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Well, let's take a look...

Barry Goldwater R No
Bourke Hickenlooper, R No
Norris Cotton, R No
Edward Mechem R No
John Tower R No
Milward Simpson R No

Every "Nay" vote in the Senate from states outside the old south, were from conservative republicans.

Not one democrat outside of the south voted against it.

The best predictor of a "Nay" was being a conservative. There were numerous liberal and moderate republicans in those days, and they voted for the act. There were numerous conservative democrats in those days and they mostly voted against the act.
What is all this "outside of the south" bit, and switching between liberal to southern and then democrat and then conservative????
They way they wrote this makes it very confusing to understand what the hell they are talking about.
Why can't they just say how may Dems voted for it and how many Reps voted for it.
And what criteria are they using to determine which of those voters were actually liberal or conservative?
How can they tell that from a vote cast?

patrick jane

What is all this "outside of the south" bit, and switching between liberal to southern and then democrat and then conservative????
They way they wrote this makes it very confusing to understand what the hell they are talking about.
Why can't they just say how may Dems voted for it and how many Reps voted for it.
And what criteria are they using to determine which of those voters were actually liberal or conservative?
How can they tell that from a vote cast?
The left can spin anything to play the race card.

The Barbarian

What is all this "outside of the south" bit,

Southern democrats mostly voted against the act, and all southern republicans did. Northern republicans mostly voted for the act, and all northern democrats did.

and switching between liberal to southern and then democrat and then conservative????

The two major predictors for voting "Nay" were being from the south, and being conservative.

They way they wrote this makes it very confusing to understand what the hell they are talking about.

Think of it as two factors that caused senators to vote against it. Every liberal or moderate voted for the act. Every conservative in the south voted against it, and most conservatives in the north voted against it.

Why can't they just say how may Dems voted for it and how many Reps voted for it.

It's on record. The issue is that the South was loaded with conservative democrats (who were mostly replaced after the civil rights act by conservative republicans).

And what criteria are they using to determine which of those voters were actually liberal or conservative?
How can they tell that from a vote cast?

You could google the names. You'll see that it's true. The key is that the idea of equal rights for black people was controversial at the time. Hence conservatives were inclined to oppose it, and liberals were inclined to support it.

patrick jane

Southern democrats mostly voted against the act, and all southern republicans did. Northern republicans mostly voted for the act, and all northern democrats did.

The two major predictors for voting "Nay" were being from the south, and being conservative.

Think of it as two factors that caused senators to vote against it. Every liberal or moderate voted for the act. Every conservative in the south voted against it, and most conservatives in the north voted against it.

It's on record. The issue is that the South was loaded with conservative democrats (who were mostly replaced after the civil rights act by conservative republicans).

You could google the names. You'll see that it's true. The key is that the idea of equal rights for black people was controversial at the time. Hence conservatives were inclined to oppose it, and liberals were inclined to support it.
I see what you mean, that definitely proves that Republicans are racist today and that Donald Trump supports the KKK and depends on their millions of votes.

The Barbarian

I see what you mean, that definitely proves that Republicans are racist today

As you learned, conservatives only tended to reject the Civil Rights Act. A fair number of them voted for it, although all liberals and moderates voted for it.

and that Donald Trump supports the KKK

You have it backwards. The Nazis and KKK support Trump. One of their leaders say that it would be "treason" for a white person not to vote for Trump.

Far as I know, Trump only said that there were good people in the KKK and Nazis. He didn't give a number, and he only endorsed an unspecified number of them. And yes, he depends on their votes; he carried states where they are strongest.

But the point of my comments was that conservatism was as good a predictor of voting against the Civil Rights Act, as being from the south was a predictor.

patrick jane

As you learned, conservatives only tended to reject the Civil Rights Act. A fair number of them voted for it, although all liberals and moderates voted for it.

You have it backwards. The Nazis and KKK support Trump. One of their leaders say that it would be "treason" for a white person not to vote for Trump.

Far as I know, Trump only said that there were good people in the KKK and Nazis. He didn't give a number, and he only endorsed an unspecified number of them. And yes, he depends on their votes; he carried states where they are strongest.

But the point of my comments was that conservatism was as good a predictor of voting against the Civil Rights Act, as being from the south was a predictor.
3 minutes


The Barbarian

I like theory of how conservatives were winning too easily pre-Nixon. Do you know anything about that?

When I was young, we went through a "Red Scare" when McCarthyism was rampant and there was a "House Unamerican Activities Committee actually looking under people's beds for communists. It was a dark time in America. As now, it was a time when the vermin came out from the sewers to take advantage.

They overplayed their hand, and the Klan and Nazis were again marginalized. Things go in cycles.


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like marbles on glass
Wow!!! The crowds. The people. To hear music with the pictures is powerful. Trump has so many fans and supporters - 2020

What you're feeling is your visceral response to propaganda, which is exactly what those videos are calculated to elicit in you.

Propagandists know that adding stirring music to the message arouses the primal part of your brain, which can overwhelm the part of your brain that controls your decision-making. They also know that causing the targeted viewer/listener to feel part of a larger group makes them feel like they are caught up in something greater than themselves. These are powerful emotions being triggered - and they're meant to be.

