4527049&postcount=12

i have been absolutely staggered by the responses of many here - i expected nothing but contention from bybee, anna, rusha, artie, zoo - the sycophants - but i have been amazed by others here

and i'm a little curious why you don't address bybee's starting threads attacking me for raising questions that others find difficult - 3 so far

and as far as "And he who sows discord among brothers", i don't consider bybee, anna, rusha, artie, zoo to be brothers (or sisters)


New member
anna started it, when she took exception to something I said on a thread about the morality of aborting pregnanccies due to rape

i explain it here: http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4527049&postcount=12

i have been absolutely staggered by the responses of many here - i expected nothing but contention from bybee, anna, rusha, artie, zoo - the sycophants - but i have been amazed by others here

Every post you make is deliberately calculated to cause strife. You carefully plant the seeds of derision and scorn into the path of decent people. You are so riddled with envy of better men and women that you work unceasingly to bring them down. You muddy the waters with your lame scenarios always meant to show that there are no victims, just stupid lascivious women trying to blame men for whatever happens.
You are a low life rube determined to proved that your gutter morals are justified and even admirable.
Just sitting on a bar stool waiting for some foolish female to enter.


New member
Every post you make is deliberately calculated to cause strife. You carefully plant the seeds of derision and scorn into the path of decent people. You are so riddled with envy of better men and women that you work unceasingly to bring them down. You muddy the waters with your lame scenarios always meant to show that there are no victims, just stupid lascivious women trying to blame men for whatever happens.
You are a low life rube determined to proved that your gutter morals are justified and even admirable.
Just sitting on a bar stool waiting for some foolish female to enter.
Another great post, well done. :up:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... decent people.

you're not a decent person bybee :nono:

you're a hate-filled shrew

who has said some absolutely atrocious things about glory and angel

i don't care what you say about me - never have

but you owe them a huge apology


Well-known member
Doser are you playing truth or consequences yet again... ad nauseam? At this point I don't believe you are after honest discussion on controversial issues but, more to stir up more divisive crap on the board, pit members against members, to create strife & division...not cool at all, and to what end? You really need to take inventory on what your own motives are here, what you are doing is not right, nor is it even remotely Christian.

I don't think Doser deserves ALL THE BLAME on this one. The women and libs CHOSE to engage. He didn't force them. They act like they've been raped and Doser did the raping while I held them down. In truth, it wouldn't have mattered who brought it up. The women's movement has been so successful drilling this idea that women cannot share in any blame where rape is concerned that it's become impossible to undrill what's been so well drilled in.

Notice how Angel didn't over-react? If anyone has a reason to stand up for INNOCENT victims, it would be Angel. She lost more than rape victims have, and yet she was able to see clearly what Doser was saying. The reason it's gone on so long and has gotten so dirty, is the women, who are so emotionally invested, have gone to the mat on it. They have hurled the invectives and gone on personal attacks...and they won't even accept responsibility for doing that. I see they are still making excuses. It's been quite telling, and I'm glad Doser brought it to the fore. No use pretending, and no point in turning Doser into the only one with any GUILT. There is always enough of that to go around.


New member
you're not a decent person bybee :nono:

you're a hate-filled shrew

who has said some absolutely atrocious things about glory and angel

i don't care what you say about me - never have

but you owe them a huge apology

Why don't you leave? None of this divisiveness would have occurred had you not started it and fanned the flames? A4T doesn't need an apology from me. No matter what happens I respect her.
Gorydaze also doesn't need an apology from me because she is never wrong.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why don't you leave? None of this divisiveness would have occurred had you not started it and fanned the flames? A4T doesn't need an apology from me. No matter what happens I respect her.
Gorydaze also doesn't need an apology from me because she is never wrong.

typical scumbag liberal - always trying to shift the blame

anna started it, when she took exception to a statement i made in another thread, in another context


kinda like you
and artie
and zoo
and rusha
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