Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


New member
Now that our dope fiend has backtracked, let's talk about the pros and cons of dope vaporizers.

"Vaporization is a relatively new method of administration for marijuana. This device delivers inhaled THC while reducing toxic byproducts of smoking marijuana caused by combustion (Abrams, et al., 2007). The vaporizer heats the marijuana to a temperature between 180 and 200°C which releases cannabinoids in a fine mist without producing toxins related to combustion (Earleywine and Barnwell, 2007). “Respiratory symptoms in heavy users are one well-documented negative consequence of cannabis consumption” (Earleywine and Van Dam, p. 248). Although not much research has been conducted on actual individuals using marijuana vaporizers, a few publications do suggest that the vaporizer is the best method of administration for marijuana in limiting respiratory symptoms in users (Earleywine and Van Dam, 2010).

In a study conducted by the University of New York at Albany and the University of Southern California, researchers found that respiratory effects of marijuana and cigarette use decreased when using a vaporizer. “The data reveal that respiratory symptoms like cough, phlegm, and tightness in the chest increase with cigarette use and cannabis use but are less severe among users of vaporizers” (Earleywine and Barnwell, p. 4). According to this study, vaporizer use as a method of administration has both pros and cons. The decrease of respiratory symptoms is a definite pro in comparison to combustion. However, the cost of a vaporizer can be considered a con. The cost for a vaporizer can range as high as hundreds of dollar (Earleywine and Barnwell, 2007).

In a second study conducted by the University of New York at Albany in 2010, researchers found a dramatic improvement in the participants’ respiratory symptoms. Two of the four participants were cigarette smokers and all four were marijuana smokers. The results showed a drop in respiratory symptoms from 25% to 83%. Also, “respiratory symptom changes were higher among the cigarette smokers (dropping 83% and 66%) than in the non-smokers (dropping 50% and 25%)” (Earleywine and Van Dam, p. 246).

Apart from the improvement and changes in respiratory symptoms in the participants of this study, all four participants reported a delay in feeling high when using the vaporizer as compared to smoking the marijuana. Two of the four participants reported using a higher dose of marijuana in order to feel a high faster. All four participants reported they intended to continue using the vaporizer as their method of administration for marijuana. Yet, they also suggested that “a smaller, battery-powered device might prove more appealing to regular users” (Earleywine and Van Dam, p. 247)."

Shag, have you thought about using a smaller, battery-powered device to inhale your dope with? I assume you would have to use less dope with that to get your hiiiiiigh?

Forgive me, I'm new to the doperatarian world, so this is all Greek to me.

I guess a battery powered one might be useful if the power goes out, but I don't need it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I got the feeling that the author of that article believes that it's a sin to imbibe in alcoholic beverages, when in fact it's a sin to intoxicate oneself.

I get the feeling the author is more interested in proving his view of things than he is in the truth.

The author made his case by quoting numerous verses from Scripture showing that God says that intoxication is sinful.

That being said: Do you believe Jesus Christ sinned by over serving others with fermented wine?

I do not believe OUR LORD Sinned.

Neither do I agree with your characterization of the event...But...I am enjoying watching you trying to extricate yourself from the situation that you have gotten yourself into.

Showing that the Bible says that intoxication is sinful must put you in a quandary Tom: Claiming to be a Christian yet holding on to those Libertarian values of "freedom", "liberty" and "I can smoke dope if I want, as it's MY body!"

Correct me if I'm wrong on your stance on marijuana use and the legalization of it.


I guess a battery powered one might be useful if the power goes out, but I don't need it.

Ya know Shag, IBS isn't something that you have to deal with just at home. Do you think that your employer would allow you (if he hasn't already) to have a cute little battery operated dope machine on your desk at work?

Could you imagine how popular you'd be with the people who work for you? (Remember to keep Twinkies in your desk drawer for those sudden cravings).


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
The author made his case by quoting numerous verses from Scripture showing that God says that intoxication is sinful.

Showing that the Bible says that intoxication is sinful must put you in a quandary Tom: Claiming to be a Christian yet holding on to those Libertarian values of "freedom", "liberty" and "I can smoke dope if I want, as it's MY body!"

Correct me if I'm wrong on your stance on marijuana use and the legalization of it.

