

Blessed beyond measure
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LDD, I realize that you're just figuring things out around here like the "quote" features and that you have your hands full with your little ones but whenever you get the chance, I'd appreciate it if you'd respond to my other questions and comments in post #98.


Caped Crusader
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Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

poly - yes i did, sorry 'bout that, anyone know how i can move it? If i copy and paste will it still be an active link?
If you just copy and paste the text from your post, the third link will get messed up because of the ellipsis. But if you click the "quote" link on that post and copy the links from there, they'll all work.


Banned by Mod
Poly -m look at post # 103, i believe i answered them there i just screwed it all up (imagine that). I answered them but they are in the quote box. If i missed one let me know. Sorry for all the confusion, i really am. i think i'll stick to posting after the kids are in bed so that i don't get everything so screwed up.


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by Mr Jack

Define "to get high"?

I, and various people I know, have taken and do take marijuana with the intention of reaching a level of intoxication equivalent to having a couple of pints of strong beer - i.e. a little merry, so you can feel the effects but they are not having a significant impairing effect on your judgement.

I define "high" as when your faculties are affected, your judgment and response time impaired.


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by Mr Jack

That's not entirely fair, Granite, most people I know who are strongly anti-weed have worked in the mental health industry and dealt with people who's lives have been damn near destroyed by Hash.

A person I know who had smoked weed for many years has little to no short term memory.


Banned by Mod
If you were to compare a person who used marijuana for their ailments to a person who treated their symptoms with pills, i would think that the person using pills, over a period of years, would have far worse effects than short term memory loss.


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Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

Poly -m look at post # 103, i believe i answered them there i just screwed it all up (imagine that). I answered them but they are in the quote box. If i missed one let me know. Sorry for all the confusion, i really am. i think i'll stick to posting after the kids are in bed so that i don't get everything so screwed up.

Actually, you only addressed my last question. I was hoping you'd respond to the rest of it as well. I'll post it again.

Originally posted by Poly

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

But i do have stomach problems, back problems, stress issues, possibly fibromyalgia or some other neurological problem

Have you been medically diagnosed with all these problems or are they conclusions that you have come to on your own?
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

but i like knowing that i have a way to release my tension at the end of the day without having to take a drink or take a pill, both of which have side effects not only during use but afterward too. Now, i realize that marijuana has "side effects" also but let's just say that i prefer to use something non-addictive.

And how is it that you know for sure that marijuana is not addictive? I ask this because we had some friends a few years back who smoked it. When we found out, we confronted them they were quick to tell us how non-addictive it was and how other things are much worse. She said they used it for stress issues. After a while, she confided in me that it really was getting out of control. She stopped for a while (or so she says) but said that he would always say that he was going to buy just one more "bag" and that's it. But that was never it. She called several times crying, wanting help because his use of it and refusal to stop was ruining their family. When we told her what she should do, we'd end up not hearing from her for a long time. If we called to check on them, she was quick to say that everything was ok. She didn't really want to talk but seemed to want to get off the phone as quickly as possilbe. And then lo and behold she'd call again out of the blue complaining about it. I told her that it bothered me that she did this. Come to find out, she hadn't exactly quit either and I'm sure it was her guilt that kept her from keeping in contact. If it's not addictive then why would her husband promise to stop yet doesn't and why would she deliberately go back to the very thing that she said is destroying her family?

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
Also like i said before my husband uses it for his multiple sclerosis and at the end of the day he has a lot of symptoms of his disease that flare up and the marijuana really helps, so we do it together at night so that we have "our time" together too, he hates doing it alone and it benefits my stress level so it's a win win for us.

Why is he opposed to the many drugs that are offered for this disease? Surely if he suffers this much, the doctor can give him something for symptom relief. I'm also curious as to why his symptoms seem to be so bad at the end of the day? Symptoms of this can flare up at different times. I wonder because with you saying so that you can have "your time" together and that he hates doing it alone, I sense that there's more than going on than just smoking it for "medicinal purposes".


New member
Let me share a true story which may shed some light on this discussion.

In the early 70's my bro-in-law worked for 2 years for BP on the North Slope. There was nowhere to go and nothing to do, this was before video games and satellite tv.
The workers were split about 50/50 between those who drank alcohol and those who smoked pot.

The drinkers would get loud and boisterous and often end up fighting.
The smokers would go off by themselves and not be seen or heard from until the next morning when they would go back to work.
The drinkers were often miserable due to hangovers, the smokers seems to show little adverse effects.


New member
Originally posted by Shimei

I define "high" as when your faculties are affected, your judgment and response time impaired.

And this happens even with only one beer.

But most perfer to do it with 6. :chuckle:


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Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

poly, i can see the answers to all of your ?'s on my cpu, i suppose something messed up, i will post them again...

Ok, nevermind. I see them in the quote box.


Banned by Mod
Have you been medically diagnosed with all these problems or are they conclusions that you have come to on your own?

-Medically diagnosed. (with more things than mentioned before i might add.)

And how is it that you know for sure that marijuana is not addictive? If it's not addictive then why would her husband promise to stop yet doesn't and why would she deliberately go back to the very thing that she said is destroying her family?

-How can you know that it IS addictive? studies tend to lean toward the fact that it is not addictive. You can't base you belief on a couple of people you knew. Most people that have a "problem" with marijuana do not actually have a problem with the marijuana itself, it's more like a kind of dependency/ inability to cope type issue and if it weren't marijuana, it would be something else they had an addiction to.

