Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


New member
Druggies even use Scripture to promote their first and only love.

13Then Leah said, "Happy am I! For women will call me happy." So she named him Asher. 14Now in the days of wheat harvest Reuben went and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them to his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes."
Genesis 30:13-14

Song of Solomon 7:13

Do pot plants have a nice fragrance whitestone?


mandrake root is mentioned in the bible to increase fertility:

"We read in the Book of Genesis (XXX, 14 - 17) how Reuben found some mandrakes in a wheat-field

and brought them to his mother, Leah, and how Rachel, being childless, besought Leah to give them to

her. Also the love apples Lea served her husband (Genesis 30:14) were most likely the fruits of


Let me guess whitestone:

Cannabis is also a fertility drug?

So plants that can get you high and increase fertility are ok.

Plants that can't get you hight but can be made into a nice rope and a million other things are not.

P.S. Cannabis does have a nice smell.


I'm trying to get you to tell me how hemp is connected to marijuana. Marijuana doesn't come from a hemp plant. They are in the same family, but hemp has no connection to marijuana other than that.

Again, the connection is with legalizing both at the federal level. Turn on your (sissy) vaporizer if it helps you think more clearly.

You might as well make all mushrooms illegal since some of them can be taken as recreational drugs too. That is what you are trying to do with hemp.

And rollercoasters and tomatoes.

Alcohol is a recreational drug. It is classified so by the FDA which you constantly site in your posts.

Or do you only care what the FDA says when it lines up with your opinion?

It is classified by the Bible (which is the only book that holds authority with me) as a sinless beverage, UNLESS it is used for intoxicating reasons.


New member
Again, the connection is with legalizing both at the federal level. Turn on your (sissy) vaporizer if it helps you think more clearly.

So you would be fine legalizing hemp as long as marijuana isn't included?

So far the only reason you've given me that you are opposed to hemp is that Ron Paul supports it.

It is classified by the Bible (which is the only book that holds authority with me) as a sinless beverage, UNLESS it is used for intoxicating reasons.

Like John 2:1-11

How does the Bible classify non-intoxicating plants such as hemp?


Well-known member
Druggies even use Scripture to promote their first and only love.

13Then Leah said, "Happy am I! For women will call me happy." So she named him Asher. 14Now in the days of wheat harvest Reuben went and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them to his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes."
Genesis 30:13-14

Song of Solomon 7:13

Do pot plants have a nice fragrance whitestone?


mandrake root is mentioned in the bible to increase fertility:

"We read in the Book of Genesis (XXX, 14 - 17) how Reuben found some mandrakes in a wheat-field

and brought them to his mother, Leah, and how Rachel, being childless, besought Leah to give them to

her. Also the love apples Lea served her husband (Genesis 30:14) were most likely the fruits of


Let me guess whitestone:

Cannabis is also a fertility drug?

your asking us to agree with your terms instead of gods terms,,,and I've given you 2 scriptures "in the bible",,,and in genesis the context of the scripture is in the affect of "if you use them this way it is a sin but if you use them this way it is not",,,,,,,,and we are in fact discussing "recreational use" in an environment "at home",,where we are not endangering anyone.

it's the same example in gen. 30,,,that is if you use mandrake to take advantage of someone else "thats a sin",,so if they smoke pot and drive down the road and kill our children well,,"thats a sin",,that is they decided to murder our children when they made the decision to "drive while intoxicated",,,(on anything),,,


So you would be fine legalizing hemp as long as marijuana isn't included?

You mean like in colonial times when our nation consisted of "a moral and religious people"?


Like John 2:1-11

You already implied that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh purposely intoxicated people earlier in the thread.

Don't go there again doper, as blasphemy is taken seriously around here.

(Dope is bad for the memory, shag is living proof).


New member
You mean like in colonial times when our nation consisted of "a moral and religious people"?

Yeah, slave owners who killed the natives and anyone accused of witchcraft. Those were the good ol' moral and religious days.

You already implied that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh purposely intoxicated people earlier in the thread.

I'm not John.

Don't go there again doper, as blasphemy is taken seriously around here.

(Dope is bad for the memory, shag is living proof).

If quoting scripture is blasphemy there are some people here in serious trouble. I never said what Jesus did was a sin. You did.

I don't think it is though.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You mean like in colonial times when our nation consisted of "a moral and religious people"?


Yeah, slave owners who killed the natives and anyone accused of witchcraft. Those were the good ol' moral and religious days.

Yep, back in the days before the 6 foot long water pipe was invented.


This guy aint no sissy vaporizer doper, he smokes his pot like a man!


New member
Is it true gcthomas that people hiiiiiigh on dope take forever to type out a post?

(aCW impatiently taps his toes waiting for gcthomas' pro dope reply).

