More from Obama's "If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide" department

Mocking You

New member
Why do you not want voter rolls purged of illegal voters?

Nice try to slime me. When did I say I didn't want voter rolls certified? It's NOT the job of the federal government to do it. It's the job of the individual states. I'm assuming most states do a good job of it. Citizens need to demand that their state's secretary of state investigate their voter rolls and fix them if needed.

I thought conservatives were for limiting the power of the federal government? I thought conservatives were for state's rights? 10th amendment people. Are you a conservative, Musterion?


Well-known member
[FONT=&quot]President Trump appointed the commission after a Pew study revealed 2 million dead people were on voter rolls and 3 million were eligible to vote in multiple states. Democrats have labeled it a witch hunt, but the Trump administration has claimed millions of people who are not citizens may have voted in the 2016 election.


My rights as a citizen are violated when my vote can be cancelled out by someone who cannot legally vote or who is dead. If states will not address that criminality against us, then I welcome any presidential administration trying to do so even if it were Democrat (as if).[/FONT]


Well-known member
@Mocking You,

Apparently this is the letter the commission sent out...[2].pdf

Note very carefully the following phrase:

In addition, in order for the Commission to fully analyze vulnerabilities and issues related to
voter registration and voting, I am requesting that you provide to the Commission the publicly available
voter roll data for Maine, including, if publicly available under the laws of your state,
the full first and last names of all registrants, middle names or initials if available, addresses,
dates of birth, political party (if recorded in your state), last four digits of social security number if available...(etc)...

If this is the actual letter, then so much for the fake news of a Trump executive order demanding the states provide this information regardless of what a state's laws said.
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Mocking You

New member
@Mocking You,

Apparently this is the letter the commission sent out...[2].pdf

Note very carefully the following phrase:

If this is the actual letter, then so much for the fake news of a Trump executive order demanding the states provide this information regardless of what a state's laws said.

Please go back through this thread and find where I, or anyone else, or any news story used the word DEMAND with regards to Trump and this data.


Must suck living in bizarro libtard world, where nothing goes your way :rotfl:

(1) "bizarro libtard world" vs Donald Trump Jr. = Trump Jr. forced to release incriminating emails

(2) "bizarro libtard world" vs Trump's Committee on Voter Fraud = 45 states have refused to comply, the Committee now has backed down on its demands

(3) "bizarro libtard world" vs GOP Healthcare Bill = bill written and rewritten in secret is now on life support

(4) "bizarro libtard world" vs Trump's Cyberhacking cooperation with he Russians = Trump forced to back down



"bizarro libtard world" = 4

Trumpworld = 0


No crime - no collusion - nothing to see here
Donaold Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Mannafort, all senior members in the Trump Campaign, demonstrated a willingness to conspire with a hostile foreign power to influence the 2015 Presidential Election!

If that had been Hillary Clinton, we all know that "Patrick jane" would already be demanding her impeachment!


No crime - no collusion - nothing to see here

Donald Trump Jr has just hired Alan Futerfas as his personal attorney, a Miami-born top mob defence lawyer who represented mob captain Anthony Russo.

The Trump family has long been compared to operating as a Mafia style organization that considers itself to be above the law - this is just another example!


Sorry, Trump can't be touched
Are we to believe that Trump's son, son-in-law and campaign manager would hold a meeting with a Russian lawyer in Trump Towers, offering to provide negative information on Hillary Clinton to influence the 2016 Election, and not bother to inform the "boss?"

Of course "The Donald" can continue to deny any personal contacts with the Russians - until The New York Times and/or The Washington Post expose the next "smoking gun!"

patrick jane

Are we to believe that Trump's son, son-in-law and campaign manger would hold a meeting with a Russian lawyer, offering to provide negative information on Hillary Clinton to influence the 2016 Election, and not bother to inform the "boss?"
Trump is in the clear, he's Golden


Trump is in the clear, he's Golden
Today, the New York Times made Donald Trump Jr. and his mob lawyer blink - Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Sr. are next!

Kushner is already facing a possible 5 years in prison for falsifying his security clearance paperwork - Standard Form 86!

General Michael Flynn is also facing the same penalty - which one will be first to roll over and make a deal with the Special Council to implicate the President in return for their testimony?


Trump is in the clear, he's Golden

Rob Goldstone is the person who sent Donald Jr. the original email during June 2016, offering to connect him with a Russian representative that had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton that could influence the Election.

Goldstone manages an entertainer whose father is a prominent Russian oligarch and was involved in "The Donald" bringing his "Miss Universe" Pageant to Moscow!


Well-known member
Rob Goldstone is the person who sent Donald Jr. the original email during June 2016, offering to connect him with a Russian representative that had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton that could influence the Election.

Goldstone manages an entertainer whose father is a prominent Russian oligarch and involved in "The Donald" bringing his "Miss Universe" Pageant to Moscow!

Fake news. Try again.

patrick jane

Rob Goldstone is the person who sent Donald Jr. the original email during June 2016, offering to connect him with a Russian representative that had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton that could influence the Election.

Goldstone manages an entertainer whose father is a prominent Russian oligarch and involved in "The Donald" bringing his "Miss Universe" Pageant to Moscow!
I'm just happy for you that you have something to cling to this summer. It's good to have dreams


New member
Fake news. Try again.

Did you see the emails Trump Jr. posted to Twitter? Is that fake news too?

That kid takes after his dad. By which I mean, he's really dumb. Really, really dumb. And he's caught, and he knows it. He practically confessed to treason on Twitter.