

Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by Art Deco

For a guy who has a passing interest in weed you sure don't hesitate to rush to its defense. Me thinks you protest too much... :think:

He just lost his bong, along with his memory.

Dude, where is it?


New member
Originally posted by PureX

I suppose it should be treated the way we treat alcohol use. There isn't really much difference between them, functionally.


I have never used the stuff and am not interested in it at all, however, it aggravates me to no end when fellow Christians or non-believers justify the over use of alcohol and demonize the use of marijuana.

Yes, I realize one is legal and the other is not, however, both cause chemical changes within the psyche of humans. Personally, I feel alcohol, as a drug, can be more harmful than marijuana. Alcohol plays more of a factor in domestic violence, auto accidents, and divorce than marijuana. I don't want to necessarily come off like I am saying that alcohol shouldn't be consumed. I'm just pointing out what I see as a glaring point of justification. I find it interesting that the drug which is legal we have more problems with, socially, than the other. Also, it frustrates me when some Christians totally accept the use of alcohol as being fine yet rebuke the use of marijuana.

I don't for thought I guess.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

For a guy who has a passing interest in weed you sure don't hesitate to rush to its defense. Me thinks you protest too much... :think:

To me the issue's self-evident: it grows in the GROUND, for crying out loud. And I've read enough to know that the "war on drugs" is just a show piece, and that grass has been subjected to hack attacks since the Twenties. It's the last hold over from Prohibition.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

To me the issue's self-evident: it grows in the GROUND, for crying out loud. And I've read enough to know that the "war on drugs" is just a show piece, and that grass has been subjected to hack attacks since the Twenties. It's the last hold over from Prohibition.
"It grows in the ground." Ah, an appeal to nature. How touchy feely...:doh: So does the mushroom the "deadly nightshade" which I understand is extremely poisonous. Your Secular Humanist Libertine World View is front and center for all to see. You're a great poster boy for Secular Humanism... :help:


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

"It grows in the ground." Ah, an appeal to nature. How touchy feely...:doh: So does the mushroom the "deadly nightshade" which I understand is extremely poisonous. Your Secular Humanist Libertine World View is front and center for all to see. You're a great poster boy for Secular Humanism... :help:

Art, once again you're not reading, or paying attention, and you're rushing to judgment. This is a plant that makes you feel better, has medicinal value, and has been used and enjoyed by mankind for thousands of years. What, exactly, are people so afraid of?


Originally posted by granite1010
What, exactly, are people so afraid of?

We're afraid of the government legalizing pot so the masses are too stoned to notice [or care] what the evil, self serving politicians are doing.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

To me the issue's self-evident: it grows in the GROUND, for crying out loud. And I've read enough to know that the "war on drugs" is just a show piece, and that grass has been subjected to hack attacks since the Twenties. It's the last hold over from Prohibition.

Have you ever heard of Western Water Hemlock? It's the most poisonous plant in North America and it grows in the ground.


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by ninjashadow

Have you ever heard of Western Water Hemlock? It's the most poisonous plant in North America and it grows in the ground.

And like Deco you ignore the point I made: marijuana has medicinal and beneficial value.

To Billy's point: people can be completely straight and sober and STILL be disinterested or too callous to really give a hoot in hell what the parliament of whores happens to be up to. Politicians have been able to bone us before without the help of weed.


I was making a joke.

My opinion is that Marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol and maybe even less harmful in some ways.

I think it desreves the same restrictions that alcohol does as well as the same availability and legality.

However, I am a bit apprehensive that legalizing marijuana may be a step toward legalizing other, more harmful drugs. Where do we draw the line? What scale do we use to determine what intoxicants should be legal and which shouldn't?


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

And like Deco you ignore the point I made: marijuana has medicinal and beneficial value.

To Billy's point: people can be completely straight and sober and STILL be disinterested or too callous to really give a hoot in hell what the parliament of whores happens to be up to. Politicians have been able to bone us before without the help of weed.

I agree with you on that point and if you read my posts towards the beginning of this thread you'd see what I mean. What I'm saying, however, is that the "it grows in the ground, it must be good," argument falls short because poisonous plants grow in the ground.

Besides, pot and alcohol are very similar, except that pot has a good side. I don't think that if pot were legalized you'd have everyone just sitting around stoned. Alcohol is legal and you don't have everyone sitting around drunk, do you? I think that there should be specific regulations on pot such as an age limit and a DUIC (Drving under the influence of cannabis).


New member
Alcohol is a drug, in the same category with pot, heroin, etc. I think the line should be drawn at pot. Marijuana has many medicinal aspects and such, but you don't find that it cocaine or ecstacy.


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by BillyBob

I was making a joke.

My opinion is that Marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol and maybe even less harmful in some ways.

I think it desreves the same restrictions that alcohol does as well as the same availability and legality.

However, I am a bit apprehensive that legalizing marijuana may be a step toward legalizing other, more harmful drugs. Where do we draw the line? What scale do we use to determine what intoxicants should be legal and which shouldn't?

Ah. Word.:cool:

As far as the scale goes...frankly, I say just open the flood gates. For one it would end this fraudulent and abusive "war on drugs," so called. For another it would take the teeth out of cartels and cripple them. Would more non-users experiment out of curiosity? Yeah, probably. But the lion's share of people snorting or shooting up would be people who were getting high in the first place.

I think over time gradually legalizing this stuff will probably become inevitable. I don't like the idea of coke or heroin being popularly available--I'd say the most people can handle legally, these days, is pot. Start there, anyway.


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by ninjashadow

I agree with you on that point and if you read my posts towards the beginning of this thread you'd see what I mean. What I'm saying, however, is that the "it grows in the ground, it must be good," argument falls short because poisonous plants grow in the ground.

Besides, pot and alcohol are very similar, except that pot has a good side. I don't think that if pot were legalized you'd have everyone just sitting around stoned. Alcohol is legal and you don't have everyone sitting around drunk, do you? I think that there should be specific regulations on pot such as an age limit and a DUIC (Drving under the influence of cannabis).

Exactly. When you hit twenty-one you can buy booze, a handgun, and a joint might as well be on the list.

Pot's been legal in Amsterdam for quite some time and based on what I've heard from several friends going over there, the majority of people who wander around stoned are American tourists who think they just showed up in heaven.:D


Originally posted by ninjashadow

Besides, pot and alcohol are very similar, except that pot has a good side.

Alcohol has as many positive medicinal qualities as marijuana, probably more.

I think that there should be specific regulations on pot such as an age limit and a DUIC (Drving under the influence of cannabis).

How would you do a roadside sobriety test for pot intoxication? What level of 'stoned' would be acceptable?


New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

Alcohol has as many positive medicinal qualities as marijuana, probably more.

How would you do a roadside sobriety test for pot intoxication? What level of 'stoned' would be acceptable?

I wasn't thinking of heart issues. But you'd be right.

I really don't know. I'm sure they could develope something like they did for alcohol. For alcohol in IL its .08, so I'm sure the powers that be could find an acceptable version for pot.


New member
Probably not, but the breathalizer hasn't been around for that long. I know that there are urine tests that can be administered and get the resulsts in three minutes, so perhaps that could be a solution.


Originally posted by ninjashadow

Probably not, but the breathalizer hasn't been around for that long. I know that there are urine tests that can be administered and get the resulsts in three minutes, so perhaps that could be a solution.

Oh yeah, I can see a cop asking a stoner to piss into a container right there on the side of the road. :rolleyes:

Besides, THC stays in a persons system for weeks, long after the effects have worn off.