Militarized Police

Christ's Word

New member
How is your husband able to do that though? Its not like cops can just say "no, we don't want to do drug raids, enforce the gun control laws, or pull people over for speeding and seat belt violations."

Many Sheriffs have said no to gun laws in Colorado, I think you may underestimate many of them......

Christ's Word

New member
Fair enough, I am interested in how that plays out.

I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes, but a sheriff is an elected position, which may make a difference...

That is very true, and the good ones do empower their deputies to ignore unconstitutional laws as well. Unfortunately there just are not enough of those men in office. I see a divide coming, where elected Sheriffs pay heed to the constitution, and politician appointed Police Chiefs side with the Feds and ignore the U.S. Constitution. A stark contrast is already apparent.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
That is very true, and the good ones do empower their deputies to ignore unconstitutional laws as well. Unfortunately there just are not enough of those men in office. I see a divide coming, where elected Sheriffs pay heed to the constitution, and politician appointed Police Chiefs side with the Feds and ignore the U.S. Constitution. A stark contrast is already apparent.

I could imagine this happening as well.

I admire men like Stewart Rhodes and Sheriff Mack who actively take a stand against the Feds and their unconstitutional mandates. I am not certain whether I can condone them unconditionally, they may still enforce laws which are unjustified (I know we disagree on one or two things as well) but I absolutely admire these men in spite of those things for taking a stand and saying enough is enough.

I do not admire a random cop who shows up for work every day and "does his job." I don't wish harm on him, but I do consider him, by virtue of his career, however decent a man he may be in other respects, to be a parasite and a thug.

I cannot understand her line of thinking, she just likes to throw around words like "lawless" and so forth without even thinking about them. I actually am an anarcho-capitalist and even I don't support a society with no law. It is people like her who truly support no law, they want the law to be made up by cops on the spot.
what, you were a freshman in high school?



New member
The police can fill a valid function in society. In P.D. where the leadership is skilled and moral, the bad employees are eventually weeded out. I am not opposed to laws that criminalize people who victimize other people or who commit acts of gross immorality or abominations. What I am opposed to, is a leviathan force that visits violence on the non violent, and arrogant rogue cops that use lethal force or any type of force that is not prudent and lawful. I oppose any policeman who's actions are unconstitutional and unlawful.

CL, there are many great policemen on the job, that care about the constitution enough that it matters to them and influences how they go about their job, and I can recognize them just as quickly as I can recognize the trigger happy arrogant cop that notches his gun stock every time he kills a civilian. The contrast is remarkable. Not all police conduct business in the same way, some departments are run much better than others.

You choose your words very carefully, don't you? You're nothing but an instigator. "every time he kills a civilian" Would you be so kind as to provide statistics for Police Officers nationwide who have repeatedly shot civilians for the purpose of notching their gun stocks?

This thread has turned into a wee propaganda machine for you, hasn't it? It's funny, I don't have to subscribe to a thread anymore to find your garbage. Do Yeshua a favor, you know.......
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Militarized Police

Why can't the same argument forwarded by the NRA be used by the police.

If the 2nd Amendment allows private citizens to purchase bigger and better weapons to ensure their personal safety, why should the police be placed in a position where they are being "outgunned" by the public?

If Missouri now allows private citizens to own weapons such as AK-47s, then why don't the the police have the Constitutional right to have access to those kinds of weapons that will ensure their personal safety!

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Ah, you think drug raids, gun control and traffic laws are bad things. OK.

Yes. Peaceful people do.

Militarized Police

Why can't the same argument forwarded by the NRA be used by the police.

If the 2nd Amendment allows private citizens to purchase bigger and better weapons to ensure their personal safety, why should the police be placed in a position where they are being "outgunned" by the public?

If Missouri now allows private citizens to own weapons such as AK-47s, then why don't the the police have the Constitutional right to have access to those kinds of weapons that will ensure their personal safety!

Again, peaceful people and cops are different.


New member
You actually used three words. Inability to count and inability to understand aggressive violence goes together, I guess.

