Mean TOL members


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

So, the point of Jesus dying is to remain a sinner, and just feel guilty about it, and say you are sorry? And that saves you?

When God looks at me, He sees Jesus. Before I repented, He saw a sinner. It's not the purpose of my life to continue in sin, even the ones I once loved. I have turned (with God's guidence) from those things I formerly was.

It boils down to who do you want to serve beanieboy, simple as that. Your sexual perversion or God.

While you may want to believe your sexual perversion is special, it's no different that any other form of sin we become addicted to.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

"You don't answer the hard questions."

Answer my question.
That's what it seems like.
Don't have an answer?

You act like no one here has ever told you why Jesus died on the cross.

Basically, the reason Jesus had to die for our sins was so that we could be forgiven and go to be with the Lord. Jesus is God in flesh (John 1:1,14; Col. 2:9) and only God can satisfy the Law requirements of a perfect life and perfect sacrifice that cleanses us of our sins.
All people have sinned against God. But, God is infinitely holy and righteous. He must punish the sinner, the Law breaker. If He didn't, then His law is not law for there is no law that is a law without a punishment. The punishment for breaking the Law is death, separation from God. Therefore, we sinners need a way to escape the righteous judgment of God. Since we are stained by sin and cannot keep the Law of God, then the only one who could do what we cannot is God Himself. That is why Jesus is God in flesh. He is both divine and human. He was made under the Law (Gal. 4:5-6) and He fulfilled it perfectly. Therefore, His sacrifice to God the Father on our behalf is of infinite value and is sufficient to cleanse all people from their sins and undo the offense to God.
The following outline is an attempt to break this down, step by step, using scripture and logic. I hope that it helps you understand why God is our savior and not some created thing. Also, I hope that it helps you understand that you must trust in Christ alone for the forgiveness of your sins; that you can do nothing on your own to merit salvation from God.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

When God looks at me, He sees Jesus. Before I repented, He saw a sinner. It's not the purpose of my life to continue in sin, even the ones I once loved. I have turned (with God's guidence) from those things I formerly was.

It boils down to who do you want to serve beanieboy, simple as that. Your sexual perversion or God.

While you may want to believe your sexual perversion is special, it's no different that any other form of sin we become addicted to.

I'm not being a jerk about this. I'm being sincere.
God looks at you, and doesn't see you?
He, instead, sees Jesus, or rather, Himself?

You come back to my sexual perversion, as you call it.

But you sin, AND you serve God.
Isn't that serving both masters?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

I'm not being a jerk about this. I'm being sincere.
God looks at you, and doesn't see you?
He, instead, sees Jesus, or rather, Himself?

I will believe your first statement and answer the rest if you tell me your thoughts on the Trinity.

You come back to my sexual perversion, as you call it.

But you sin, AND you serve God.
Isn't that serving both masters?

No, I put away witchcraft and my forms of sexual perversion. I chose to pursue God's ways, not mine. His will, not mine. While I may stumble, the point isn't to stay down. But, through my walk with the Lord I have come to understand when I get those "cravings" or "feelings" to rely on Him for strength not just mumble "the flesh is weak" as an excuse to sin.


New member
But you do still sin, right? So, do how can you continue to sin, yet say you serve God? How can you say that you were once a sinner, if you sin now?

I don't mean you personally, and in fact, I don't think I can theologically explain this. Can you?

As for my sincerity, listen.
I want to know God.
I don't want God to look at Beanie, and see something other than me.
I don't want him to look at Beanie and think I am Jesus.
I don't want him to look at Beanie and see someone perfect.

I don't want to say, "God, today I'm having a hard time not being crabby today," and have God say, "what do mean, Jesus. You are perfect?"

I want honesty.

That's not honest. That's hiding in the bushes.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

But you do still sin, right? So, do how can you continue to sin, yet say you serve God? How can you say that you were once a sinner, if you sin now?

Paul answers part of your question when speaking to the believers in the book of Corinthians:

"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. "

I no longer go about my days with the knowledge I am going to do something sinful. My intent is not to have perverted sex (or name any other poison). If I err against a brother, I apologize, if I act without thinking and err, I pray for patience and wisdom and control. But do I actively set out to sin? Nope. It's no longer the yearning of my heart to practice willfull ungodliness. We learned the knowledge of good and evil in the garden, I choose now to want to do the good, not the evil. The struggle can be hard, it's those times that excersizes one's faith.

