OK here's the stock market tip of a lifetime,,,while everyone's arguing about whose gonna get to grow it and tax it,,,,,
so "bingo,,ding ding ding",,,as with all stock market transaction's,politics,and the strong sucking sound of job's leaving the united states,,,,here's the "Tip",,,
"the (already existing drug cartels),,are only separated from Washington state by California(one state's distance),,,and Colorado is separated by one state(and a narrow strip in Oklahoma,and Texas),,so the war on drugs is now on the southern border of California(AND)the northern border of California.The very same in Texas the war on drugs is on the southern border of Texas(AND) the northern border of Texas,(unless you count the little strip of Oklahoma),,
so here's the very thing to focus on the u.s. invents cars,then to build them becomes to expensive to the market,we out source the product and import the lower priced auto's. we commercialize oil production but then again it's to expensive so we teach the lower wage workers overseas and import it.
The same strong sucking sound in the south will sir-come in the end,,,the same cartels that were smuggling it into the u.s before will realize to find what ever source the u.s. decides,china,the Netherlands "whoever becomes the supplier",,who even cares who. well the short of it is if you can figure out who it will be "day-after tomorrow",,,well the stocks will be .25 and get,,,,,(pardon the pun),,,"Higher and Higher",,,,but in the end,lol i almost feel bad for them now they have to figure out how to take it from the border of Mexico,,put it on a ship,send it to china,,and import it into the u.s.,,,,,well everything else did just what I'm describing,,why would we think the same thing wont happen to pot,,,take stocks out in the water-pipe industry and make it easy on your self,,,