Militarized Police


New member
More of this is coming.

Feds out in force to remind residents about snitch program"

"News channel WNCT 9 received calls from alarmed residents in response to reports of numerous DHS vehicles parked outside a bankruptcy court in Greenville, North Carolina. However, the “heavy presence” was not because of any specific threat associated with the building.

DHS officials told the station that armed Homeland Security agents were out in full force “as part of their community outreach to let people know that they are in the area.”

The feds were also present in order to remind people about the DHS’ “See Something, Say Something” domestic snitch program.

The visible presence of armed federal agents for no other reason than to represent a show of force will only deepen concerns that the Department of Homeland Security is becoming America’s domestic standing army, a notion posited by the Rutherford Institute’s John Whitehead in a widely circulated article last month."

"“The menace of a national police force, aka a standing army, vested with so much power cannot be overstated, nor can its danger be ignored,” wrote Whitehead, before listing numerous examples of how the DHS is instrumental in pushing America’s decline into a militarized police state.

Frustration also centers around the fact that federal police are keeping themselves busy watching the American people while the country’s borders remain in a state of near chaos.

As we reported recently, armed DHS agents, backed up by a Black Hawk helicopter and two armored vehicles, also staged a show of force in the small Illinois town of Livingston, all to catch one individual who is accused of downloading indecent images.

The armed agents in the report out of Greenville were from the Federal Protective Service, a subdivision of the DHS.

As we reported last year, Federal Protective Service officers were hired to guard an IRS building in St. Louis during a Tea Party protest against the federal agency’s discrimination targeting conservative groups. The FPS has previously been used to spy on protesters. In 2011, the DHS asserted that it had every right to spy on peaceful protest groups and had been using Federal Protective Service (FPS) agents to do so since at least 2006.

Last October, the Department of Homeland Security announced its intention to spend $80 million dollars on hiring a raft of armed guards under the auspices of the FPS to protect IRS and other government buildings in upstate New York during “public demonstrations” and “civil disturbances."


New member
More of this is coming.

Feds out in force to remind residents about snitch program"

... the only way to enforce anarchism is brute force. There is no way to gain respect for it.

Law can and does gain the respect of people, and thus doesn't require military who masquerade as police.

This is simply the justification of "ad baculum" - "to the stick" ... put into practice. In this case, it's mostly just the presence and the threat. Unless the swat team gets called on you; than they actually use the stick on you, and increasingly the swat teams are being used for morally injustifable actions.

When you have a big stick, everyone around you starts looking like someone who needs to be pounded into jello.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
How can you "enforce anarchy"? Isn't that sort of a contradiction in terms?

None of this strikes me as "anarchy." Authoritarian fascism more like it.


New member
How can you "enforce anarchy"? Isn't that sort of a contradiction in terms?

You enforce anarchy by ... enforcing ... anarchistic ... "rules." Lots of people and countries enforce anarchistic nonsense. Virtually all bureaucracies do.

None of this strikes me as "anarchy." Authoritarian fascism more like it.

Anarchy - doing what you want to do, because you want to do it. This is exactly what all police officers are forced into now.

They can't even know all of the rules; the can't even know the subset of all of the felonies, and much of the rules are contradictory of each other.

We now don't even know how many felony rules there are on the books.

Police are in the position of having to pick and choose, based upon their internal desires, what they will and will not enforce. Police don't enforce laws anymore. They're now in the position of having to enforce their own desires.

I call them rules because law they ain't. What there is left of law is almost non-functional anymore.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
You enforce anarchy by ... enforcing ... anarchistic ... "rules." Lots of people and countries enforce anarchistic nonsense. Virtually all bureaucracies do.

Anarchy - doing what you want to do, because you want to do it. This is exactly what all police officers are forced into now.

They can't even know all of the rules; the can't even know the subset of all of the felonies, and much of the rules are contradictory of each other.

We now don't even know how many felony rules there are on the books.

Police are in the position of having to pick and choose, based upon their internal desires, what they will and will not enforce. Police don't enforce laws anymore. They're now in the position of having to enforce their own desires.

I call them rules because law they ain't. What there is left of law is almost non-functional anymore.

I guess its true that the police are pretty much in an "anarchist" state in some sense, if you want to use the term that way. But the rest of us are certainly not, we're forced to comply with a whole bunch of stuff and if we don't...

I don't see how anyone could read the above and still think its OK for a Christian to be a cop.


New member
I guess its true that the police are pretty much in an "anarchist" state in some sense, if you want to use the term that way. But the rest of us are certainly not, we're forced to comply with a whole bunch of stuff and if we don't...

This is one of the reasons I dropped that video in my first post in this thread. It illustrates what a horrible mess the rules are in and how little law we actually have.

If we don't comply, force is applied, and in many cases, the process IS the punishment.

I don't see how anyone could read the above and still think its OK for a Christian to be a cop.

As long as your department isn't requiring you to enforce immoral laws, you can be a officer.

However, I suspect departments like that are few and far between, and as the rules get ever more hostile to God, any decent departments left will be forced to change.


New member
When they are told to......

Instead of acting like yes men to the authority, they should be able to make up their own minds...same goes for the military itself

Why don't you answer my question as I posed it rather than edit it to suit the answer you wished to give?


New member
News flash for you
pie lady whackadoodle,
There is no uniformity of
law in this country, and
this country is in chaos,
wake up, loser.

Or go visit the Texas
or Arizona border,
and then wake up.

What's your complaint regarding the Texas and Arizona borders? Are you unhappy about the influx of illegal aliens? But just so you know, I'm very familiar with Texas.
So, you train SWAT officers, eh?

Christ's Word

New member
What's your complaint regarding the Texas and Arizona borders? Are you unhappy about the influx of illegal aliens? But just so you know, I'm very familiar with Texas.
So, you train SWAT officers, eh?

Why don't you invite ten or twenty of the gang banging thugs to stay at your house? 70 percent of them are males between 14 and 17, and the majority of them are in gangs.

Christ's Word

New member

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Why would a Christian not pay their taxes?

I'm not convinced of a moral requirement to do so (and yes, I'm aware of the proof texts people use) but regardless: his point was correct. If you don't pay your taxes, there will be serious threats of violence against you by the State.


New member
I'm not convinced of a moral requirement to do so (and yes, I'm aware of the proof texts people use) but regardless: his point was correct. If you don't pay your taxes, there will be serious threats of violence against you by the State.

No doubt there will be serious consequences, violence?, but the proof texts you are aware of (as am I) should be enough for every Christian to obey the law of the land and pay their taxes.