Moon Landing Hoax


Well-known member
If it fooled the public, it could easily fool the Russian government. All they know is the film. They see it and assume it is real. OR if they don't believe it, they can't say anything for fear that if it is real, America would know Russia is much further behind technologically. Therefore, they don't say Apollo is a hoax because they think that if it is real, they want America to believe that they could do it too. OR the American and Russian governments could have been in on it together, which is the theory I lean towards.

Further, why has Russia not landed on the moon? Why has no other country gone to the moon, and why hasn't America gone back since 1972?

1. What was the purpose of this hoax?
2. You believe in Jesus, and probably think that he is god, based on far far less evidence.

The Barbarian

If no one went to the moon, it would be hard to explain who set up the lunar ranging experiment on the moon. Anyone with an observatory and a suitable laser ranging device can access it.

Perhaps the evil space lizards are in on the conspiracy.


New member
If it fooled the public, it could easily fool the Russian government. All they know is the film.
False, the USSR had a very active space program of their own. They could pointed their radio telescopes at the moon and found that there was no footage being transmitted from there, or they could inspect the site with their own satellites and even a land mission. They would have also had all the technical knowledge to know whether the mission was possible or not.

To pretend that the USSR - at the time a massive, technologically advanced nation deeply suspicious of the USA - was the equivalent of some chump at home on a sofa is breathtakingly naive.
They see it and assume it is real.
Why would they? They had the technical knowledge and equipment to spot a fake. They had the motive to hope it was fake (imagine the headlines! "USSR humiliates America! Apollo landing proved hoax by Russian moon landing."

They'd get to be first AND humiliate the USA, the propaganda machine would have been running with it for decades.

OR if they don't believe it, they can't say anything for fear that if it is real, America would know Russia is much further behind technologically.
That doesn't follow.... they figured out the landings were fake which is evidence they are FURTHER behind in technology?!? Being able to do something is generally a sign of technology not lack of it....

Therefore, they don't say Apollo is a hoax because they think that if it is real, they want America to believe that they could do it too.
That doesn't make sense. They never did do it so no one believed they could (their Saturn V equivalent wasn't any good and once they lost the race they lost incentive to go at all). Besides they wouldn't be showing they were any further behind than the USA since they'd have shown the USA couldn't either (they'd really have shown up the Americans by then going too)

OR the American and Russian governments could have been in on it together, which is the theory I lean towards.
WHAT?!?!?!? Why would two arch enemies, fighting multiple proxy wars and trying to show each other up then collude to allow one of them to look like they've won something they haven't? Then knowing the lie wouldn't then betray the other and use that knowledge to disgrace them? What was in it for the ruskies?

So now we have a global international conspiracy, involving multiple countries including opposite sides of the Cold War who each want to nuke the other into oblivion, working together to fool people into thinking one has achieved an arbitrary milestone of considerable propaganda value? They couldn't have worked together to achieve something more meaningful/useful for the ruskies? What has kept them all quiet now that the iron curtain has been down for over two decades?

The problem you now have is that you have a conclusion that you are inventing explanations for as you go, you have no evidence for these explanations and obviously no intent to test them. It has become so fantastical that it is less believable than the alternative, they really did go.

Further, why has Russia not landed on the moon? Why has no other country gone to the moon, and why hasn't America gone back since 1972?
Because its an expensive boondoggle with no lasting economic benefit, little further scientific benefit and little propaganda benefit anymore. That said the Chinese might be going some time in the next decade or two, we'll see (to them it seems to still have some nationalistic posturing value, which is important for their current government).


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I am very curious about something and Chair already mentioned it. What is the purpose of this elaborate hoax? Why would so many nations spend so much money to fake going to space and the moon? What do they gain?

The Berean

Well-known member
A side note, though the USSR never sent people to the Moon they did land two rather large rovers (Lunokhod Program) on the Moon in the early 1970's.




Mocking You

New member
You don't know the Apollo footage is video. It was NOT shown live on TV. It was probably just film.

It was video. It was live. As a child I watched it.

You realize that going around saying the moon landing is a hoax, we've never been to the moon, etc. and then saying, "let me tell you about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ", it's not going to go well for advancing the kingdom of God. In other words, your witness is worthless.


New member
I am very curious about something and Chair already mentioned it. What is the purpose of this elaborate hoax? Why would so many nations spend so much money to fake going to space and the moon? What do they gain?

Good question. The most obvious is the profit motive. Trillions if dollars that won't actually be spent legitimately is the most superficial thing gained.

Next is to perpetuate the godless multiverse paradigm. They want us to think we are just another rock around just another star in just another galaxy that came into existence by chance. The next step is for them to claim they've found E.T. I wouldn't be surprised if they make this claim within the next couple of decades.

And third, there could be more land. If the accepted earth model is not true, it is possible that there is more land being hidden that the rich and powerful have control of. I think this one is unlikely, but possible.

There's plenty of reason to deceive the public. I don't like to think that the cover up goes as far as it goes, but it just does.

Mocking You

New member
Good question. The most obvious is the profit motive. Trillions if dollars that won't actually be spent legitimately is the most superficial thing gained.

