Mean TOL members



it may have been changed, but we all saw the original signature, and plainly see it has been edited.

just another attempt to change and obscure facts.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
And he can't edit the IPs he has used to post with both names.

I've known they were the same person for quite some time. The Sibbie and I get a kick out of how servent101 goes on and on about how great it would be if everyone were polite, but then when he wanted to say something rude or crass, he usually switches to his ????Ferst screenname.

I wonder if ????Ferst would be banned from servent101's Utopian polite-TOL. :think:


And he can't edit the IPs he has used to post with both names.

I've known they were the same person for quite some time. The Sibbie and I get a kick out of how servent101 goes on and on about how great it would be if everyone were polite, but then when he wanted to say something rude or crass, he usually switches to his ????Ferst screenname.

I wonder if ????Ferst would be banned from servent101's Utopian polite-TOL.

has he ever disagreed with or debated himself?


New member
Ok, so tell me then, which "orthodoxy" am I part of?

The part that takes the metaphoric description of hell and takes it literally – putting out of order all the workings of God in the lives of people, making people give up all intelligent understanding of God, and adopt a neurosis that is very harmful to the human intelligence that prevents further Spiritual insight from the Word about the nature of hell, and of heaven, and of God the Father. Taking hell literally really throws a cog in the wheels of your theology – preventing you from building a base from which God could be understood on solid ground – from which to build a solid foundation to understand the Truth – and to walk in the light.

With Christ’s Love



Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101
The part that takes the metaphoric description of hell and takes it literally –

You mean like where Christ describes hell as a nasty, dark, dirty, hopeless place no one will want to dwell in? Jesus seems to think this place is real, in fact, He felt so passionatly about keeping people out of it, He died.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

You mean like where Christ describes hell as a nasty, dark, dirty, hopeless place no one will want to dwell in? Jesus seems to think this place is real, in fact, He felt so passionatly about keeping people out of it, He died.

:doh: I'll bet !!!!First, er...servant101 keeps forgetting about that.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

You mean like where Christ describes hell as a nasty, dark, dirty, hopeless place no one will want to dwell in? Jesus seems to think this place is real, in fact, He felt so passionatly about keeping people out of it, He died.

He meant Indiana.


Well-known member
He didn't suggest that we amputate any body parts to avoid anything else. Hell is real, and there is no one who can read the Bible and decide otherwise, except they be 'taught' that God's Word doesn't really mean what it says, or maybe that words don't really mean what dictionaries say that they do.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Aimiel

He didn't suggest that we amputate any body parts to avoid anything else. Hell is real, and there is no one who can read the Bible and decide otherwise, except they be 'taught' that God's Word doesn't really mean what it says, or maybe that words don't really mean what dictionaries say that they do.

And Amen.


New member
Does it not mean what the dictionary says it means?
Well, if you have been paying attention in church, you have heard that Greek has 12 words for love.
English has 1.

Do you think the meaning changes?

There is a story where Jesus says, "Peter do you love me?"
Peter says, "Yes, I love you."
Jesus says, "Feed my lambs."

He repeats it 3 times.

In Greek, he is saying, Peter, do you love me with all your heart soul and mind - agape?
Peter says, "Yes, I love you with a brotherly love."

Does that change the story?
Yes. Peter is offering Jesus a lesser love.

There is a book called:
Martin Zender Goes to Hell.
When told that he is going to hell, he says, "which one?"
There are three words for it in the bible.

Kind of fascinated to read it.


New member
You mean like where Christ describes hell as a nasty, dark, dirty, hopeless place no one will want to dwell in?

Jesus never deals with the subject of hell directly - the topic of hell is always as sub clause in a debate that centers around encouragement to do good - the main topic under discussion is always something other than hell - there is no place in the Bible where the main theme or point of discussion is what hell is like. Quote any verse you want on hell - and if you can read yourself - you will find that the topic is not what hell is like - the topic is one of be charitable - or else you will experience this - and the description of hell is metaphoric.

There is no place in the bible where the topic of what hell is like is treated as a main theme - something to think about - but the realization I seem to be having is that God's punishment on you for Bible Idolatry is that you can no longer think.

Repent if you can, and hear - if you have ears to hear. Hell is a metaphoric description of the state people are in, not a literal description.

With Christ's Love



Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101


Jesus never deals with the subject of hell directly -

Except in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. If we put all those pieces of info together where He does speak of hell, we get a pretty vivid picture of what that place is like.

ps why should I repent if there is no punishment?


New member
A friend once said, "There has to be a God. Otherwise, we would do whatever we wanted to!"

I said, "What would you do differently? Kill someone? Become a liar? They are their own punishment. People don't trust liars. Do you want that to be your life? If there were no God, I would live my life exactly the same. I don't live my life out of fear of hell, or reward of Heaven. I live my life trying to make this a better place for all of us, to inspire others to give of themselves, to love others."

That's how I believe we are supposed to live.
That's what Jesus did for people - inspired them, freed them from the chains the Pharisees put them under.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy
I live my life trying to make this a better place for all of us, to inspire others to give of themselves, to love others.

You have GOT to be kidding.