Very funny. I'm laughing here. :plain:
What is aggressively violent are illegal drugs in your child's body.
What is aggressively violent are dope dealers at schools preying on our children.
What is aggressively violent are irresponsible people speeding through school zones or down residential streets.
What is aggressively violent are firearms in the hands of people with criminal intent.
It's not me who doesn't understand. It's you. Unfortunately, people with your attitude are more likely to come to an understanding first hand.


New member
Very funny. I'm laughing here. :plain:
What is aggressively violent are illegal drugs in your child's body.
What is aggressively violent are dope dealers at schools preying on our children.
What is aggressively violent are irresponsible people speeding through school zones or down residential streets.
What is aggressively violent are firearms in the hands of people with criminal intent.
It's not me who doesn't understand. It's you. Unfortunately, people with your attitude are more likely to come to an understanding first hand.

You have to remember that libertarians don't think like normal, rational people. They have a twisted view of society and no concept of reality. Thankfully, nobody pays much attention to them.


New member
You have to remember that libertarians don't think like normal, rational people. They have a twisted view of society and no concept of reality. Thankfully, nobody pays much attention to them. that accounts for the UFO sightings. :plain:


You have to remember that libertarians don't think like normal, rational people. They have a twisted view of society and no concept of reality.

that's why so many "libertarians" are children

their wisdom will probably come with age and experience :idunno:

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Very funny. I'm laughing here. :plain:
What is aggressively violent are illegal drugs in your child's body.
What is aggressively violent are dope dealers at schools preying on our children.

Should six year olds have cigarettes? Is it OK to sell cigarettes to six year olds?

I'm not going to spoon feed you the obvious here. OK, I guess I will. I'm obviously talking about adults.
What is aggressively violent are irresponsible people speeding through school zones or down residential streets.

Not intrinsically dangerous. The odds of harm actually being caused by such activities is low.
What is aggressively violent are firearms in the hands of people with criminal intent.
Does everyone have criminal intent? Can you read minds? Do you really think its only criminals who the government disarms? Ever heard of the NY SAFE Act?
It's not me who doesn't understand. It's you. Unfortunately, people with your attitude are more likely to come to an understanding first hand.

Probably. Because I'm sick of scumbags like you wanting to put a gun to my head, and your kind outnumbers mine.


New member
Should six year olds have cigarettes? Is it OK to sell cigarettes to six year olds?

I'm not going to spoon feed you the obvious here. OK, I guess I will. I'm obviously talking about adults.

Would you like to know how old I was when I smoked my first cigarette or took my first hard alcohol drink? And today, cigarettes and alcohol are the least of the problem. I find it hard to believe you are this naive.

Not intrinsically dangerous. The odds of harm actually being caused by such activities is low.

Much higher than you would think. I witnessed an auto accident involving a young woman in our neighborhood. She'd been broadsided by a speeding motorist who missed the stop sign. The Police called the girl's mother who showed up at the scene. The Mom was directed to park off the street and walk to the ambulance holding her daughter. As the Mother crossed the road to get to the ambulance, another speeder came through and hit her killing her instantly. Last year 33,561 people were killed by speeding motorists. Even more would die if there were no speed regulations.

Does everyone have criminal intent?

Criminals do. Would you make firearms readily available to proven criminals?

Can you read minds?

Nope and neither can you.

Do you really think its only criminals who the government disarms?

Aliens, proven criminals and people with documented mental disease.
You have a problem with that?

Ever heard of the NY SAFE Act?

The Cuomos lived on my street so yeah, I've heard of it.

Probably. Because I'm sick of scumbags like you wanting to put a gun to my head, and your kind outnumbers mine.

I have no desire to put a gun to your head. You'd better hope my kind continues to outnumber yours or you'll find out what real scumbags are like.


...I'm sick of scumbags like you wanting to put a gun to my head, and your kind outnumbers mine.

immature, inexperienced and paranoid!

not a good combination cl :nono:

nobody wants to put a gun to your head

what many want to put in your head is the realization that you lack experience and wisdom and are easily swayed by bigger fools like lou rockwell
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