Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


it's already working to make less government in Philly,

they did not have to incarcerate 30 individuals over the last weekend, that meant less work for the jailers, prosecutors, etc.

instead citations sent in mail, they still made their fine money, nuff said.

That will be the next ploy by the druggies when they attempt to legalize the harder stuff like cocaine and heroin (Libertarian strategy #1,091).


I thought this thread was about MJ and LESS government?

do try and stay focused man! :chuckle:

It's about the drug culture in general and how it leads to more government and eventually a police state (which we're very close to now). Surely you don't have a problem talking about other things beside pot do you jerm?

By the way jerm, do you embibe in that harmless drug known as marijuana?


What I really hate to see is people ending up like you. Were you always this morally lost, or did it happen after you became addicted to drugs?

That didn't address my post and your now faulty numbers. It was just a poor attempt at a deflection.

Numbers can be manipulated. Besides, statistics never show the devastation that recreational drugs brings to the individuals using them, nor what it brings to a society that allows it.

"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."
Psalm 9:17


New member
Numbers can be manipulated. Besides, statistics never show the devastation that recreational drugs brings to the individuals using them, nor what it brings to a society that allows it.

"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."
Psalm 9:17

So you share numbers as fact when it helps your argument and then disregard them as manipulated and not really showing anything when they are updated and don't support your position any longer. Classic.


New member
jeremysdemo said:
I thought this thread was about MJ and LESS government?

do try and stay focused man!
It's about the drug culture in general and how it leads to more government and eventually a police state (which we're very close to now). Surely you don't have a problem talking about other things beside pot do you jerm?
well the title is misleading to say the least. :chuckle:
By the way jerm, do you embibe in that harmless drug known as marijuana?
I partake in CBD extract on a regular because it helps with my nervous condition, I found a company 4 years ago with a patented process to extract it leaving 0% THC.

I didn't consider MJ a drug as it was found in nature as God created it *and said it was good* until the early 70's when drug cartels got a hold of it (I direct result of it being illegal in the US) and started breeding out the beneficial CBD (which is not psychoactive) and breeding stronger and stronger THC strains.
IF not for the medical MJ industry drug cartels would have all but eliminated CBD from the major strains.

curious, are you against all herbal extracts or just ones from MJ?

I bet you support big pharm and their toxic remedies, lucky guess if so.

have you sipped on their koolaid?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
By the way jerm, do you embibe in that harmless drug known as marijuana?

I partake in CBD extract on a regular because it helps with my nervous condition, I found a company 4 years ago with a patented process to extract it leaving 0% THC.

What a coincidence, shag uses pot for his irritable bowel syndrome. He smokes it through a sissy vaporizor though.

I didn't consider MJ a drug as it was found in nature as God created it *and said it was good* until the early 70's when drug cartels got a hold of it (I direct result of it being illegal in the US) and started breeding out the beneficial CBD (which is not psychoactive) and breeding stronger and stronger THC strains.
IF not for the medical MJ industry drug cartels would have all but eliminated CBD from the major strains.

But you still want it to be legal, even though you admit that it has been bred with stronger and stronger THC strains?

Regarding God saying that getting hiiiiiigh is good: I must have missed that in Holy Scripture someplace. In fact, I've seen just the opposite.

The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
1 Peter 4:7

Etc. etc. etc.

curious, are you against all herbal extracts or just ones from MJ?

I run into druggies everday that explain to me that smoking dope is for their "nervvvvvvvvves". You probably have that condition from smoking dope in the first place.

Go into detox, your body will thank you for it.


So you share numbers as fact when it helps your argument and then disregard them as manipulated and not really showing anything when they are updated and don't support your position any longer. Classic.

Those other numbers that I posted didn't seem to impress you too much shag.


New member
What a coincidence, shag uses pot for his irritable bowel syndrome. He smokes it through a sissy vaporizor though.
bully for him, personally that would make my mind loose focus I'm sure...then I wouldn't be able to concentrate on a single topic. :chuckle:
But you still want it to be legal, even though you admit that it has been bred with stronger and stronger THC strains?
considering it becoming illegal is what made it a drug in the first place, yes.

breeding can be reversed, we are already achieving it in my company.

