ECT madists and their gnostic gospel


Well-known member
Oh I know, I am just trying to get you to see that you have to ask for forgiveness of sins you acknowledge.

You can't just say yeah I believe. You have to ask for forgiveness of the sins you acknowledge.

I thank the Lord for having forgiven all my sins. That's believing the Gospel....believing His work on the cross did everything that was required for my salvation. Why do you think you have to ask for what He has included in His FREE Gift of Salvation? Just thank Him.

Think about it. It would be like asking permission to use the present you had already been handed. You would be expressing doubt that the gift was actually yours. I'll not ever express any doubt about what the Lord has done for me.

God's Truth

New member
Yes, which means GT is either a troll (or two), or insane.

You are not a nice woman to say such things.

Jesus came and gave guidelines for every human to obey to enter the covenant.

He also gave special instructions to his apostles and disciples who helped lay the foundation.

We are not laying the foundation by traveling and preaching a new gospel.

God's Truth

New member
Not for gt, she is following James the missionary to the 12 tribes scattered abroad going through tribulation, instead of Paul the missionary to the Gentiles who received first hand orders from the risen Lord Himself.

Let's say you are a father and you are inviting people to your son's wedding, so you send servants out to give the send one servant to the region of the Jews, and another servant to the Greeks, and another one to the Gentiles of other nations. Is that the same wedding invitation? Or is it three different invitations for three different weddings?


New member
Let's say you are a father and you are inviting people to your son's wedding, so you send servants out to give the send one servant to the region of the Jews, and another servant to the Greeks, and another one to the Gentiles of other nations. Is that the same wedding invitation? Or is it three different invitations for three different weddings?

It depends on what each servant was given by the father to give to the region of the Jews and to the region of the Greeks and to the other nations.

patrick jane

I thank the Lord for having forgiven all my sins. That's believing the Gospel....believing His work on the cross did everything that was required for my salvation. Why do you think you have to ask for what He has included in His FREE Gift of Salvation? Just thank Him.

Think about it. It would be like asking permission to use the present you had already been handed. You would be expressing doubt that the gift was actually yours. I'll not ever express any doubt about what the Lord has done for me.
GT doesn't believe Christ's work was sufficient, she wants to help God by pointing out the sins that Christ did not die for.

God's Truth

New member
GT doesn't believe Christ's work was sufficient, she wants to help God by pointing out the sins that Christ did not die for.

That is not true. Why do you keep saying things that are not true?

Jesus' work is sufficient. He alone saves. Jesus died for all sins; however, you have to repent of them to receive that grace.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
That is CORRECT. Gifts are freely given and are NOT earned.
Rom 5:15 (KJV)
(5:15) But not as the offence, so also [is] the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, [which is] by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

That you want to help PAY for the FREE GIFT shows that you insult the GIVER of the FREE GIFT.

Accept it and get saved!

Grip Docility

New member
Doctrine being more esteemed than a human soul. No matter how correct or incorrect the teaching, when people belittle one another over differing understandings, darkness prevails.

How does that go? As long as I know all mysteries and prophecy, I don’t have to value a single person.

I think that’s how it goes. And, who can forget when Jesus said; “they will know you by the way you disagree and despise one another like the wonderful people I exalted in Matthew 23.

God’s Truth, May you love those that despise you.
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Well-known member
Doctrine being more esteemed than a human soul. No matter how correct or incorrect the teaching, when people belittle one another over differing understandings, darkness prevails.

How does that go? As long as I know all mysteries and prophecy, I don’t have to value a single person.

I think that’s how it goes. And, who can forget when Jesus said; “they will know you by the way you disagree and despise one another like the wonderful people I exalted in Matthew 23.

God’s Truth, our love those that despise you.

That's not how it goes, but if you want to replace the Bible with your own words, then you and God's UNtruth will make the perfect pair.

Darkness prevails when lies are preached as you should well know.

God's Truth

New member
Nope, we access that Grace through faith. Romans 5:2

You only prove, once again, that you make false claims about the Gospel of Grace. Stop it.

That scripture says we have access by faith. That means we have FAITH that Jesus' blood washes away our sins, the sins we repent of doing

Faith alone is dead like a dead body and it can't do anything. That is what James says, he is the apostle of the Lamb.

James 2:26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

God's Truth

New member
Doctrine being more esteemed than a human soul. No matter how correct or incorrect the teaching, when people belittle one another over differing understandings, darkness prevails.

How does that go? As long as I know all mysteries and prophecy, I don’t have to value a single person.

I think that’s how it goes. And, who can forget when Jesus said; “they will know you by the way you disagree and despise one another like the wonderful people I exalted in Matthew 23.

God’s Truth, our love those that despise you.

I am so glad that you spoke scripture to me today for encouragement in the Lord.

Grip Docility

New member
Let each man be convinced. Love covers a multitude of sins. The one who has been forgiven much, loves much. Faith alone, or Faith and Love, it is clear that Christ alone saves while doctrine brings war and division.

By Christ’s Grace and guidance alone, there goes all of us!


New member
Let each man be convinced. Love covers a multitude of sins. The one who has been forgiven much, loves much. Faith alone, or Faith and Love, it is clear that Christ alone saves while doctrine brings war and division.

By Christ’s Grace and guidance alone, there goes all of us!

Being that I suspect that for you, the words "Grip Docility" refer to a doctrine worth getting a hold of, I'll have to smilingly disagree with the latter part of your 1st paragraph, there.

Rom. 14:5; Rom. 5:6-8.

Grip Docility

New member
Being that I suspect that for you, the words "Grip Docility" refer to a doctrine worth getting a hold of, I'll have to smilingly disagree with the latter part of your 1st paragraph, there.

Rom. 14:5; Rom. 5:6-8.

Your scripture at the bottom of your post is very close to my inference. Docility, Docile

Hold Peace

I thank you for your point and see how you could see that.

I remain steadfast in what I wrote, repentant for all the abuse I’ve given to those words and appreciative of your attention to detail.


New member
Your scripture at the bottom of your post is very close to my inference. Docility, Docile

Hold Peace

I thank you for your point and see how you could see that.

I remain steadfast in what I wrote, repentant for all the abuse I’ve given to those words and appreciative of your attention to detail.

Trace out the use of the word "doctrine" in Scripture and you'll find that it is not doctrine that is the cause of strife between people, rather the strife in one or another individual's heart.

Doctrine ending up only the cloak behind which some hide their actual intent towards another.

And often such have so long ago so blinded themselves by their own rationalizations, that such are no longer able to see themselves for who they are really matter who, nor how, nor how long it is pointed out to them.

The Lord Himself "failed miserably" to get through to such.

And all this that I have just now asserted is itself a doctrine, or teaching taught in Scripture.


2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Nevertheless, Romans 14:5 towards ya, in memory of Romans 5:6-8 on each our behalf, and in our stead.

Which is, of course, two more "doctrines" crystal clearly "taught" by "the word of truth" :thumb:


New member
There is only one wedding. Try to answer again, but this time try to answer honestly.

I answered honestly: It depends on what each servant was given by the father to give to the region of the Jews and to the region of the Greeks and to the other nations.