ECT MADist thought for the day

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Tet. to me:".....dumber than a mentally challenged saved person.."

I am going to show everyone why you don't use quote tags.

I never said the above to you, and you took what I said out of context.

The following is where you got "dumber than a mentally challenged saved person"

Even the most mentally challenged saved person can see this.

Acts 2
39: For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Here's a group of people IN the covenants of promise, and yet they are AFAR OFF. Geographical.

Eph 2
12: That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
13: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

Here's a group of people who were OUTSIDE the covenants of promise, they were FAR OFF. Positional.
Well, then that means you are dumber than a mentally challenged saved person.

The people in Eph 2 were the Israelites from the 10 lost tribes. They BECAME aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, they BECAME strangers to the promises, they had no hope, and they were without God because GOD DIVORCED THEM AND SCATTERED THEM AND TOLD THEM THEY WERE NOT A PEOPLE.

But NOW because of what Christ did, they (the 10 lost tribes) who were “afar off” are made nigh.

Here is what is preposterous, and mentally challanged:

“Afar off” can mean geographical or positional.

Did you make this up on your own, or did someone teach it to you?

As we see above, I never called John W "dumber than a mentally challenged saved person". My post was a reply to STP's accusation that "even the most mentally challenged saved person can see this".

This is why Johnny doesn't use quote tags. Without the quote tags, Johnny can make things up and take what people say out of context.

Grow up Johnny!!!


wow, you must cry all day with that guilt you have...

I know I would if I felt guilt for every sin I make...
There is guilt for sin and there is discipline by God. People (children of God) aren't disciplined for feeling guilty, but they are disciplined in what case?


TOL Subscriber
No repentance frequired for unrepentant fools, is what he said.
I can't believe how you're so desperate to be on his side when you know he's wrong.

You know what you're demonstrating to us?

That you're a man pleaser.

The requirement of the formal Law of God demands man turn away from evil. In fact, it was the first command given to Adam from God. (Genesis 2:17)

Since Adam broke this command, no person since has been able to keep this command, but that does not mean the formal Law of God no longer applies.

The first part of our gospel message should be a reiteration of the required command, plus the bad news that none of us, in ourselves can turn away from evil because of the corrupted human nature.

But then we can give the good news, that because of our natural helplessness, the Father sent His Son to Mediate on our behalf and sacrifice His life in order to cleanse us from this corruption; imputing His righteousness to our account.

Jesus Christ fulfilled this command on our behalf; proven by His sinless life. It is His life by which God can and will declare us legally righteous in His sight.

So the Justified will live a new spiritual life by faith in the works of Jesus Christ, and not their own.

This gospel message does NOT include teachings that say we are now sinless or that we ignore God's eternal command to turn away from evil. With the seed of Christ and His Holy Spirit abiding in us, we are convicted of our sins which evidences in regret and aversion to all unholiness . . . according to the guidelines of God's eternal Law.

Any theology that dumps the Ten Commandments and ignores teaching holy living, is worthless religion at best and lawlessness at worst.


Any theology that dumps the Ten Commandments and ignores teaching holy living, is worthless religion at best and lawlessness at worst.
My question is if you are saying worthy religion involves keeping the law.


New member
The requirement of the formal Law of God demands man turn away from evil. In fact, it was the first command given to Adam from God. (Genesis 2:17)

Since Adam broke this command, no person since has been able to keep this command, but that does not mean the formal Law of God no longer applies.

The first part of our gospel message should be a reiteration of the required command, plus the bad news that none of us, in ourselves can turn away from evil because of the corrupted human nature.

But then we can give the good news, that because of our natural helplessness, the Father sent His Son to Mediate on our behalf and sacrifice His life in order to cleanse us from this corruption; imputing His righteousness to our account.

Jesus Christ fulfilled this command on our behalf; proven by His sinless life. It is His life by which God can and will declare us legally righteous in His sight.

So the Justified will live a new spiritual life by faith in the works of Jesus Christ, and not their own.

This gospel message does NOT include teachings that say we are now sinless or that we ignore God's eternal command to turn away from evil. With the seed of Christ and His Holy Spirit abiding in us, we are convicted of our sins which evidences in regret and aversion to all unholiness . . . according to the guidelines of God's eternal Law.

Any theology that dumps the Ten Commandments and ignores teaching holy living, is worthless religion at best and lawlessness at worst.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
MAD 101

When you can't refute them with scripture, call them an idiot.

Lighthouse and Nick M have perfected this method. John W is a little more advanced in it.

"...cockroaches....dumb....stupid....dumber than a mentally challenged saved person...wolves...brainwashed...."-Tet.

And the TOL actor's award, for the third year in a row, goes to...

Craigie Tetelstai.

One In Christ

New member
"...cockroaches....dumb....stupid....dumber than a mentally challenged saved person...wolves...brainwashed...."-Tet.

And the TOL actor's award, for the third year in a row, goes to...

Craigie Tetelstai.

Oh look tet. Come on up and get your award...


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I am going to show everyone why you don't use quote tags.

I never said the above to you, and you took what I said out of context.

The following is where you got "dumber than a mentally challenged saved person"

As we see above, I never called John W "dumber than a mentally challenged saved person". My post was a reply to STP's accusation that "even the most mentally challenged saved person can see this".