Regarding God saying that getting hiiiiiigh is good: I must have missed that in Holy Scripture someplace. In fact, I've seen just the opposite.
I'd prefer you not put words in my mouth or infer meanings,

as a plant it is good, as He created it and has medicinal uses just as many other plants with beneficial cannabinoids do, it's not a hard verse to find, it's near the beginning of the book.

The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
1 Peter 4:7

Etc. etc. etc.
I could not agree more, if you need a link to the scientific journals going back to the 70's of the benefits of CBD and it's lack of psychoactive properties I'd be happy to share some of them with you.

I run into druggies everday that explain to me that smoking dope is for their "nervvvvvvvvves". You probably have that condition from smoking dope in the first place.

Go into detox, your body will thank you for it.
they would probably have to smoke incredible amounts of it to reach any beneficial level of CBD in their system unless they sought out the few rare strains it has been bread back into.

I wish you would have answered that question about other herbal extracts and big pharm....but not answering is a tell itself. ;)

it means you have no problem with people putting toxic chemicals into their bodies that cause diseases as long as it is "prescribed" and "legal" but you have a problem with plants and other holistic remedies God put on this earth for our benefit.

it's a very backward way of thinking, but it's not your fault, you've been programmed by evil men and honestly know not what you do.

Jesus would have forgiven you, as will I. ;)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What a coincidence, shag uses pot for his irritable bowel syndrome. He smokes it through a sissy vaporizor though.

bully for him, personally that would make my mind loose focus I'm sure...then I wouldn't be able to concentrate on a single topic.

Without a doubt jerm, you are focused on dope.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But you still want it to be legal, even though you admit that it has been bred with stronger and stronger THC strains?

considering it becoming illegal is what made it a drug in the first place, yes.

Do ya think that maybe the reason dope became illegal was because of the harm that it was doing to people and thus society in general?

breeding can be reversed, we are already achieving it in my company.

I say that we put that time and effort into "breeding" intelligent people, not stoners.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding God saying that getting hiiiiiigh is good: I must have missed that in Holy Scripture someplace. In fact, I've seen just the opposite.

I'd prefer you not put words in my mouth or infer meanings,

I read doper fluently.

as a plant it is good, as He created it and has medicinal uses just as many other plants with beneficial cannabinoids do, it's not a hard verse to find, it's near the beginning of the book.

The problems this country are having isn't due to those very few who legitimately use herbal plants such as marijuana for medicinal purposes, the problem comes from recreational use. (focus jerm, focus).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
1 Peter 4:7

Etc. etc. etc.

I could not agree more, if you need a link to the scientific journals going back to the 70's of the benefits of CBD and it's lack of psychoactive properties I'd be happy to share some of them with you.

Unless you inhaled some pretty potent stuff jerm, we're not back in the 70's, but in 2014 where marijuana is 7 times stronger.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I run into druggies everday that explain to me that smoking dope is for their "nervvvvvvvvves". You probably have that condition from smoking dope in the first place.

Go into detox, your body will thank you for it.

I wish you would have answered that question about other herbal extracts and big pharm....but not answering is a tell itself.

There are legitimate "herbal extracts" for various medical conditions. That being said: I pointed out a dozen or more RX drugs that shag could take for his IBS condition, but popping a pill or two a day isn't nearly as fun as getting hiiiiiiiiiiigh and saying it's for a medical condition is it jerm?

it's a very backward way of thinking, but it's not your fault, you've been programmed by evil men and honestly know not what you do.

Yeah, Holy Scripture is evil, the dopers at High Times are good.

Jesus would have forgiven you, as will I.

What was it that Jesus said about those who lead young people astray?

"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Matthew 18:6

Boy jerm, I don't envy you on your personal judgment day when you go before God.



