On Deservedness

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New member
here - i'll say it

a woman ever deserves to have her body raped for any reason at all


maybe i'll add it to my signature line
I know you'll say it. You repeatedly say it. And no I'm not happy because the thought of a woman, any woman or any person for that matter being raped for any reason at all does not make me happy. I find you extremely offensive and your behavior here very destructive to the members of this forum.


Well-known member
She never said that, she never even suggested that God returns sin for sin, you implied that she said that and then ran with it.

Thank you, Angel.

God most certainly allows people to suffer consequences of their poor decisions day after day along with their free will, which those without faith will certainly use to their advantage, when given the opportunity.

His word warns us all the time of things that can happen as a result of our own choices AND warns us of how those without faith will act - examples all over scripture.

Allowing and causing are not the same things.

Clear as day. I'm not sure why this is so difficult to understand.


New member
I know you'll say it. You repeatedly say it. And no I'm not happy because the thought of a woman, any woman or any person for that matter being raped for any reason at all does not make me happy. I find you extremely offensive and your behavior here very destructive to the members of this forum.

Amen Sister! He has his followers and they are very supportive of him and each other as they twist, malign and make huge leaps to faulty conclusions.


New member
because certain posters here want to nail something to the wall so they can forever refer to it

Certain posters here are censors of free speech. They want their dogma protected and one method they use to make that happen is to 1. Smear there opponents 2. Use slimy tactics to get their opponents banned. 3. Get them nailed on a quote that they can forever smear them with whenever their opponents legitimacy gets too great in the eyes of too many people.

Its an excellent field manual for silencing your opponents.


Well-known member
but I think whenever God allows us to suffer for bad behavior, we deserve it. What He has done is give us free will, and our suffering the consequence of our bad behavior is one of the most effect tools He has set up to get us to turn to Him, both before and after we're saved.

Let's just flat out ask point blank.

Do think a woman EVER deserves to have her body raped for any reason at all?

I don't know how much clearer I can make it. You don't have to like it, and you don't have to agree. So, YES, if God allows her to suffer for her bad behavior she deserves it. The purpose for suffering for our bad behavior is to learn to not do that bad behavior anymore. Simple common sense. God uses it because it works.

I'll repeat....I think whenever God allows us to suffer for bad behavior, we deserve it.

I'll go one better, I think God also allows us to suffer when we don't deserve it....for other purposes entirely, so that we will grow stronger. How many people have suffered horrible things while totally innocent, who have gone on to help others in amazing ways that they would never have been able to do had they not gone through what they did? God has purposes for our suffering.

Romans 5:3-4
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope:​

As humans, we are prone to see every bad thing as something that should never happen. Humanists, especially, are prone to thinking that, and believers get attacked for seeming to be "hard hearted", or too accepting, when in fact, they are trusting the Lord knows what He is doing...concerning what He allows in our lives. I'm not one to think suffering is random and unseen by God. In the same way I think God hears and answers our prayers.


Well-known member
I know you'll say it. You repeatedly say it. And no I'm not happy because the thought of a woman, any woman or any person for that matter being raped for any reason at all does not make me happy. I find you extremely offensive and your behavior here very destructive to the members of this forum.

Spoken like every other humanist on this planet. I don't like it so it must be wrong. I'm not happy when people have to suffer whether they do wrong or not. Then the next one has his own opinion, different verse, and the next one has his own opinion and on and on.

There is a wrong and there is a right and pretending those who do wrong don't deserve any consequences is humanistic thinking. Man doesn't deserve to go to hell. Man doesn't deserve to suffer for what he does.

Man thinks he DESERVES food whether he works or not. Different verse same as the first. :chuckle:


New member
Certain posters here are censors of free speech. They want their dogma protected and one method they use to make that happen is to 1. Smear there opponents 2. Use slimy tactics to get their opponents banned. 3. Get them nailed on a quote that they can forever smear them with whenever their opponents legitimacy gets too great in the eyes of too many people.

Its an excellent field manual for silencing your opponents.

I haven't noticed any silence?


Well-known member
i don't know what i believe anymore :dizzy:

good thing i have so many people ready to help me out and tell me, eh? :banana:

It's just a question of right and wrong....not what they think is right and wrong or what we think is right and wrong, but what God says is right and wrong. And there are always consequences....whether that's admitted or not.

I thought about this topic today when I heard Rubio say our business taxes are so high that we "invite" businesses to leave the country. We aren't exactly saying, "Please take your business overseas". When a woman strips for men, she is inviting them to take what she's showing them. Whether she thinks or admits it to be so or not....and whether the government thinks those high taxes are inviting business to leave or not....it's a consequence that can result because of certain actions. And I really don't care if people like it or not. If no one stands up to this group think, the group will never even try to rethink.


New member
Spoken like every other humanist on this planet. I don't like it so it must be wrong. I'm not happy when people have to suffer whether they do wrong or not. Then the next one has his own opinion, different verse, and the next one has his own opinion and on and on.

There is a wrong and there is a right and pretending those who do wrong don't deserve any consequences is humanistic thinking. Man doesn't deserve to go to hell. Man doesn't deserve to suffer for what he does.

Man thinks he DESERVES food whether he works or not. Different verse same as the first. :chuckle:
No one deserves to be a victim of a crime. Now you might think that rape isn't a crime or a big deal and just a "breeze" but it is NOT. It is a crime just like murder. I don't support the idea of people being deserving of being victims of a crime. You can just go ahead and call me a humanist all you want to.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I know exactly what you said. Should I quote it for you AGAIN?

i believe the latest version is "all women deserve to get raped all the time for any or no reason whatsoever"


eta: almost forgot "...and the rapist gets off scott free"
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