Next is to perpetuate the godless multiverse paradigm. They want us to think we are just another rock around just another star in just another galaxy that came into existence by chance.

Yes, that explains why astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell, and Bill Anders on the Apollo 8 mission to the moon read Genesis 1:1-10 (KJV) on Christmas Eve 1968 to the whole world, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..."

And why Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong celebrated Christ by taking communion on the moon the first day of the first moon landing, July 20, 1969.

You really didn't know this, did you?

The next step is for them to claim they've found E.T. I wouldn't be surprised if they make this claim within the next couple of decades.

NASA scientists and engineers almost unanimously think there are no E.T.'s that have visited earth or if they are out there, have the capability of getting here.


New member
It was video. It was live. As a child I watched it.

You realize that going around saying the moon landing is a hoax, we've never been to the moon, etc. and then saying, "let me tell you about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ", it's not going to go well for advancing the kingdom of God. In other words, your witness is worthless.

1. Because you saw it doesnt mean it is live. I watch the Brady Bunch sometimes on TV. It isn't live. Not sure if you're aware, but plenty of programming is played back at a time later than when it was recorded. In the Apollo tapes, they talk about how it will be played back on TV.

2. I don't really care if people want to discount what I say because I'm not gullible enough to believe on Photoshopped trash. I'm not going to pretend I believe in B.S. so you will believe some of what I say. That is dishonest. Plenty of people won't listen to you if you don't believe in evolution . I'm not willing to pretend that I do. Further, if someone is so fanatic and reactionary that they can't consider anything other than what they were told to believe, they already have a hindrance. I used to believe in the moon landing, NASA, evolution, etc. I didn't believe in the Bible. Good thing I was open minded enough to consider things that didn't fit my preconceived ideas. The new ideas that made sense, I adopted like biblical creation. The ones that didn't make sense like aliens, I rejected.


New member
Yes, that explains why astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell, and Bill Anders on the Apollo 8 mission to the moon read Genesis 1:1-10 (KJV) on Christmas Eve 1968 to the whole world, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..."

And why Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong celebrated Christ by taking communion on the moon the first day of the first moon landing, July 20, 1969.

You really didn't know this, did you?

NASA scientists and engineers almost unanimously think there are no E.T.'s that have visited earth or if they are out there, have the capability of getting here.

Freemasons taking communion doesn't mean anything to me.

NASA scientist may not believe in the ancient alien idea, but they believe they will fund E.T. life. Dawkins thinks aliens created humans! I'm sure others do, but don't say it aloud.

Mocking You

New member
1. Because you saw it doesnt mean it is live. I watch the Brady Bunch sometimes on TV. It isn't live. Not sure if you're aware, but plenty of programming is played back at a time later than when it was recorded. In the Apollo tapes, they talk about how it will be played back on TV.

So when it has captions at the bottom of the screen "Live from the Moon", all the network executives and technicians were duped or playing along with the charade.

2. I don't really care if people want to discount what I say because I'm not gullible enough to believe on Photoshopped trash.

It was impossible to photoshop the moon landing, the technology did not exist in 1969. You obviously didn't watch the video that I (and others) posted about this very subject matter.

I'm not going to pretend I believe in B.S. so you will believe some of what I say. That is dishonest.

The moon landing is a historical fact. Go ahead and deny it, then turn around and try to tell people about the historical fact of Jesus' resurrection. See how that works out for you.

Plenty of people won't listen to you if you don't believe in evolution .

Evolution is not a historical, proven fact. People have expectations that religious beliefs might conflict with the theory of evolution. Almost no one accepts that Christianity goes hand in hand with denying the moon landing.

I used to believe in the moon landing, NASA, evolution, etc. I didn't believe in the Bible. Good thing I was open minded enough to consider things that didn't fit my preconceived ideas. The new ideas that made sense, I adopted like biblical creation. The ones that didn't make sense like aliens, I rejected.

So now that you believe in the Bible, you reject the fact that Americans have walked on the moon. Wow. That makes my point about this loony tunes position hurting your testimony.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Good question. The most obvious is the profit motive. Trillions if dollars that won't actually be spent legitimately is the most superficial thing gained.
This is false as many of the things that we have and use daily came out of the space program research and development. Audits would have revealed such a fraud and no audit has found this fraud.

And third, there could be more land. If the accepted earth model is not true, it is possible that there is more land being hidden that the rich and powerful have control of. I think this one is unlikely, but possible.
This one doesn't really make logical sense as men have known since the time of ancient Greece that the world is a globe. Men had circumnavigated the world for some considerable period of time before we reached for space.

There's plenty of reason to deceive the public. I don't like to think that the cover up goes as far as it goes, but it just does.
There is no possible way that a cover up could be this vast. The old adage goes, two people can keep a secrete if one of them is dead. You are talking tens of thousands spread across continents.

Next is to perpetuate the godless multiverse paradigm. They want us to think we are just another rock around just another star in just another galaxy that came into existence by chance. The next step is for them to claim they've found E.T. I wouldn't be surprised if they make this claim within the next couple of decades.
This is you key. Your other points in this post are meaningless in comparison, this is why you fear the moon landings so much.