New member
Do ya think that maybe the reason dope became illegal was because of the harm that it was doing to people and thus society in general?

to think that I would have to ignore the last 80 years of US political history.

the tobacco lobbies, the cotton lobbies, and most recently last few decades the strongest political opponents to legalization big pharm $...I'm sure the religious right played their role too in elections...but they are pretty much powerless to implement legislation once the officials with the agenda are elected.

I tend to just stick to the historic facts of the matter when 'thinking' about the reasons things happened.

I'm not arguing MJ can be made into a drug, can be abused, can be harmful (especially to adolescent minds) all well documented in scientific literature, but this thread is not on that topic, if you focus on what it is about you'll have a lot less clutter, redundancy and more productivity on the topic. ;)

which is.....or should have been:

Marijuana legalization: LESS government?

I can't honestly say it will mean less government, but it would mean a shift of resources, from arresting and incarcerating non-violent non-criminal citizens to farming regulation, taxation, the army corpes of engineers etc.

For all we know it may take more government to do so but hopefully with the additional tax revenue and hemp product we can export it would offset any addition to the size of government needed.

patrick jane

the harm to society is the criminalization of marijuana use, production and distribution. the harm to society is mint, mint, government


to think that I would have to ignore the last 80 years of US political history.

the tobacco lobbies, the cotton lobbies, and most recently last few decades the strongest political opponents to legalization big pharm $...I'm sure the religious right played their role too in elections...but they are pretty much powerless to implement legislation once the officials with the agenda are elected.

I tend to just stick to the historic facts of the matter when 'thinking' about the reasons things happened.

Boy jerm, your subscription to Hiiiigh Times did pay off, you can recite dope propaganda with the best of them.

I'm not arguing MJ can be made into a drug, can be abused, can be harmful (especially to adolescent minds) all well documented in scientific literature, but this thread is not on that topic, if you focus on what it is about you'll have a lot less clutter, redundancy and more productivity on the topic. ;)

which is.....or should have been:

Marijuana legalization: LESS government?

It was established in the OP and throughout this 40+ page thread that pot use creates more government.

Wait, you have been following the thread haven't you jerm?

I can't honestly say it will mean less government, but it would mean a shift of resources, from arresting and incarcerating non-violent non-criminal citizens to farming regulation, taxation, the army corpes of engineers etc.

Dopers for the most part are non-violent, as it takes too much energy for someone hiiiiigh to clench their fist.

That being said: dopers are the dregs of our society. They need righteous laws enacted to help them leave their worthless lives behind, not a license to continue it.


New member
Boy jerm, your subscription to Hiiiigh Times did pay off, you can recite dope propaganda with the best of them.
American History 101.

It's a shame you do not know the history of your own countries legislation or this topic enough to speak on it with any edification.

not surprising tho, you seem to just flap your gums on here for the sake of hearing yourself. :chuckle:

if there was any consensus in the body of believers here with you your rep would be much higher by now.

now we can conclude one or two things about that,

1.all the rest of the body on the internet that happens to come here (thousands) is in error and you are correct about everything,
2. they all are in unison on most things and you are the odd ball out.

my money and the statistics are on two.
It was established in the OP and throughout this 40+ page thread that pot use creates more government.

Wait, you have been following the thread haven't you jerm?
ha ha good one, no one is following you! get over yourself.

Dopers for the most part are non-violent, as it takes too much energy for someone hiiiiigh to clench their fist.

That being said: dopers are the dregs of our society. They need righteous laws enacted to help them leave their worthless lives behind, not a license to continue it.

off topic.


New member
to think that I would have to ignore the last 80 years of US political history.

the tobacco lobbies, the cotton lobbies, and most recently last few decades the strongest political opponents to legalization big pharm $...I'm sure the religious right played their role too in elections...but they are pretty much powerless to implement legislation once the officials with the agenda are elected.

You forgot one. One of the biggest contributors to the anti-legalization agenda financially is alcohol companies. Colorado's beer brewing governor opposed it too.