ECT MADist thought for the day

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Is Romans 7:6 talking about newness of Spirit, newness of spirit, or the newness of the spirit of the law in contrast to that of the letter of the law?


New member
The idea that mankind has experienced spiritual death at the fall and the idea that the spirit has been renewed may be connected, and neither phrase is found in the Bible.

No, neither phrase is found in the Bible, however, a phrase does not have to be found in the Bible for the experience to be true. That Adam died, he died. Did he died physically immediately after eating the forbidden fruit? Obviously not. However, he did die spiritually. He was separated from God. That separation we are all born with until we are born again of the spirit.

Romans 8:5 -- For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

The natural man is dead in his sins and trespasses. After the born again experience, we are renewed and can mind the things of the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:14 -- But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The natural man is dead, separated from God, cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God. The natural man has to go through the born experience and be renewed in his spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:6 --Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

The renewed spirit can communicate with God and receive the things of God, therefore, receiving life.

For me these verses are talking about before and after the born again experience. The born again experience, for me, is the renewing of my spirit.


No, neither phrase is found in the Bible, however, a phrase does not have to be found in the Bible for the experience to be true. That Adam died, he died. Did he died physically immediately after eating the forbidden fruit? Obviously not. However, he did die spiritually. He was separated from God. That separation we are all born with until we are born again of the spirit.

Romans 8:5 -- For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

The natural man is dead in his sins and trespasses. After the born again experience, we are renewed and can mind the things of the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:14 -- But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The natural man is dead, separated from God, cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God. The natural man has to go through the born experience and be renewed in his spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:6 --Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

The renewed spirit can communicate with God and receive the things of God, therefore, receiving life.

For me these verses are talking about before and after the born again experience. The born again experience, for me, is the renewing of my spirit.
The question is if it is in the same sense that man(kind) (Adam and Eve) fell spiritually that his spirit is renewed. Looking to the word "spirit". And the word "Spirit" is talking about God's Spirit, not man's. Man is born again by God's Spirit, not his own.


New member
The question is if it is in the same sense that man(kind) (Adam and Eve) fell spiritually that his spirit is renewed. Looking to the word "spirit". And the word "Spirit" is talking about God's Spirit, not man's. Man is born again by God's Spirit, not his own.

Man's spirit is renewed by the Holy Spirit when the man/woman/boy/girl comes to the understanding that "I am a sinner. I need a Savior. The only Savior is Jesus Christ. The only way to get to the Savior is through the Cross." When this happens my spirit (not the Holy Spirit) is renewed by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit renews the spirit that man has to be now towards God when before man's spirit was dead, dead, dead; wanting nothing to do with God.

After the born again experience we become a new creature. All things are now new, meaning we have been renewed.

We have become a new man in the inside (in the spirit). That change is seen on the outside (physically). It is a work of the Holy Spirit not a work of man.


Man's spirit is renewed by the Holy Spirit when the man/woman/boy/girl comes to the understanding that "I am a sinner. I need a Savior. The only Savior is Jesus Christ. The only way to get to the Savior is through the Cross." When this happens my spirit (not the Holy Spirit) is renewed by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit renews the spirit that man has to be now towards God when before man's spirit was dead, dead, dead; wanting nothing to do with God.

After the born again experience we become a new creature. All things are now new, meaning we have been renewed.

We have become a new man in the inside (in the spirit). That change is seen on the outside (physically). It is a work of the Holy Spirit not a work of man.
I use the NASB most frequently. It appears to me you are arguing against the translators.

Romans 7:6 But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter.

Or I don't understand why it is capitalized here if we are not talking about the Spirit of God rather than that the spirit of man is renewed.


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A reprobate soul, is a sinner who remains spiritually separated from God. And when a human spirit is separated from the Holy Spirit of God, there is NO LIFE.

And when there is NO spirit (NO LIFE), there is no ability to exercise faith and repentance; obey the moral Law of God, nor any ability to walk in the will and word of God at all.

That is what is described as being "dead in trespasses and sins."

The human spirit of reprobates are only willing and able to serve sin, death, and the devil.

One must must be born again from above, and be brought into spiritual union (reconciliation between human and divine spirits) before any sinner can hope to ever comprehend and experience the kingdom of God. John 3:3

A "reprobate" is a soul whom God has rejected.

A reprobate is one who has rejected Gods offer of salvation to the point of a seared conscience.

God offers salvation to all people. The Calvinist position is that all people cannot respond - that God deliberately rejected them from the start which is a lie from satan.

Repentance means to change your mind, if you have no will you cannot change your mind.

Repentance is not possible without the ability to come to God and receive the offer of salvation.

To say some men cannot do this is a lie designed to keep people from God, by making them believe that they cannot because they are "too sinful" .

No one is too sinful to receive Christ, He can wash away every stain of sin to anyone who wants to be forgiven and wants to be in relationship with Him.


We have become a new man in the inside (in the spirit). That change is seen on the outside (physically). It is a work of the Holy Spirit not a work of man.
I'm not sure what verses you are speaking of. Are you saying our emotions are renewed and this can be seen outwardly following this?

inside/outside, spirit/physically


TOL Subscriber
A reprobate is one who has rejected Gods offer of salvation to the point of a seared conscience.