Did you know that hemp pollen can travel 12 km, and would pollinate marijuana plants grown illegally, reducing the crop's potency by cross breeding? Still not in favour?

Did you know that perhaps 99% of the 'marijuana' plants destroyed by drugs agencies is really feral hemp, ditch weed? Think how much money could be saved by reducing such a large bureaucratic burden on the authorities!

Having less enforcement activity would mean LESS GOVERNMENT activity. Aren't you in favour now?

Come on, ACW. Quit objecting just because you don't like unrelated ideas of the people proposing the legislation change. Ante up now, act like a man. Come out of the closet on this.

Why don't YOU want industrial hemp plantations


Did you know that hemp pollen can travel 12 km, and would pollinate marijuana plants grown illegally, reducing the crop's potency by cross breeding? Still not in favour?

I did not know that!

Did you know that perhaps 99% of the 'marijuana' plants destroyed by drugs agencies is really feral hemp, ditch weed? Think how much money could be saved by reducing such a large bureaucratic burden on the authorities!

I did not know that!

Having less enforcement activity would mean LESS GOVERNMENT activity. Aren't you in favour now?

No (this I know).

Come on, ACW. Quit objecting just because you don't like unrelated ideas of the people proposing the legislation change. Ante up now, act like a man. Come out of the closet on this.

Why don't YOU want industrial hemp plantations

Ummm...because dopers like you want them?


One question before I call it a night gc:

Why do dopers call their festivals "hempfests", if hemp is only for making ropes and such?

August 2009

Somewhere around 300,000 people converged on the Seattle waterfront Saturday and Sunday to attend the 19th annual Seattle Hempfest, the world's largest marijuana "protestival," as organizers like to call it. While organizers and drug reform advocates were out in force to encourage attendees to get involved in changing the marijuana laws, for most of the crowd, Hempfest was one big pot party. And that has some movement critics unhappy...


And who would have thought that many people would come together just because they're interested in industrial hemp?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You mean like in colonial times when our nation consisted of "a moral and religious people"?


Yep, back in the days before the 6 foot long water pipe was invented.


This guy aint no sissy vaporizer doper, he smokes his pot like a man!

Yeah that bong is morally worse than slavery and genocide. :kookoo:


Yeah that bong is morally worse than slavery and genocide. :kookoo:

You really don't want to got there doper, or I'll have to start talking about Libertarian policies that amount to nothing less than infanticide (56 million in a 41 year period).

Or I could talk about Libertarian policies that allow moral degenerates to not only marry, but hold positions of authority where they have influence over innocent children.

Or I could talk about Libertarian policies that are responsible for the multi billion porn industry, kiddy porn included.

I could go on, but I don't want you OD'ing on your sissy vaporizer because I've ruined your morning.


New member
You really don't want to got there doper, or I'll have to start talking about Libertarian policies that amount to nothing less than infanticide (56 million in a 41 year period).

Or I could talk about Libertarian policies that allow moral degenerates to not only marry, but hold positions of authority where they have influence over innocent children.

Or I could talk about Libertarian policies that are responsible for the multi billion porn industry, kiddy porn included.

I could go on, but I don't want you OD'ing on your sissy vaporizer because I've ruined your morning.

I didn't claim the country was ever "moral and religious." You did. I proved you wrong. You can bring that stuff up, but that doesn't take away the slavery and genocide from your "moral and religious colonial times" when hemp was ok to grow.

It's ok to admit you are wrong sometimes aCW. Go ahead and say you made a stupid point about moral and religious colonial times. Unless you really think that slavery and genocide really isn't as bad as smoking a little weed.

I'm starting to think that you really are pro-marijuana and you are just coming up with these stupid arguments to make the other side look bad. That's the only logical explanation.


I didn't claim the country was ever "moral and religious." You did.

I was using a quote from President John Adams:

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people..".

-President John Adams to the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, 1798.1

"These words of President Adams remind us of what used to be a common idea–liberty entails responsibility, and absent religion (even with it, alas) many people will choose immorality and irresponsibility. President Washington said much the same thing in his “Farewell Address”: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. . . . And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.”2 Because the American republic is a free republic, therefore, it was designed for a religious people. That is the proper context in which to understand Adams’ 1790 comment on the French Revolution, “I know not what to make of a republic of 30 million atheists.”3 By then Adams was already on record predicting the collapse of the French revolution..."

I proved you wrong.

Because evil men have done evil things since God put man on this earth I was wrong?

Feel free to bump this thread and you can attempt to present the case that our Founding Fathers weren't really Christians nor was the society that they represented.


New member
So you made a mistake over the hemp argument? Don't worry, we won't hold it against you much.

So, why DID you object to hemp being grown for fibre, as happened everywhere else in the world once they realised it was harmless?

Surely you approve of the withdrawal of federal enforcement agencies from a legitimate business?