Why is he opposed to the many drugs that are offered for this disease? . I'm also curious as to why his symptoms seem to be so bad at the end of the day? Symptoms of this can flare up at different times. I wonder because with you saying so that you can have "your time" together and that he hates doing it alone, I sense that there's more than going on than just smoking it for "medicinal purposes".

-Well, firstly, he is allergic to many of them, secondly if you have had any experience with these type drugs the side and long term effects are horrible and management of pain through medication that is chemical is noramlly addictive in a big way, and long term use of such can have many many ill effects both physically and psychologically that far outweigh any ill effects that can come from smoking marijuana. AND all of my husband Dr's are well aware of the fact that he uses marijuana and even agree. Studies have been done that show that just like chemotherapy patients benefit from marijuana so do MS patients. And his symptoms are worse at the end of the day because that's just how a full day of working effects him, no two MS patients are alike in symptoms or reaaction to management of.
And i never said that our sole reason for using it was medicinal, just like some people have a few drinks after dinner to wind down, that is our choice of how to "wind-down" at the end of the day. And since he can't drink, this is what we do.

Do you plan on telling them when they're older? And if so, what if when they get older and aren't feeling well, they opt for drugs and feel they can justify it because this is what they witnessed from their parents as children?

-Yes most certainly i will tell them. And if they choose to do the same for management of physical symptoms then i would much rather that than them fill their bodies with a bunch of chemicals. You say "drugs" but i am only talking about marijuana. And like i said , they have witnessed no such thing, i will tell them about it when they are considerably older and i feel that they have the mental capacity to evaluate the situation for themselves and then make a decision based on what they feel is right.


New member
God finished creating new stuff on the 6th day thus MJ and poppies were in the Garden. "A weed is a flower growing in the wrong place."


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Originally posted by HerodionRomulus

Let me share a true story which may shed some light on this discussion.

In the early 70's my bro-in-law worked for 2 years for BP on the North Slope. There was nowhere to go and nothing to do, this was before video games and satellite tv.
The workers were split about 50/50 between those who drank alcohol and those who smoked pot.

The drinkers would get loud and boisterous and often end up fighting.
The smokers would go off by themselves and not be seen or heard from until the next morning when they would go back to work.
The drinkers were often miserable due to hangovers, the smokers seems to show little adverse effects.

I've seen the same thing.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

-Medically diagnosed. (with more things than mentioned before i might add.)

And your doctors are ok with you smoking it for your illnesses?
Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
-How can you know that it IS addictive? studies tend to lean toward the fact that it is not addictive. You can't base you belief on a couple of people you knew. Most people that have a "problem" with marijuana do not actually have a problem with the marijuana itself, it's more like a kind of dependency/ inability to cope type issue and if it weren't marijuana, it would be something else they had an addiction to
You're kind of mixing words here. I do agree that dependancy is the ultimate problem but there is a "problem" with marijuana if people with dependancy issues end up resorting to it. Do they want to smoke tea or bananas? No, because there is something in the pot that they want and desire. And yes, if it weren't marijuana it would be another addictive substance.

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

-Well, firstly, he is allergic to many of them, secondly if you have had any experience with these type drugs the side and long term effects are horrible and management of pain through medication that is chemical is noramlly addictive in a big way, and long term use of such can have many many ill effects both physically and psychologically that far outweigh any ill effects that can come from smoking marijuana. AND all of my husband Dr's are well aware of the fact that he uses marijuana and even agree.
So he's taken everything that the doctors prescribe for the management of MS, has had bad reactions to all of them, and has every one of his doctors' blessing in his using marijuana instead?

Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll
And i never said that our sole reason for using it was medicinal, just like some people have a few drinks after dinner to wind down, that is our choice of how to "wind-down" at the end of the day. And since he can't drink, this is what we do.

I'm just curious, where do you draw the line? If a person said that they did cocaine and this was their choice of how to "wind-down" at the end of the day, would you have a problem with that?


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I have a hard time believing someone would use coke to "wind down," but anything's possible...


Banned by Mod
Originally posted by Poly

And your doctors are ok with you smoking it for your illnesses?

You're kind of mixing words here. I do agree that dependancy is the ultimate problem but there is a "problem" with marijuana if people with dependancy issues end up resorting to it. Do they want to smoke tea or bananas? No, because there is something in the pot that they want and desire. And yes, if it weren't marijuana it would be another addictive substance.

So he's taken everything that the doctors prescribe for the management of MS, has had bad reactions to all of them, and has every one of his doctors' blessing in his using marijuana instead?

I'm just curious, where do you draw the line? If a person said that they did cocaine and this was their choice of how to "wind-down" at the end of the day, would you have a problem with that?

My doctors and my husbands Dr.'s do understand and acknowledge the fact that marijuana is far less harmful than chemical substances, yes they are fine with that.

And yes he has tried every type of medication that is available for his disease (there really aren't that many) Studies show that marijuana is helpful to those with MS. (you may look it up for yourself it is all over the internet and it is fact not assumption)

And i think it is absurd to class marijuana with other drugs, marijuana can be grown and used as is, there are no chemical processes and it isn't killing people by the hundreds every day. (like alcohol, heroin, cocaine, exctasy, meth) andjust so you know marijuana IS where i draw the line. Marijuana is a plant.

You don't see them contemplating legalizing cocaine or heroin do you? No, just marijuana. Why? because of it's many helpful qualities, because it is natural, because so many cancer and MS patients are benefiting from the use of it for many other reasons as well.