You assume that all men ever born into this world, have been given God's promises of salvation and that all men universally have been made aware of the name of the Messiah.

But such is not the history of the world, nor the teachings of the bible.

Multitudes of people, and innumerable nations of men, have been left in darkness to the truths of God and His gospel message. There is absolutely no evidence, biblical or historical, that all men everywhere have been given the truths and revelations of God and the choice to believe them or not unto salvation.

Just not so . . .

God offers salvation to all people.

No God does not. In fact, God revealed to Isaiah, that He actually prevents wicked reprobates from hearing the promises and believing.

Read Isaiah 6:9-10; Isa. 43:8; Matt. 13:14; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10; John 12:37-40; Acts 28:26; Romans 11:8 and II Corinthians 4:3 where it is clearly revealed God sovereignly determines who will be given the gospel truth, in contrast to the truth being veiled to those who are perishing, "lest the gospel of the glory of Christ . . should shine on them." II Cor. 4:4

The Calvinist position is that all people cannot respond - that God deliberately rejected them from the start which is a lie from satan.

Repentance means to change your mind, if you have no will you cannot change your mind.

Repentance is not possible without the ability to come to God and receive the offer of salvation.

With all due respect, you have no idea what the Calvinist "position" is. You have never studied it, but only heard about it, and wrongfully so.

IOW's you do not know what you are talking about.

Read "Calvin's Institutes" and then get back to me.



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Hall of Fame
You assume that all men ever born into this world, have been given God's promises of salvation and that all men universally have been made aware of the name of the Messiah.

But such is not the history of the world, nor the teachings of the bible.

Multitudes of people, and innumerable nations of men, have been left in darkness to the truths of God and His gospel message. There is absolutely no evidence, biblical or historical, that all men everywhere have been given the truths and revelations of God and the choice to believe them or not unto salvation.

The bible is evidence of it.

With all due respect, you have no idea what the Calvinist "position" is. You have never studied it, but only heard about it, and wrongfully so.

IOW's you do not know what you are talking about.

Read "Calvin's Institutes" and then get back to me.


Been there done that, no thanks for a second time. Ive also read loads of Spurgeon and John Macarthur.

Tell me about that respect thing again, in the same sentence where you assume something you have no clue about.

Why don't you read "What love is this" by Dave Hunt - save yourself some time and get right to the point instead of learning the hard way like i did.


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Hall of Fame
If you had ever truly read "Calvin's Institutes" you would never compare that work with Spurgeon or MacArthur.

If you were an honest and forthright woman, you would never claim i did something i didn't - both about what you just said (i just mentioned calvanist authors ive read in addition, no comparison given) and your claims about me personally.


You assume that all men ever born into this world, have been given God's promises of salvation and that all men universally have been made aware of the name of the Messiah.

But such is not the history of the world, nor the teachings of the bible.

Multitudes of people, and innumerable nations of men, have been left in darkness to the truths of God and His gospel message. There is absolutely no evidence, biblical or historical, that all men everywhere have been given the truths and revelations of God and the choice to believe them or not unto salvation.

Just not so . . .
Try Romans 1 on for size.
No God does not. In fact, God revealed to Isaiah, that He actually prevents wicked reprobates from hearing the promises and believing.

Read Isaiah 6:9-10; Isa. 43:8; Matt. 13:14; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10; John 12:37-40; Acts 28:26; Romans 11:8 and II Corinthians 4:3 where it is clearly revealed God sovereignly determines who will be given the gospel truth, in contrast to the truth being veiled to those who are perishing, "lest the gospel of the glory of Christ . . should shine on them." II Cor. 4:4
You are talking about people who know the truth and reject it... not people who never hear or know anything about God. Hearers and not doers or those who have shut their ears to the truth.


If you had ever truly read "Calvin's Institutes" you would never compare that work with Spurgeon or MacArthur.
If you were an honest and forthright woman, you would never claim i did something i didn't - both about what you just said (i just mentioned calvanist authors ive read in addition, no comparison given) and your claims about me personally.
Nang, she didn't. She mentioned people she has read, presumably in regard to Calvinism. You are making yourself out to be an elitist. And to defend Calvin... I certainly wasn't alive during his day so I don't know what to say of his work/Theology... but I have heard his practice was less than godly or Christlike.

Calvinism. Calvin. Two related but different things.


New member
Hall of Fame
Nang, she didn't. She mentioned people she has read, presumably in regard to Calvinism. You are making yourself out to be an elitist. And to defend Calvin... I certainly wasn't alive during his day so I don't know what to say of his work/Theology... but I have heard his practice was less than godly or Christlike.

Calvinism. Calvin. Two related but different things.

She doesnt care about the truth, she doesnt have to, she was "chosen". That MAKES her elite.


TOL Subscriber
Try Romans 1 on for size.You are talking about people who know the truth and reject it... not people who never hear or know anything about God. Hearers and not doers or those who have shut their ears to the truth.

Where in the writings of history or in the bible accounts, is there any mention of the gospel being universally made known to all men since the beginning of time?

(The gospel is not the witness of creation that is spoken of in Romans 1. Natural law (or formal Law for that matter) has never saved a single soul. Romans 3:19-20)
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