I don't mean you personally, and in fact, I don't think I can theologically explain this. Can you?

Why not me personally? I'm not exempt from being human, I'm now exempt from paying the price for sin. Jesus made it possible for me not to have to go to hell. I didn't want to jump up after being freshly baptised into the Body and go out to continue what I was doing. That doesn't sound like much of a changed/repentant heart. But along the way, I excersize my faith and focus on the truly important things.

As for my sincerity, listen.
I want to know God.
I don't want God to look at Beanie, and see something other than me.
I don't want him to look at Beanie and think I am Jesus.
I don't want him to look at Beanie and see someone perfect.

It's because you aren't perfect that Christ died for you. You can't be holy, you can't be righteous, you can't be clean. It's not in your nature nor is it possible through your own works.

I don't want to say, "God, today I'm having a hard time not being crabby today," and have God say, "what do mean, Jesus. You are perfect?"

I've never read, "Thou shalt not be crabby."

Look, I'm not trying to convinve you, I'm just answering your questions (for the how many times have you asked the same things now?). If I'm not mistaken, you actually said you will enjoy hell on another thread (I think it was the earth worship thread). If you are happy going to hell, by all means...

I want honesty.

You can't get any more honest than The Truth.

That's not honest. That's hiding in the bushes.

What I would consider honest is not trying to twist your paganism around God then accuse Him of being illogical. By now, at 40-ish? you know very well what God has to say and the consequences associated with accepting and rejecting Christ.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
What I would consider honest is not trying to twist your paganism around God then accuse Him of being illogical. By now, at 40-ish? you know very well what God has to say and the consequences associated with accepting and rejecting Christ.

What I am told about God simply doesn't make sense.
Luther disagreed with the church, so do I.

I am told that Jesus is my Savior. Or he's not, if I decide he isn't.

Jesus saves people from sin. And yet, they continue to sin.

I am told that the Bible is God's word, but none of it is written by Jesus, who is God.

I am told that the Bible is God, and is revered, and then a poster said, "Who cares about theologians?" They have done research on the text, the culture, etc. But who cares? Who needs to research the bible? Who cares what experts say about the bible?

People who Christian think nonchristians should obey the bible.

When God sees you, he only sees Jesus. And yet, he knows you personally.
God loved you while you were yet a sinner. But God has to see you through Jesus tinted glasses, because he can't bear to see your sin. But he had no problem looking at it before.

God loves you unconditionally, except you have to love him back.

God loves you and really doesn't want to send you to hell where you will be tortured for eternity.

God gave us free will, and wants us to choose to do his will, or he will send us to said hell.

I say that I feel the wind and think of God. I'm called a pagan. I look at the trees and think of them being created by God, think of the life a tree has, the way it eats sunlight, and drinks with its roots. That makes me a pagan.

I tell you that each day, I pray. I sit happily and think about the wonderful day I was blessed with. I thank God for enough food and shelter, and for making me me.
I am told that I worship a false God.

I think about God a lot. I come here and ask questions. I read the Bible. I read Buddhism books, I read any spiritual thing I can.
I debate. I think about it.
And I am told that I am lost.

I ask God to reveal himself to me each day.
I come here and am told not to rely on my own understanding.
I am told not to trust my own reasoning.

Other people tell me that I have to believe their religion, that Jesus died, and I have to ask him to be my savior, yet, they tell me to listen to no man.
So I don't. And they say, "Listen to me! Don't listen to any man!"

It's very illogical.

I don't know how to turn my brain off and believe that.

These are not questions of a child. These are questions of a man.
As a child, I remember being 4, and my mother making hot dogs. I looked down at them and said, "mom, is Jesus in your heart?" She said, yes. Dads? Yes. Mine? Yes.
How can he be cut in enough pieces?

I was thinking of the hot dogs. You can't feed millions of people on one hot dog.

These are not childish questions.
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Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by beanieboy

What I am told about God simply doesn't make sense.
Luther disagreed with the church, so do I.

I am told that Jesus is my Savior. Or he's not, if I decide he isn't.

Jesus saves people from sin. And yet, they continue to sin.

People who Christian think nonchristians should obey the bible.

