More leftist hypocrisy, nicely illustrated


New member
I've told you that. Because an actual objective authority determined that consciousness doesn't occur until 22 weeks. I've told you this three times now. I also told you that I'm my scenario, the pregnant woman isnt "forced" to keep her child unless she knowingly goes 16+ weeks without getting the job done. It's called a deadline. If you're not familiar with them, you should be

Your emotion is not objective. My emotion is not objective. Objectivity is necessary when making decisions

Do not confuse your distaste with my opinion for an unanswered question. That's dishonest

I think you meant that at about 22 weeks a fetus's brain becomes active not that the fetus becomes conscious.

I also think glassjester knows that you didn't mean the fetus becomes conscious but by harping on that word he can avoid the point you made.

john w

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Yes, I reject parts of a book that encourages genocide, says Earth is flat and 6000 years old, and has laws designed for a primitive societal world with 80% fewer people on it.

1. Translated: Humanism.I cannot understand many parts of the bible. What I do not understand, with my teenie bob brain, I will not believe.I cannot believe there earth is flat(PS: Most Christians do not-but it is irrelevant to your grade school "argument"); therefore, it is not. That is how atheists dismiss the concept of hell. You talk like them-they talk like you. You thus dismiss, on record, the concept of "science," as most do not understand most of it, including you, and there is no consensus amongst the scientific community on a myriad of topics.

Another humanist exposed-on record.

2. The bible is all true, or none of it, punk-it does not, by its own testimony, give you that option.

3. You made this "encourages genocide." Do not confuse your lack of comprehension, due to 1that 1 Cor. 2:14 KJV, 2 Cor. 4:4 KJV ditch you are in, and your misinterpretation for what the greatest book asserts.

Dig, Dora? Good.

The fact that you accept all of that undermines your feelings that you are intelligent.


Emotional plea, and making things up. Prove, with quotes, that you know what I believe.

I thought so, devil boy.
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john w

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1. "Little ones" is a term reserved for living human children, not unconscious and unfeeling collections of cells.

Made up-In God's eyes-"babe...little ones."

Science (a much better authority on birth and consciousness than a book written by shepherds)...

Made up. Scores of examples, devil boy, where the scientific community asserted that, scientifically, a scientific assertion by the book, was thought to be false, but later, turned out to be true.

1. Prove shepherds wrote the book.

2. Irrelevant.

3. A devil boy wrote your "posts." Therefore, we can dismiss all of what you "write/post." See how that works?

4. Slave owners, slave proponents, wrote the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution.....Therefore, you, on record, reject them. See how that works, Dora?

has best determined the point of consciousness to occur at about 22 weeks.

And? They are wrong, as they are wrong on many issues. The book is right.

You:Science has best determined that Pluto is a planet, there are no fountains in the deep/ocean......




The post-grunge hipster flannel, skanky tats and Palestinian death scarf are a nice touch, don't you think?


Cute cartoon musterion. When you say that liberals are "pro choice", are you talking specifically about abortion or is it about the freedom to do with one's body as they please? (i.e. the right to privacy).

If it's the latter (and it is), couldn't it be said that Libertarians feel that way as well, hence making them "leftists" too?

john w

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2. Both sides of my family immigrated here in the 20th century. There's no slavery in my background.

What a mess. Been drinking a little Jack Daniels? Slower: You/others, attempt to justify the slaughter of little ones/babes, for economic reasons. Economic reasons, is one of the arguments the South used to justify keeping in place the laws re. slavery.

I know that is quite deep, Scarecrow-try growing a brain.

Can you dig it?

I noticed something in your post? Did you? You answered none of my questions. I suggest you take that massive, genius brain of yours and learn how to hold a two-way conversation

1. I noticed you continue to side step, devil boy, my request to answer:

Chapter, verse, where I am required to answer any/all questions, especially from admitted Christ rejecting, God rejecting, children of the devil, such as yourself.

I thought so-As quiet as a turkey farm, on Thanksgiving Day.

2. Prove that you answer all questions on TOL, and all of your life.

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john w

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It's not perfect because dogs can't get abortions. What they have instead is neutering. That does the same job: eliminating unwanted offspring.


There you go.....Cousin It supports eliminating little ones/babes, since it may put emotional/physical burdens on a mother, or that future person is deemed "unwanted" by the mother.

By that "argument," can we "eliminate" you, anyone we want, whom we deem "unwanted?" You are unwanted by me, on TOL, and on this graveyard, referred to as "earth." Do you prefer a bee bee gun shot to the head, a few times, or one shot, by a rifle?

Are you a Nazi? You talk like them-they talk like you-"same job...eliminating unwanted."

Well, Colonel Klink?

john w

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Abraham and Moses were shepherds, as was about 90 % of the rural world at the time. I'd suggest a quick religion or history course if you want confirmation

1.Prove Abraham wrote any of the scripture. Prove any of the other "writers" of the book, such as Paul, Peter, .........................were shepherds.

2. The LORD God is the author of the book, devil boy.

john w

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How about Devil Boy takes a shot at it?

Do you really think they had any understanding of when a ball of cells becomes a child 3000 years ago? The didn't even know what cells were until 200 or so years ago.

Even if they did, was there even a word for "fetus" at the time? I doubt that

Did our hero address the scripture? Nope-diversion, present a moving target, rabbit trail, and, "Well, uh, urr..."

Luke 1 KJV

41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: 42 and she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. 43 And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears,the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

You cannot spin this away, craftily dismiss it.

You missed it-the LORD God, the same LORD God who will send you packing, via your one way "All smokers welcome on this flight," is the author of "the volume of the book."

It is written.....

Memorize that.
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Actually, my determination is based on the objective authority of science. What objective authority did you base your opinion on?
Life begins at conception. You would have to refute that well established fact to even begin to make an argument for abortion not being murder.

Sent from my Pixel XL using TheologyOnline mobile app

john w

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Not clear what you're asking for here attention...

2. Quite irrelevant. He is on record-the Constitution is not valid-written how long ago, by many slave owners?"

Slower-you argued against the bible, because it was "written" so long ago, by shepherds....

I'm not basing my abortion opinions on a 4000 year old manuscript written by shepherds.

Fine. Throw out the US Constitution, by that argument. It was written long ago, by slave owners/proponents, many who slept around.And throw out the books written about Caesar, the books written by Shakespeare.

You can't be this dumb, Lamont.

3. Prove Washington existed. Seen him? Heard him? Touched him? Smelled him? Examined his remains? All you have, as your "proof," is what historians, who were probably drunk, wrote about him, 200+ years ago, lost one."

We have all sorts of papers about Washington's estates and the slaves he owned. We have corroboration of his existence from tens of not hundreds of firsthand sources.

The dummy does not even know his own argument. He asserts that the bible is false, because....

I'm not basing my abortion opinions on a 4000 year old manuscript written by shepherds.

So, the only evidence you have for Washington having existed is old writings, manuscripts,"papers about Washington's estates.... from tens of not hundreds of firsthand sources," from fallible human beings, as you have never seen him/touched him/smelled him/ heard him/tasted him(empirical data science employs), nor have you examined his remains. You rely on what was written, by others, as evidence, their testimony, but you do not afford Christians to employ that same standard of evidence, i.e., the bible-papers/written/first hand sources.

Which means that you are also a whited wall/hypocrite. Which side of your face do you want slapped?

That being said, I absolutely think Jesus existed too. They might've found his tomb recently. You missed the point.

Quite irrelevant to your argument,Lamont, which is that the bible is false, because...

I'm not basing my abortion opinions on a 4000 year old manuscript written by shepherds.

The only reason you prefer Christianity to Islam or any other religion is that you were born into it. You have no actual basis as to why Christianity is correct and Islam isn't.

1. How would you know I was "born into it?" More "IMO," eh, Opra? That is slick.
2. Made up-I was "born" into Catholicism, the opposite of Christianity.

"You have no actual basis as to why Christianity is correct and Islam isn't.

3. Made up-the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, Mohammed is dead. There is more evidence for the resurrection, than the existence of Caesar.
Once again, your self-perceived level of intelligence let's you down

Another stumping cliché. Weighty.

What are your thoughts on forensics? Can a crime be solved if no one was there to witness it?

What are your thoughts on Sponge Bob, "Quincy, ME?" I stay on topic, as your question is quite irrelevant to your argument, of.....

I'm not basing my abortion opinions on a 4000 year old manuscript written by shepherds.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame

We'll chock that up as another dodge by you. Shocking

Bing that cliché? Again-do not confuse your stupidity, lack of understanding, Lamont, with any alleged "dodge" on my part.

And according to Islam, Jesus never died but was sucked up to Paradise while a dummy body was left on the cross.

And? More opinions, eh, Lamont. According to the Mormons, God/"god" lives on other planets, and has many wives, and, according to some, you have a brain. And?

Evidence does not even cross your dummy mind,in employing your methodology of presenting an argument(reasons for a conclusion.) Why is that, Lamont?

You keep dodging.

Oh. Stumped again.

How can you prove that Christianity is correct? Well educated Muslims all over the world think it's laughable/blasphemous to believe that a man could be both God and God's son. They say that doesn't make any sense. Why is your way better than theirs?
The resurrection. There is more evidence for it, than most historical events that you/most accept at face value as having happened.

Of course, you won't examine, objectively, the evidence, since you are too emotional, much less look at the evidence, due to 2 Cor. 4:4 KJV, 1 Cor. 2:14 KJV.

Poor dummy.

They say that doesn't make any sense.

1. I corrected it for you:"They say that doesn't make any sense to them."

No charge.

2. More humanism, i.e., What I do not understand, I will not believe, and it is therefore false.

3. You understand everything, everything makes sense to you, does it Lamont?

"ye shall be as gods..."-survey Genesis
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Is this a human?

is this?


how about this?


is this a human?


how about this?


my answer is that they all are

i suspect you would exclude the first

can you explain what is different about the pic you posted - what is lacking there that is present in the four i posted?


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