Nope...You're not wrong regarding my stance. Perhaps one day you'll get on target with other things as well. :e4e:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Showing that the Bible says that intoxication is sinful must put you in a quandary Tom: Claiming to be a Christian yet holding on to those Libertarian values of "freedom", "liberty" and "I can smoke dope if I want, as it's MY body!"

Correct me if I'm wrong on your stance on marijuana use and the legalization of it.

Nope...You're not wrong regarding my stance. Perhaps one day you'll get on target with other things as well.

Ya know Tom, you're in the perfect thread where you can share your ideas on marijuana use and it's legalization.

The floor is yours.


:chuckle: Not worth the time or effort.

As a Christian isn't your obligation to share the truth with others?

I won't put you on the spot, so I'll share this article I just found on the 3 types of hiiiiiiiiigh.

The 3 Levels of a Marijuana High Buzzed, High, or Stoned on Weed

Isn't it great that there are people out there who write such profound articles which really is a big help to the human race?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
As a Christian isn't your obligation to share the truth with others?

:think: There's TRUTH and then there's truth. TRUTH I am most certainly obligated to share. Truth...notsomuch. In fact I am of the opinion that one of the places where Christianity runs afoul is that it majors on (it's view of) truth and minors on TRUTH.

...But, I digress...

I won't put you on the spot, so I'll share this article I just found on the 3 types of hiiiiiiiiigh.

Very kind of you. :)

The 3 Levels of a Marijuana High Buzzed, High, or Stoned on Weed

Isn't it great that there are people out there who write such profound articles which really is a big help to the human race?

:cool: Cool....Kind of like this site:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As a Christian isn't your obligation to share the truth with others?

There's TRUTH and then there's truth. TRUTH I am most certainly obligated to share. Truth...notsomuch. In fact I am of the opinion that one of the places where Christianity runs afoul is that it majors on (it's view of) truth and minors on TRUTH.

The truth of the matter is that God's Word in Holy Scripture is very clear about this behavior. If you stand by and do nothing while evil men push evil laws on your fellow man, then that's a reflection on the type of Christianity that you practice.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16–17

“The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12



Surprise surprise.



Hemp is not dope, so why should it be prohibited?

The Libertarian drug pusher from Texas worked closely with the faggot from Massachusetts in getting legislation started that would be a stepping stone for marijuana legalization at the federal level.

Rep. Ron Paul and Sen. Barney Frank Introduce Hemp Legalization Bill in U.S. Congress

Reps. Ron Paul, Barney Frank Ask Obama To Respect Pot Legalization Laws


New member
The Libertarian drug pusher from Texas worked closely with the faggot from Massachusetts in getting legislation started that would be a stepping stone for marijuana legalization at the federal level.

So you think legalising a non-food crop that isn't used as a drug and is not pot is a slippery slope? Hemp produces commercial grade oil, fibre and seeds. Money can be made. It can't be turned into marijuana.

Really, what is actually wrong with commercial hemp crops? Not 'what is wrong with a related but different crop' but the one referred to in the proposed legislation.


So you think legalising a non-food crop that isn't used as a drug and is not pot is a slippery slope? Hemp produces commercial grade oil, fibre and seeds. Money can be made. It can't be turned into marijuana.

Really, what is actually wrong with commercial hemp crops? Not 'what is wrong with a related but different crop' but the one referred to in the proposed legislation.

The Libertarian drug pusher from Texas and the faggot from Massachusetts said it, believe them. they're your allies, not mine.


New member
The Libertarian drug pusher from Texas and the faggot from Massachusetts said it, believe them. they're your allies, not mine.

I asked why YOU were against a non-drug crop that had commercial potential and was completely harmless to drug users and society, as well as being legal around the whole world without slippy-sloping those nations to legalise pot.

Don't you have a good reason? Just mouthing off against your favourite targets again?


I asked why YOU were against a non-drug crop that had commercial potential and was completely harmless to drug users and society, as well as being legal around the whole world without slippy-sloping those nations to legalise pot.

Don't you have a good reason? Just mouthing off against your favourite targets again?

I'm asking you this:

Why would the drug pushing Libertarian from Texas, who wants ALL recreational drugs legalized, and the faggot from Massachusetts, who was busy most of the time pushing the pro homosexual agenda on America (when he wasn't running a homosexual brothel out of his Boston apartment), care one iota about hemp farming?