Why do men walking on the moon threaten God? I know that men have walked on the moon and I have faith that God sent Jesus to save us. Men walking on the moon in no way changes what God did or who He is.

Why do you think moon landings equal a Godless multi verse?

If aliens are discovered, why would that threaten God? If there are aliens, why wouldn't God have created them as well?

Mocking You

New member
Freemasons taking communion doesn't mean anything to me.

So when you say one of the motivations for faking the moon landing was to perpetuate the "godless multiverse paradigm" and that we "came into existence by chance" and I point out that the creation account was read by astronauts and that astronauts had communion on the moon--you totally tap dance away from these facts. These facts completely annihilate your assertion, no wonder you can't deal with them.


New member
This is false as many of the things that we have and use daily came out of the space program research and development. Audits would have revealed such a fraud and no audit has found this fraud.

This one doesn't really make logical sense as men have known since the time of ancient Greece that the world is a globe. Men had circumnavigated the world for some considerable period of time before we reached for space.

There is no possible way that a cover up could be this vast. The old adage goes, two people can keep a secrete if one of them is dead. You are talking tens of thousands spread across continents.

This is you key. Your other points in this post are meaningless in comparison, this is why you fear the moon landings so much.

Why do men walking on the moon threaten God? I know that men have walked on the moon and I have faith that God sent Jesus to save us. Men walking on the moon in no way changes what God did or who He is.

Why do you think moon landings equal a Godless multi verse?

If aliens are discovered, why would that threaten God? If there are aliens, why wouldn't God have created them as well?

1. The auditors see some spacey equipment and believe it cost billions if dollars. Or the audits are a fraud. If the space program is a fraud, the audits are too.

2. Men have not "known" the earth is a globe since ancient Greece . it only started picking up traction 500 years ago. Further, circumnavigation doesn't prove a globe.

3. Men on the moon wouldn't discredit God. The moon landing is just one piece of the puzzle making im up the godless universe theory. Aliens don't discredit the idea of God either. I don't go to scripture to back up any of my ideas about space when debating. I don't need to. But at the same time, the Bible is incompatible with aliens on other planets, the big bang, etc.


New member
So when you say one of the motivations for faking the moon landing was to perpetuate the "godless multiverse paradigm" and that we "came into existence by chance" and I point out that the creation account was read by astronauts and that astronauts had communion on the moon--you totally tap dance away from these facts. These facts completely annihilate your assertion, no wonder you can't deal with them.

No, they don't. The astronauts read the Bible. So what? Does NASA promote biblical creation? No. The opposite.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
1. The auditors see some spacey equipment and believe it cost billions if dollars. Or the audits are a fraud. If the space program is a fraud, the audits are too.
That would depend on who audits it, wouldn't it?

2. Men have not "known" the earth is a globe since ancient Greece . it only started picking up traction 500 years ago. Further, circumnavigation doesn't prove a globe.
Yes, they have. They observed ships sailing over the horizon and came to understand that the world had to be a ball.

3. Men on the moon wouldn't discredit God. The moon landing is just one piece of the puzzle making im up the godless universe theory. Aliens don't discredit the idea of God either. I don't go to scripture to back up any of my ideas about space when debating. I don't need to. But at the same time, the Bible is incompatible with aliens on other planets, the big bang, etc.
But you have absolutely nothing scientific to back up your assertion. History and science support a heliocentric solar system on the outer rime of a spiral galaxy. We have photos of the landing sites and I remember watching the live feeds of the Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon in the lunch room at the Catholic school I attended. Many people who worked on the moon shots were Christian. The astronauts were Christian. They have nothing to gain by lying, why would they?


New member
That would depend on who audits it, wouldn't it?

Yes, they have. They observed ships sailing over the horizon and came to understand that the world had to be a ball.

But you have absolutely nothing scientific to back up your assertion. History and science support a heliocentric solar system on the outer rime of a spiral galaxy. We have photos of the landing sites and I remember watching the live feeds of the Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon in the lunch room at the Catholic school I attended. Many people who worked on the moon shots were Christian. The astronauts were Christian. They have nothing to gain by lying, why would they?

Not the ship thing, please. Get a telescope or a camera with good zoom, wait until the ship disappears over the horizon and you can bring it back into full view. There are other experiments as well, some you can do on your own with an inexpensive telescope and easy to find supplies. I've been looking more into this. Ill tell you about some experiments if you're interested.

Further, even if it were a live feed, it could be live from a studio and not the moon. Easily. Instead of taking the camera to the moon, take it to a studio.

Also, we have exactly zero pictures of the spiral milky way gallaxy. No equipment has left the gallaxy to take the pictures, even according to NASA

Mocking You

New member
How is Sam Jackson's character Jules Winfield claiming to quote Ezekiel in Pulp Fiction not promoting the Bible?

I'm sorry, but where did I claim this was so?

Meanwhile, you have claimed that the moon landing was faked to promote "godless paradigm" and "evolution", yet when I point out that astronauts read the creation account FROM THE MOON, you have no answer except deflection and diversion.