It's a calculated manipulation of you. If being manipulated by your in-group doesn't bother you, if you welcome it, because it feels good? That's your call. But I hope that you'll recognize that you're being manipulated. These videos are classic propaganda. They make you feel like you're part of something great, something powerful, and they generate pleasure in you as you feel at one with the group. Propagandists know the power of the group, know that when you see others saying what you say then you believe they feel like you do, which reinforces your feelings. The downside is that to maintain that positive group feeling, there's a pressure to conform to the group - you have to ignore things that might cause you to fall out of step with the message.

patrick jane

What you're feeling is your visceral response to propaganda, which is exactly what those videos are calculated to elicit in you.

Propagandists know that adding stirring music to the message arouses the primal part of your brain, which can overwhelm the part of your brain that controls your decision-making. They also know that causing the targeted viewer/listener to feel part of a larger group makes them feel like they are caught up in something greater than themselves. These are powerful emotions being triggered - and they're meant to be.

It's a calculated manipulation of you. If being manipulated by your in-group doesn't bother you, if you welcome it, because it feels good? That's your call. But I hope that you'll recognize that you're being manipulated. These videos are classic propaganda. They make you feel like you're part of something great, something powerful, and they generate pleasure in you as you feel at one with the group. Propagandists know the power of the group, know that when you see others saying what you say then you believe they feel like you do, which reinforces your feelings. The downside is that to maintain that positive group feeling, there's a pressure to conform to the group - you have to ignore things that might cause you to fall out of step with the message.
But these videos aren't made by Trump so that means it's real people expressing their "feelings". We can't control ourselves :rotfl: - I don't feel any pressure at all to conform and I don't have to compromise anything. You don't feel the energy and power because it's not your choice for President. There's something so exciting about Winning, especially when you were supposed to lose. It's like the USA Olympic Hockey Team beating the Russians in 1980.

Since the election it's been a non-stop onslaught of negative coverage and hate speech against Trump. We see it for what it is, I don't think you do. It's unprecedented in my opinion. I'm familiar with history, dictatorships and people like Hitler. I know about the power of propaganda throughout history and I see it everyday as it's applied to Trump. I like Trump because he's real and honest and he loves America.

If I had to see and listen to that lying deceptive nasty woman everyday I would be miserable. I suppose bands and musicians and entertainers use "propaganda" as well, using music and crowds to tap into the visceral response of humans. In my mind it's a lot better than cheating and "fixing" the election after engaging in admitted criminal activity. All the while, Clinton was the one colluding with the Russians.



James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, John Tyler and Warren Harding will be forever grateful for the current occupant of the White House replacing them as the undisputed, all-time worst President in American history!

The Barbarian

They came to the Republican party because the Democratic party decided there were other groups more beneficial to their agenda

The democrat adoption of equal rights pretty much meant that the KKK was going to have to find a new home. Fortunately, there was a party ready to welcome them with open arms. Nixon's Southern Strategy was based on "negrophobes" in the south moving to the republican party. Which they did.

The republicans generally kept them in the closet like a crazy uncle, until Trump, who thinks they are some "good people."

The KKK does not consider Trump one of them because he is not one of them,

Well, let's take a look...

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”...The Charlottesville rally is nominally about the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee rather than anything in the Trump administration. But Duke was an enthusiastic supporter of Trump as far back as the Republican primary in 2016, and Trump’s reluctance to disavow that support was, briefly, a big issue.

Duke has remained a faithful Trump supporter since then, insisting that the president-elect’s policies line up with the former KKK leader’s vision for America.

According to their leaders, Trump has the same objectives as the Klan.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

And he agrees with Trump on white people needing to retake America for themselves.

but at least he was not Hillary.

A lot of people, last election, said to themselves, "what could be worse than Hillary Clinton in the White House?"

And now they know.

patrick jane

The democrat adoption of equal rights pretty much meant that the KKK was going to have to find a new home. Fortunately, there was a party ready to welcome them with open arms. Nixon's Southern Strategy was based on "negrophobes" in the south moving to the republican party. Which they did.

The republicans generally kept them in the closet like a crazy uncle, until Trump, who thinks they are some "good people."

Well, let's take a look...

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”...The Charlottesville rally is nominally about the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee rather than anything in the Trump administration. But Duke was an enthusiastic supporter of Trump as far back as the Republican primary in 2016, and Trump’s reluctance to disavow that support was, briefly, a big issue.

Duke has remained a faithful Trump supporter since then, insisting that the president-elect’s policies line up with the former KKK leader’s vision for America.

According to their leaders, Trump has the same objectives as the Klan.

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'

And he agrees with Trump on white people needing to retake America for themselves.

A lot of people, last election, said to themselves, "what could be worse than Hillary Clinton in the White House?"

And now they know.
:rotfl: You should write for liberal news networks or newspapers. It's hilarious, and some people actually believe you. Trump's not going anywhere so just kick back and settle in.