Moon Landing Hoax


New member
Sounds more like the Moon hoax believers. Their "theories" have been debunked for decades over and over and over. For some reason the idea that humans have walked on the Moon bothers them.

When I see shadows at all different angles cast by the sun, maybe I will consider NASA's BS. Untill then, their photos are fake.

The Berean

Well-known member
The globe model was proposed over 2,000 years ago but was not widely accepted by the public. The public started to believe in it after Newton.

In antiquity the vast majority of "the public" were illiterate and had no formal science education. The idea that the Earth was a spheroid in shape was accepted by educated people centuries before Isaac Newton was born.


New member
In antiquity the vast majority of "the public" were illiterate and had no formal science education. The idea that the Earth was a spheroid in shape was accepted by educated people centuries before Isaac Newton was born.

Big bang theory and evolution are accepted by educated people. You on board with that? They have all that proof.

The Berean

Well-known member
When I see shadows at all different angles cast by the sun, maybe I will consider NASA's BS. Untill then, their photos are fake.

There is something called topography that perfectly explains why the shadows are at different angles. I suspect this has been explained to you many times.

The Berean

Well-known member
Big bang theory and evolution are accepted by educated people. You on board with that? They have all that proof.

Big bang theory and evolution and having nothing to do with the Apollo missions. You sure like using misdirection don't you? :think:


New member
Big bang theory and evolution and having to do with the Apollo missions. You sure like using misdirection don't you? :think:

You're using what is generally accepted as some sort of proof. Earth is a ball because educated people say so. Moon landing happened because educated people say so. You must be on board with evolution and the big bang. Otherwise your faulty logic is doubly so.

The Berean

Well-known member
You're using what is generally accepted as some sort of proof. Earth is a ball because educated people say so. Moon landing happened because educated people say so. You must be on board with evolution and the big bang. Otherwise your faulty logic is doubly so.

No, not because educated people says. It because the evidence says so. We are talking about Apollo missions not the big bang theory nor evolution. I won't let you misdirect this discussion.


I posted this earlier.

The list keeps on getting bigger.

Few more additions.

You know you are on the right path when the opponent say things like this.

IMBECILES who still claim that the Moon landings were faked.

ignorant the hoaxers demonstrate to be with their idiotic "proofs"

The idiots exist, yes. About 6 percent

Lots of imbeciles abound

It's too bad we don't have natural selection anymore. Otherwise I guess these individuals will be eliminated from the gene pool really fast.

The only thing going in slow motion today seem to be your neurons.

hahahahaha, I want to meet you just to be able to laugh at your face.

stupid theory many times. It's a dumb conspiracy theory. Let someone like Rocketman tell you of the idiocy of it.

Mythbusters they really touch all the crap that has been put out there

your ignorance is duly noted

The conspiracy sites put up truckloads of manure.

It's because of their deep-seated jealousy that they have not contributed anything important to humanity and this makes them want to tear down what others have contributed.

Just a bunch of thankless, socially suicidal punk agitators with too much time on their hands.

Only in flying saucers controlled by the Zionists.

Evolutionists present babble (and moon-landing conspiracies)

yet another utter and complete FLAKE here on TOL...

I am getting quite a good laugh reading the absolute ignorance being posted here

no more stupid than what you have posited in this thread

The ignorance in this thread is astounding.

I wonder if Nimnoo thinks reentry is faked too.

Apparently you can not discuss Moon hoax theory without it.

We need to add CabinetMaker

Sites like this make me weep for the stupidity they reveal. They clearly reveal that America is no longer great enough to once again reach for the stars. We should hang our heads in shame that our educational system produces thus degree of stupidity.


Wing nuttery just keeps getting better:


The Berean

Well-known member
I stand by my words.

The ignorance in this thread is astounding.

I said this in regards to someone posting that there are no satellites in geosynchronous orbit. That is sheer and utter ignorance.


New member
I stand by my words.

The ignorance in this thread is astounding.

I said this in regards to someone posting that there are no satellites in geosynchronous orbit. That is sheer and utter ignorance.

I don't see why there can't be satellites. There probably are. The only reason we think there are is because government says so. I've never seen a satellite in orbit and neither have you. I don't think I've ever seen a video of a satellite being put into orbit. I don't see any major problems with satellites being real so I don't spend much time on it.

The Berean

Well-known member
I don't see why there can't be satellites. There probably are. The only reason we think there are is because government says so.

I design and build satellites. And all these satellite I have designed and built are commercial satellites with no connection to the government.

I've never seen a satellite in orbit and neither have you. I don't think I've ever seen a video of a satellite being put into orbit. I don't see any major problems with satellites being real so I don't spend much time on it.

Here's the deployment of recent satellite.



New member
I design and build satellites. And all these satellite I have designed and built are commercial satellites with no connection to the government.

Here's the deployment of recent satellite.


I don't have a problem with satellites. I don't see a reason why they can't be in space. But, as I said, I've yet to see a video of one being launched into space or however they do it aside from 2 second clips. I'd rather not get any further off track. I don't see satellites as relevant to any of this. I was just making an observation

Mocking You

New member
I've never seen a satellite in orbit and neither have you.

I have seen many satellites in orbit, many times. With my naked eye. Anyone can do so if they get away from the lights around the cities. If I were in the country I could likely see one right now.


New member
I don't see why there can't be satellites. There probably are. The only reason we think there are is because government says so.
You am to make this assumption about how we know things fairly often, why? This one is clearly wrong, as others have pointed out we can literally see them. Not to mention of we point a dish to the sky we can receive their signals. Oh and the nice days they give us. Oh and many (most?) satellites are owned by companies not countries.
I don't think I've ever seen a video of a satellite being put into orbit.
That has more to do with you not looking than them not existing.

I don't see any major problems with satellites being real so I don't spend much time on it.
And yet the behaviour of satellites in orbit is hard to explain without accepted modern physics.

The Berean

Well-known member
Say, did you ever get to do robotics for such mission studies?

I haven't myself. But my company was acquired by a Canadian robotics company called MDA back in 2013. MDA has a robotics design center in Pasadena, CA. They are in the process of moving this design center to Silicon Valley. MDA's plan is to do robotics work in Silicon Valley. MDA build the Space Shuttle's robotic arm.

The Berean

Well-known member
I saw the first artificial satellite. Sputnik I was easy to observe. You can see a lot of the others, if you know where to look.

Cool stuff Barbarian. :up:

Back in 2006 Wired magazine published an article about a group of folks who track top secret reconnaissance satellites. At that time I actually worked at Lockheed Martin Space Systems. I worked on classified programs. When this article was published there was an internal email sent to all the people in my group letting us know that were are not to comment publicly on anything that the article says. I was surprised how surprisingly accurate some of the information in the article was. :p