Militarized Police


Hall of Fame
It's not me who doesn't understand. It's you. Unfortunately, people with your attitude are more likely to come to an understanding first hand.

Probably. Because I'm sick of scumbags like you wanting to put a gun to my head, and your kind outnumbers mine.

Scumbag? Seriously. What on earth has she ever said or advocated to deserve such blatant disrespect?

Grow up.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Should six year olds have cigarettes? Is it OK to sell cigarettes to six year olds?
In your model who's going to stop them and by what authority?

Re: the lack of speed limits in school zones
Not intrinsically dangerous. The odds of harm actually being caused by such activities is low.
Cite any study backing that claim. On the other side of it there are any number of studies that demonstrate the impact of lowering speed limits in relation to injury and fatality and any number of studies on general response times at varying speeds. You want a few links?

Let me know when you get back. And maybe lay off calling people scumbags while you're at it. When people hurl school yard epithets it's a sure sign emotion is driving the bus (and at unsafe speeds).


Well-known member
Yes, they can still obtain them, though not as easily. Imagine what would happen if we just deleted law enforcement.

Right, so who suffers.......the one who attempts to obtain his weapon by the rules. You liberals will never learn will ya?


New member
<SNIP> Again,

So who suffers from not being able to obtain a firearm?

You've been taking lessons from Harry Reid, I see. He's a master at distorting words.
I haven't suffered in the least. I have firearms obtained within the boundary of the law.
If we remove all gun control law, allow mentally ill, felons and non-citizens to easily obtain firearms and pull law enforcement officers from the streets, we'll get to see some real suffering.

Of course my husband has an interesting thought. Give guns to everyone, let the whites, blacks, mexicans, asians and middle easterners kill each other off so the Indians can have their land back.
(He's kidding....I think)

You wanna push lawlessness, you go for it and see what it gets you!


New member
Yes, everyone needs to get their news from "Sensational Press"! That might work for you, but it doesn't work for people who can clearly see with discernment.


New member
You have no discernment.
You need to stop lying and wake up.
You are in denial of the Federal
Government breaking its own laws,
and Fox news is not
"Sensational Press".

And in rides the THall cavalry when the CW name calling falls flat!
Such a surprise! :rolleyes: You two need a new shtick!

All news agencies have a spin of one sort or another! You've gone from bashing law enforcement en toto for setting up a sobriety checkpoint that inconvenienced to bashing our government en toto for various and sundry acts of individuals within the government. "Let's just trash them all" is your Separatist war cry! America has a system of government and it works for those who want to work within it. If you don't like America's system of government and don't want to work within it, get out. Don't think to use America's Constitution to tear America down because that's exactly what you're trying to do along with Oath Keepers and other such organizations.


New member
Another Law Enforcement Oathkeeper
upholds the Constitution and the rights of the people,
and the courts uphold his position.
Showing once again, IMJ to be falsely attacking
this group and how dishonest she really has been
in this thread.

"Sheriff Nace Stands Tall For Gun Rights In Pennsylvania

Sheriff Carl Nace of Perry County, Pennsylvania, has upheld his Oath by refusing to turn over the names and addresses of concealed carry permit applicants his office processes, to three county auditors, who have filed a lawsuit against him in court. They believe they need this information to properly audit the sheriff's office. Sheriff Nace replied to them that such information is protected under the state criminal code. He refused to give the auditors the names of applicants for concealed carry permits.

Sheriffs have a unique role in law enforcement. Unlike their counterpart the police chief, they are elected by the people. That fact makes them accountable to the people. It forms a special bond of trust between the sheriff and his constituents. Unlike the traditional police chief, who is only accountable to the city council and mayor, the County Sheriff is the highest law enforcement authority in his County. Sheriffs such as Sheriff Nace have a strong belief in the Bill of Rights and its power to restrain an unchecked government body. In this case there are three rogue auditors who suggest that they have special "privilege" to circumvent the law in defiance of a Sheriff who has taken a stand for law and order to protect the rights of his County's citizens. Sheriff Nace has decided to do what is right. He is honoring his Oath to the people as required by the Constitution.

How It Arose To Confrontation In Court

The three County Auditors, operating from a mental perspective which prompted them to ask for private records, were obviously operating from a conceited and exaggerated sense of their own worth as well as from a wish to exert arrogant authoritarian mentality in the execution of their duties as auditors. That was evidenced blatantly when the three refused to show up in Court on September 02, 2014, to prosecute the lawsuit they themselves initiated.

Oath Keepers, the County Commission, the Pennsylvania Sheriffs Association, the Prince Law Firm, the State law itself, and a large number of Pennsylvania residents/citizens are backing Sheriff Nace, much to the chagrin of the three anti-gun women who comprise the County Auditor group suing Sheriff Nace.

The Court's decison came down today, Monday, September 08, 2014. Our side won. "