

New member
Probably not. I'm just saying there are ways to do it. In fact, all cops need is probably cause. If they smell pot on someone, they have the right to arrest them and then have the person tested.


Originally posted by ninjashadow

If they are trained to do it and told to do it.

You gotta be kidding???? :confused:

One of the biggest fears that cops have is contracting HIV from suspects, especially drug users. The last thing they want to do is be messing around with someones blood on the side of the road. Also, they will be open for all sorts of lawsuits if they start jabbing people, especially if it wasn't warranted.

No, they will have to come up with a different test. Did you read the article I linked to? It seems that a saliva test is the closest thing they have currently, but it doesn't look very reliable.


Originally posted by ninjashadow

Probably not. I'm just saying there are ways to do it. In fact, all cops need is probably cause. If they smell pot on someone, they have the right to arrest them and then have the person tested.

What if that person tests negative? I don't want to give cops [nazis] any more authority than they already have.


New member
Not really, but if they are trained to smell pot and they think they smell pot, then there's a good chance that this is pot somewhere in the vehicle.


Ah, well pot in the vehicle is something different than a cop [nazi] arresting someone just because he thinks they smell like marijuana.

Besides, we are discussing a scenario where pot is legal but driving stoned [to a certain yet undertimed degree] is not.


If it's unfair, should we protest?

Shouldn't we refuse to co operate with Barney and stand up for our rights and freedoms?


New member
Of course we should, but that hasn't kept them with coming up with unfair laws. It might change those laws, but they just come up with new unfair laws.


New member
I'm not saying that nor I have I implied that. What I AM saying is that merely protesting doesn't work, one of us needs to become one of them (in name only) to change the system.


You could contact the ACLU ahead of time, go out of your way to get pulled over after hanging out with someone who was smoking pot so you smelled like a Rastafarian, refuse to co operate with the cop [nazi] and test the law in court after he arrests you falsely.


No, more like: 'I've had it with this crap! I will not co operate and willingly allow you to take away my freedom any longer!'

Then, of course, you barricade yourself in your house with a full arsenal and make ready.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Art Deco
Atheists love to quote the Bible...They find it's a useful tool to bludgeon hapless wimpy Christians into silence on cultural issues.
My experience has been that a shovel handle is far more effective.
It doesn't work with me you God hating Christophobic hypocrite. :angel:
But a shovel handle handle would...


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by BillyBob

No, more like: 'I've had it with this crap! I will not co operate and willingly allow you to take away my freedom any longer!'

Then, of course, you barricade yourself in your house with a full arsenal and make ready.
Then the cops take out you and your house with a tank.