More from Obama's "If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide" department


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Did you see the emails Trump Jr. posted to Twitter? Is that fake news too?

That kid takes after his dad. By which I mean, he's really dumb. Really, really dumb. And he's caught, and he knows it. He practically confessed to treason on Twitter.

You've gone off the deep end Rex. Go look up Treason and them get back to us.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We EXECUTED the Rosenbergs and we didn't even try to prove treason there.


You've gone off the deep end Rex. Go look up Treason and them get back to us.

Not sure it is treason. But it is really stupid and shows the incompetence of this administration.
You know, probably a good idea if Jr. was getting dirt on a business competitor but guess what, sports fans, despite what the crazed right would like you to believe, government is not the same as business. Putting someone with only a business background in charge of your government is not the best idea in the world. Nether Donald nor the little Trumpets, nor many of his best buddies (all those rich white guys who like to hang out and play golf) have any qualifications to run this country.

The Donald is in it for himself an his brand. He has limited knowledge of history, of science, of religion, or of American culture and doesn't care unless he can feed his narcissism and piggishness.