When God sees you, he only sees Jesus. And yet, he knows you personally.
God loved you while you were yet a sinner. But God has to see you through Jesus tinted glasses, because he can't bear to see your sin. But he had no problem looking at it before.

God loves you unconditionally, except you have to love him back.

God loves you and really doesn't want to send you to hell where you will be tortured for eternity.

God gave us free will, and wants us to choose to do his will, or he will send us to said hell.

I say that I feel the wind and think of God. I'm called a pagan. I look at the trees and think of them being created by God, think of the life a tree has, the way it eats sunlight, and drinks with its roots. That makes me a pagan.

I tell you that each day, I pray. I sit happily and think about the wonderful day I was blessed with. I thank God for enough food and shelter, and for making me me.
I am told that I worship a false God.

I think about God a lot. I come here and ask questions. I read the Bible. I read Buddhism books, I read any spiritual thing I can.
I debate. I think about it.
And I am told that I am lost.

I ask God to reveal himself to me each day.
I come here and am told not to rely on my own understanding.
I am told not to trust my own reasoning.

Other people tell me that I have to believe their religion, that Jesus died, and I have to ask him to be my savior, yet, they tell me to listen to no man.
So I don't. And they say, "Listen to me! Don't listen to any man!"

It's very illogical.

I don't know how to turn my brain off and believe that.
Good grief, you're like a broken record player. We hear ya loud and clear. No need to keep repeating yourself. It's getting old. You go to all extremes to try and justify your pride and why you won't humble yourself before Christ. We got it so just shutup already! :doh:


New member
But repeating over and over that I need to repent, that I need to accept Jesus, that Jesus died for my sins, is not a broken record that I said I already heard and understand?
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Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by beanieboy

But repeating over and over that I need to repent, that I need to accept Jesus, that Jesus died for my sins, is not a broken record that I said I already heard and understand?
Yeah, it is, that's why I gave up on you.


New member
I always wondered about Thomas.
Thomas walked around with Jesus, and even that wasn't enough.
When Christ appeared, he still didn't believe.
He needed to feel the holes in his hand and sides.

But it is said that "doubting" Thomas actually because one of the disciples who showed the greatest amount of faith because he faced his doubts, and God overcame them.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

... I am told ... I am told ... I am told... I am told...

... I say ... I look ... I tell... I pray... I sit ... I thank...( me me )...

...I am told...

I think... I come ... I read... I read... I read... I can... I debate... I think... I am told... I am lost...

I ask... I come... I am told... I have to ask him to be my savior,
So I don't. I don't know... I looked ... I was thinking...

I understand you are happy to spend eternity in hell. What are you going on about? No one is trying to "convert" you that I have seen in the last page or so...


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Poly

Yeah, it is, that's why I gave up on you.

I am with Poly on this. When I read you are happy with your future, what more is there to say? I don't mind answering questions about my faith, but don't make it sound like any one here is hounding you, you've been told, you know, you reject. I keep you in my prayers, and it makes me sad to see your heart is so hard. But, it's your heart.


New member

I know ho you feel - it is a mindless energy feed - if they can't employ their entire psyche to block out the still inner voice objecting to the insanity of what she believes, well it is just out of sorts with what they think faith feels like.

I really would suggest less of a diet of conversing with these people - I am worried the effect it may have on you. Surprisingly if you stop responding to them - they simply will leave you alone.

With Christ's Love



Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by beanieboy

So, the point of Jesus dying is to remain a sinner, and just feel guilty about it, and say you are sorry? And that saves you?
that just may be the most twisted representation of what someone has said that I have seen at TOL yet!


New member
I am with Poly on this. When I read you are happy with your future, what more is there to say? I don't mind answering questions about my faith, but don't make it sound like any one here is hounding you, you've been told, you know, you reject. I keep you in my prayers, and it makes me sad to see your heart is so hard. But, it's your heart.

beanie boy has not rejected the Lord - he has rejected you and your version of the truth - and has told you and polly and athiest suck and probably a few more people here that - and if your heart was not so hard - you would of heard what beanieboy said - but no you had to get your heebie-jeebies by trying to judge him. A lot of you so-called Christians here are accursed by the Lord God Almighty - and nothing it seems that anyone can do can get through to you all. Thank God in some respect that you are so accursed - obvious blind guides, only the already accursed would follow you.

With Christ's Love
