Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Jr., Holy Scripture says that 'you'll reap what you sow'. One of the pagan religions uses the word "Karma".
Mark my word Jr., either you or one of your loved ones will become a drug addict sometime in your life and you will get an up close look at the misery that you've promoted.
If that were, heaven forbid, to happen, the one worse thing for them than the drugs themselves would be wannabe do-gooders like you that think its acceptable to throw them in rape cages.
Let me give you a little taste of what you can expect Jr.
At first the drug addict is going to ask his parents for money (he needs it to buy books for school, etc. etc. etc). After mommy and daddy get wise to that and say that they can't give said drug addict anymore money, he starts rifling through their bedroom closet, dresser drawers, etc. for cash. He then sends his drug addict friends into burglarize their house and take anything that can easily be sold on the street so that they can get their fix.
This is the good part Jr., so pay very close attention:
When said drug addict gets very desperate, he starts physically abusing his mother and/or grandmother (beating them up) because they won't any longer contribute to his "needs".
Said drug addict, will then be sent away to prison for those "victimless crimes" that he's responsible for, and needless to say, will become someone's 'girlfriend' inside prison.
Enjoy the fruits of your labor Jr.