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Incidentally, Doug Jones, the Democrat running against Roy Moore, is the prosecutor who convicted the KKK members for the Birmingham church bombing.

It doesn't seem despicable...
He did some good things in office.
So did Roy Moore.
Now what?


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That's still not what I said. You're not any closer on this second attempt.

I'm not sure if you really don't understand or you're being intentionally obtuse.
Then spit out what you mean, cause to me it seems like you are trying to equate if one is a Christian based on their own righteousness.
King David did some horrible things WHILE he was king, sexual misconduct and murder.
And yet he remained and carried out the duties as their king and the apple of GOD's eye.

So here's the deal when it comes to Moore and Jones .....

Moore is now firmly against things like abortion and gay marriage.
Jones is now firmly for things like abortion and gay marriage (and in fact, Jones wants legalized abortion right up to the moment of birth).
Some Christians will vote for Moore and some will vote for Jones.
Who they vote for (or even if they do not vote at al) is not going to change the status of them being Christian.

The Barbarian

I don't believe racism is specifically conservative or liberal, but total bunkers.

I'm just noting with which side the racists identify. It's always been that way. As you see, even party affiliation means less than the liberal/conservative divide. Liberals tend to oppose racism; conservatives tend to support it.


I'm just noting with which side the racists identify. It's always been that way. As you see, even party affiliation means less than the liberal/conservative divide. Liberals tend to oppose racism; conservatives tend to support it.
And blacks who are racist against whites are not Liberals. I see and have seen violence and agitators on both sides. After all, Robert Byrd was a liberal Democrat, while David Duke is a left wing Republican. It is no longer fashionable for conservatives to support racism.