

New member
I have rheumatoid arthritis - not a disease for the faint of heart, believe me. I take chemo once a week and inject myself with Humira once every other week. The pain is managed by tramadol, but if anyone fired up a spliff in front of me, I probably wouldn't pass it up - I must admit. The drugs I take have lots of side effects, yes. BUT, they've also stopped the progression of my disease as well as curtailed the inflammation. Has your husband tried Avonex or interferon? Initial reactions to these powerful drugs are disconcerting, but do wane in about six weeks. Your hubby needs to stop his disease's progressison - and then he can smoke jamba all he wants. Pot helps with symptoms, but doesn't cure anything (physical, that is!) Best of luck to you both.


New member
Several people have stated that pot should be treated like alcohol: regulated and taxed.
I disagree.

Why create yet another massive bureaucracy? Why generate even more taxes out of our pockets?

Legalize possession, legalize cultivate of small quanitites but make buying and selling illegal.
This keeps the government and organized crime out of it.

IIRC, this is or was the situation in Alaska. You could grow your own, just couldn't sell it.

So if you want a few pots of pot growing on your balcony or a small plot in your garden next to the basil and other herbs---fine.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by HerodionRomulus

Several people have stated that pot should be treated like alcohol: regulated and taxed.
I disagree.

Why create yet another massive bureaucracy? Why generate even more taxes out of our pockets?

Legalize possession, legalize cultivate of small quanitites but make buying and selling illegal.
This keeps the government and organized crime out of it.

IIRC, this is or was the situation in Alaska. You could grow your own, just couldn't sell it.

So if you want a few pots of pot growing on your balcony or a small plot in your garden next to the basil and other herbs---fine.

Wait, wait. If buying and selling is still illegal organized crime will STILL own a big chunk of the market.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Wait, wait. If buying and selling is still illegal organized crime will STILL own a big chunk of the market.

Possibly. Good point. :confused:

Maybe selling/buying over a certain quantity. That is, you can sell your black thumb neighbor a minor quantity, say less than an ounce?


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by LivingDeadDoll

i think this is appropriate to the

I don't. I think it's crap. And I think you're full of crap if you think that people don't see through the supposed "justification" of your drug use. I think you hang yourself with your own words. I feel sorry for your kids. I think you're lying to yourself and they are the ones who are going to have to pay.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by HerodionRomulus

Possibly. Good point. :confused:

Maybe selling/buying over a certain quantity. That is, you can sell your black thumb neighbor a minor quantity, say less than an ounce?

Less than an ounce? C'mon, man. Take the teeth out of the gangsters and let er rip.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Less than an ounce? C'mon, man. Take the teeth out of the gangsters and let er rip.
No wonder you mental retards can't think, the THC you ingested so willingly has destroyed that part of our brain that processes logical thinking. All you have left is that part of your brain that generates and responds to emotion. How do you feel about that? :noid:


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by Art Deco

No wonder you mental retards can't think, the THC you ingested so willingly has destroyed that part of our brain that processes logical thinking. All you have left is that part of your brain that generates and responds to emotion. How do you feel about that? :noid:



New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

No wonder you mental retards can't think, the THC you ingested so willingly has destroyed that part of our brain that processes logical thinking. All you have left is that part of your brain that generates and responds to emotion. How do you feel about that? :noid:

Art, what in the heck are you talking about? If you think you're talking to a pot head, I've probably smoked it all of half a dozen times. It's not my poison of choice (booze is). Really wish a thug like you would learn to look before you leap.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Art, what in the heck are you talking about? If you think you're talking to a pot head, I've probably smoked it all of half a dozen times. It's not my poison of choice (booze is). Really wish a thug like you would learn to look before you leap.
Listen tiger, how much you smoke is your business, (only you know for sure) but the issue is not your use, but legalization which you obviously endorse.

This plague, has grown since the 60's due to the tolerance of the general population. Tolerance kills cultures... :doh:


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

Listen tiger, how much you smoke is your business, (only you know for sure) but the issue is not your use, but legalization which you obviously endorse.

This plague, has grown since the 60's due to the tolerance of the general population. Tolerance kills cultures... :doh:

A "plague" is the last thing pot is, and this is just more of the same propaganda that's been used to demonize it since at least the Twenties.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

A "plague" is the last thing pot is, and this is just more of the same propaganda that's been used to demonize it since at least the Twenties.

The real drug plagues are methamphetimine and heroin. Meth tweakers are the biggest losers around and a real plague on society. But, that's fodder for another thread.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Thia

The real drug plagues are methamphetimine and heroin. Meth tweakers are the biggest losers around and a real plague on society. But, that's fodder for another thread.

What people don't realize--at least the shivering Puritans who want to stomp out weed use--is that it's possible to be a fully functional and productive member of society and still smoke pot. The whole idea of a glass-eyed pothead who doesn't stir till noon time is a stereotype (the first stereotype was that reefer made you go insane and especially turned Negro males into psychotic rapists with a taste for white women; what a coincidence). But it's an effective one, and the mass media's been going along for the ride since Hearst figured out hemp would cost him money.

What a racket.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

What people don't realize--at least the shivering Puritans who want to stomp out weed use--is that it's possible to be a fully functional and productive member of society and still smoke pot. The whole idea of a glass-eyed pothead who doesn't stir till noon time is a stereotype (the first stereotype was that reefer made you go insane and especially turned Negro males into psychotic rapists with a taste for white women; what a coincidence). But it's an effective one, and the mass media's been going along for the ride since Hearst figured out hemp would cost him money.

What a racket.

It is! And, as mentioned previously, I believe, booze certainly causes a lot more problems for society than weed does. Weed makes people 'contemplative' (hee hee) and booze makes some people, er, overly-social let's say (and even overly anti-social!). I told my son when he came of age that I couldn't stop him from substance abuse (when he joined a fraternity at UCSB - argh!) but to remember that with pot and liquor, you at least have the power to say 'no' after you've had enough. Hard drugs don't allow such control - once it goes down your throat or into your nose, you're at the drug's mercy. Scary. ( PS: I do not condone drug use; I was simply stating my view. My son's father worked dope for the PD and would freak if he knew his son was doing drugs!)


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

Tolerance kills cultures... :doh:

Ah....just like Torquemada tolerated the Moriscos and Marranos into extinction.
Just like you would cheerfully tolerate into oblivion those who do not goosestep along with your sanctimonious, un-loving and erroneous opinions.

"God is Love" "Love one another"

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

A "plague" is the last thing pot is, and this is just more of the same propaganda that's been used to demonize it since at least the Twenties.
For a guy who has a passing interest in weed you sure don't hesitate to rush to its defense. Me thinks you protest too much... :think:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by HerodionRomulus

Ah....just like Torquemada tolerated the Moriscos and Marranos into extinction.
Just like you would cheerfully tolerate into oblivion those who do not goosestep along with your sanctimonious, un-loving and erroneous opinions.

"God is Love" "Love one another"
Atheists love to quote the Bible...They find it's a useful tool to bludgeon hapless wimpy Christians into silence on cultural issues. It doesn't work with me you God hating Christophobic hypocrite. :angel: