Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


New member
Again, don't take my word for it, take the Paulbots word for it.

“Under the current national drug control policy, industrial hemp can be imported, but it can’t be grown by American farmers,” says Steenstra. “The DEA has taken the Controlled Substances Act’s antiquated definition of marijuana out of context and used it as an excuse to ban industrial hemp farming. The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009 will return us to more rational times when the government regulated marijuana, but allowed farmers to continue raising industrial hemp just as they always had.”

What's the problem? :idunno:


Cannot OD on pot, but it is addictive according to NIH.

Yet as I pointed out earlier in the thread, marijuana is responsible for onehelluvalot of ER visits. In this article, only second to cocaine.

I dealt with a doper about a month ago who after taking a few hits off of his reefer, started getting heart palpitations and eventually had an anxiety attack.

I'm pretty sure the attack got worse after he found out that his vice cost him $500 in an ambulance ride to a nearby hospital.


New member
Yet as I pointed out earlier in the thread, marijuana is responsible for onehelluvalot of ER visits. In this article, only second to cocaine.

I dealt with a doper about a month ago who after taking a few hits off of his reefer, started getting heart palpitations and eventually had an anxiety attack.

I'm pretty sure the attack got worse after he found out that his vice cost him $500 in an ambulance ride to a nearby hospital.

Anxiety (paranoia) is a side effect to new users. Happens on roller coasters too. Maybe we should outlaw them.

Or, we could let them realize that a pot OD death has never happened and then they will calm down.

On the other hand, roller coaster deaths have happened. How can we let ourselves live in a society where roller coasters are legal? They serve no purpose except to get a cheap recreational rush off of. And most places that have roller coasters aren't even that cheap.

But what does any of this have to do with corn, or beets, or alfalfa, or hemp?


Anxiety (paranoia) is a side effect to new users. Happens on roller coasters too. Maybe we should outlaw them.

Or, we could let them realize that a pot OD death has never happened and then they will calm down.

On the other hand, roller coaster deaths have happened. How can we let ourselves live in a society where roller coasters are legal? They serve no purpose except to get a cheap recreational rush off of. And most places that have roller coasters aren't even that cheap.

But what does any of this have to do with corn, or beets, or alfalfa, or hemp?

These are the kinds of analogies that dopers use to justify smoking dope ("other things are more dangerous than dope, so why not outlaw them?").

But then you're not a real doper are you shagster? I mean someone that isn't man enough to roll a joint, light it up, inhale and hold it in his lungs to get that much needed hiiiiiigh (for the purpose of escaping reality), but instead uses a dope vaporizer, can't be part of the macho man dope club can he?

Quit being a sissy doper shag and take your dope like a man, refer style!



New member
These are the kinds of analogies that dopers use to justify smoking dope ("other things are more dangerous than dope, so why not outlaw them?").

But then you're not a real doper are you shagster? I mean someone that isn't man enough to roll a joint, light it up, inhale and hold it in his lungs to get that much needed hiiiiiigh (for the purpose of escaping reality), but instead uses a dope vaporizer, can't be part of the macho man dope club can he?

You are the king of non-answers.

Quit being a sissy doper shag and take your dope like a man, refer style!


Too much waste.


Well-known member
OK here's the stock market tip of a lifetime,,,while everyone's arguing about whose gonna get to grow it and tax it,,,,,

so "bingo,,ding ding ding",,,as with all stock market transaction's,politics,and the strong sucking sound of job's leaving the united states,,,,here's the "Tip",,,

"the (already existing drug cartels),,are only separated from Washington state by California(one state's distance),,,and Colorado is separated by one state(and a narrow strip in Oklahoma,and Texas),,so the war on drugs is now on the southern border of California(AND)the northern border of California.The very same in Texas the war on drugs is on the southern border of Texas(AND) the northern border of Texas,(unless you count the little strip of Oklahoma),,

so here's the very thing to focus on the u.s. invents cars,then to build them becomes to expensive to the market,we out source the product and import the lower priced auto's. we commercialize oil production but then again it's to expensive so we teach the lower wage workers overseas and import it.

The same strong sucking sound in the south will sir-come in the end,,,the same cartels that were smuggling it into the u.s before will realize to find what ever source the u.s. decides,china,the Netherlands "whoever becomes the supplier",,who even cares who. well the short of it is if you can figure out who it will be "day-after tomorrow",,,well the stocks will be .25 and get,,,,,(pardon the pun),,,"Higher and Higher",,,,but in the end,lol i almost feel bad for them now they have to figure out how to take it from the border of Mexico,,put it on a ship,send it to china,,and import it into the u.s.,,,,,well everything else did just what I'm describing,,why would we think the same thing wont happen to pot,,,take stocks out in the water-pipe industry and make it easy on your self,,,


Well-known member
seriously it's the end of your rights in the u.s.,,and the beginning of the one world government if we look very close at the "drug testing policies employed in both states,and ponder what it will mean in the others,,,,


New member
It's the ramifications. My beloved grandson just lost the opportunity to obtain a job of his dreams because he failed the drug test.

I know it wasn't because he smoked hemp. Hemp won't get you high or make you fail a drug test unless you smoked a whole field of it.


Back to the theme of this thread: Marijuana legalization: LESS government?

This pro dope article by the drug pushers at NORML shows how different states are requiring drug tests for people applying for welfare.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm getting the impression by reading this article that the drug pushers at NORML are against that.

"The industry is once again flexing its political arm pushing for policies that mandate drug testing for welfare recipients. Legislation has already been introduced in Virginia, New York, Arizona, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois and Mississippi, for the 2014 legislative session".
See more at:


Please provide the quote from this article that even implies "drug pushers are just using hemp as an excuse to push marijuana onto society."

I suppose you hope no one notices when you just make stuff up.

I have no quote Eran, just the fact that the Libertarian drug pusher from Texas and the faggot from Massachusetts are working together to not only legalize marijuana, but to legalize growing hemp.

If you can't figure out that 1+1=2, then common sense isn't your forte Eran (but then I've known that all along).

April 2009

Reps Paul, Frank introduce bill to legalize industrial hemp.

June 23, 2011

Representatives Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Ron Paul (R-Texas) introduced a bill Thursday that would end federal prohibition of marijuana production, distribution and possession.

Now why don't you run along and take this information and put it in your bong and smoke it Eran (while the smoke from industrial printing paper would still be unhealthy for your lungs, you won't get a hiiiiiigh from it, and that's a good thing).


New member
I have no quote

Why did you quote the University of Kentucky article?

just the fact that the Libertarian drug pusher from Texas and the faggot from Massachusetts are working together to not only legalize marijuana, but to legalize growing hemp.

Why did they create two separate bills; one to legalized industrial hemp and another to legalize marijuana?

Why not legalize both in one bill? :think:

Where are drug pushers actually using hemp as an excuse to push marijuana on society?

What good is hemp to a drug pusher anyway?