The Barbarian




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They still oppress blacks and other minorities, using them only for votes. You should watch that Dinesh video.
What's the cliff notes version?

Oh? You won't? Not surprised.
Why ask a question if you don't care about the answer?

But the truth is I don't plan to watch it. It has nothing to do with bias though. It's rare for me to watch videos that get posted on TOL, regardless of the source (I actually did watch a couple of your Crowder videos). Longer videos are almost an automatic no. I checked and it's over an hour long so it's not something I'm going to spend my time on. If you actually care about engaging in dialogue you could let me know some of his main points though. The idea that Dems use minorities for votes is an idea that I've heard before, and there may be some truth in that cynicism for some people(ever heard that Reps only care about abortion to get votes?) but when it comes to racism there's no argument that the GOP wins. Bringing up racist Dems from decades ago is irrelevant.


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Not content to retread the 1990s, conservatives now want to revisit the 1860s and before.
That's what the left does, remember?
"Take down those statues!"
The left only wants to bring it up when it imight be convienent to them.


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Odd that you want to blame the Dems for slavery
I said no Rebuplican owned slaves.
Just a historical fact.

and the KKK
The KKK were Democrats.
Just a historical fact.

while still defending those Confederate statues.
They were historical figures and posed no threat to anyone.

I'd bet a lot of them were put up by Democrats.
I don't know how many were erected by Democrats.
But I do know that no Republicans owned slaves.


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I said no Rebuplican owned slaves.
Just a historical fact.

The KKK were Democrats.
Just a historical fact.

They were historical figures and posed no threat to anyone.

I don't know how many were erected by Democrats.
But I do know that no Republicans owned slaves.

What you're still failing to recognize is that the parties flipped. The Republicans used to be the party of abolition of slavery, and civil rights. But after the Democrats moved to embrace civil rights, Lee Atwater came up with the Southern strategy, to allow the Republicans to pick up the white supremacist base. That's why you have a Republican like Roy Moore complaining about the "new rights" invented in 1965, and that's why you have Republican Donald Trump appearing all the time in front of a portrait of Democrat Andrew Jackson, and why the KKK and the Nazis members showing up to support the current Republican party.


like marbles on glass
What you're still failing to recognize is that the parties flipped. The Republicans used to be the party of abolition of slavery, and civil rights. But after the Democrats moved to embrace civil rights, Lee Atwater came up with the Southern strategy, to allow the Republicans to pick up the white supremacist base. That's why you have a Republican like Roy Moore complaining about the "new rights" invented in 1965, and that's why you have Republican Donald Trump appearing all the time in front of a portrait of Democrat Andrew Jackson, and why the KKK and the Nazis members showing up to support the current Republican party.

Exactly. And IIRC, The Republican party as we know it didn't even come into existence until around the 1850s.


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What you're still failing to recognize is that the parties flipped. The Republicans used to be the party of abolition of slavery, and civil rights. But after the Democrats moved to embrace civil rights, Lee Atwater came up with the Southern strategy, to allow the Republicans to pick up the white supremacist base. That's why you have a Republican like Roy Moore complaining about the "new rights" invented in 1965, and that's why you have Republican Donald Trump appearing all the time in front of a portrait of Democrat Andrew Jackson, and why the KKK and the Nazis members showing up to support the current Republican party.
They came to the Republican party because the Democratic party decided there were other groups more beneficial to their agenda, basically crowding them out by claiming to champion minority blacks and special interest groups as their next political ploy to gain voters.
(They will throw anyone under the bus that does not fit their agenda at the time.)
The KKK does not consider Trump one of them because he is not one of them, but at least he was not Hillary.