This is why Johnny doesn't use quote tags. Without the quote tags, Johnny can make things up and take what people say out of context.

Grow up Johnny!!!

Observe, the deception:

"How many unbelievers have you won over to Christ by calling them names?"-Tet..

"Therefore, I stand by my original statement that calling someone a name who does not agree with how you understand the Bible makes no sense since there is the possibility you could be wrong..."-Craigee Tet.

"In other words, no one ever achieves the 100% objective truth understanding of the Bible.Therefore, when I encounter a fellow believer who has a different understanding of scripture than I do, I do not rebuke them by calling them names, telling them they are not saved, insulting them, or calling them a liar like you do. I simply state what I have been taught, and what I believe is the objective truth of the Bible.You on the other hand, when encountering a believer who believes differently than you, are convinced that you know the 100% objective truth of the Bible, so you call the fellow believer names, and call them a liar."-Tet.

"The only thing you are interested in is personal attacks against me."-Tet


"Well, then that means you are dumber than a mentally challenged saved person. "-Tet. to me

"From my perspective, I see the majority of MADists as believers brainwashed..."-Tet.

“MAD…scrambling like cockroaches….”-Tet

"because of the jerk you really are."-Wimpy Craigie Jo Tet.

“Blaise Pascal died in 1662, which was about 200 years before Darby invented dispensationalism. If Pascal would have lived long enough to see the invention of dispensationalism, there is little doubt dispensationalism would have went straight up to number one on his list of things that make people stupid.My proof: read any post by Johnny W….Nope, the only "dumbing down of minds" are the people who have been brainwashed by the teachings of Darby, Scofield, Chafter, Bulliinger, Anderson, and Stam."-Wimpy Craigee Jo Tet.

"If Pascal would have lived long enough to see the invention of dispensationalism, there is little doubt dispensationalism would have went straight up to number one on his list of things that make people stupid. My proof: read any post by Johnny W. "-Craigee

"Slick Willy and Slick Nicky....... you can't tell the differnece."-Wimpy Craigee Jo Tet.

"Tell me Willy, did you know that Ruckman your KJV hero has divorced twice and remarried twice? "-Tet.

"What's the matter Johnny, did that trailer park question upset you?"-Tet.

“Johnny lives in or near Arlington, Texas.

If the following isn't the actual place, it should get you real close:”-Craigee Jo

Arlington Forest Home Acres Mobile & RV
4800 Kelly Elliot Rd
Arlington, TX 76016
(817) 478-5805

“Are there trailer parks in England?”-Wimpy Craigee Jo Tet.

"Show me the post where I called someone a "cockroach"
You do know Johnny W makes stuf up then puts my name at the end of it? "-Tet.


"It looks like the Deathblow was in fact a Deathblow. The MADists are scrambling like cockroaches do when a light is shined on them."-Tet.

You lie as easily as you breathe/blink, actor. Take a bow.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
Yes it does.

Some say keeping the law can only be by keeping the letter of it and therefore can not be kept at all.

They are wrong.

Then Christ died in vain.

"For if righteousness come by the law Christ died in vain."

James said that if you offend in one point you break the WHOLE law.

You're a foolish man!


TOL Subscriber
The late Reformed preacher D.M. Lloyd-Jones said that a man who preaches the gospel correctly will be subject to the charge you have leveled against John W.

Don't get me wrong. I am no supporter of John W.


Other Reformers have said similar things, such as, if we are not often accused of Antinomianism, then we are not properly preaching grace.

But John does not preach justification by faith alone. He and other MADists and Exchanged Lifers interpret grace as license to live apart from holiness and confession of sinfulness, for the moral laws of God supposedly are obliterated.

I hope you can eventually catch on to the vast difference between teaching imputed righteousness, and denying the presence of sin in one's life altogether.

Grace is receiving the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ which evidences forgiveness.

A belief in a forgiveness that gives license to sin without human accountability before God , is an abuse and a perversion of grace.

It is the teaching of lawlessness.

The mark of sound teaching is a theology that proclaims the gospel grace in Jesus Christ balanced with teaching the responsibility and accountability of the creature before his Creator.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"in your sick phobia , obsession, with MAD: "-John W

"I point out the false doctrine of dispensationalism.
It has nothing to do with MAD, other than the fact that most dispensationalists here on TOL are MADists. I have no problem telling A2D's their belief system is false too.
I'm just protecting the sheep from the wolves Johnny.
Dispensationalism is a false doctrine that was invented by John Nelson Darby in the mid 1800's."-Tet. post # 631, this thread

"In other words, no one ever achieves the 100% objective truth understanding of the Bible.Therefore, when I encounter a fellow believer who has a different understanding of scripture than I do, I do not rebuke them by calling them names, telling them they are not saved, insulting them, or calling them a liar like you do. I simply state what I have been taught, and what I believe is the objective truth of the Bible.You on the other hand, when encountering a believer who believes differently than you, are convinced that you know the 100% objective truth of the Bible, so you call the fellow believer names, and call them a liar."-Tet.


I'm just protecting the sheep from the wolves Johnny-Tet

Tet: First, I want to thank the TOL SAG(Screen Actor's Guild) for this Oscar......

Wile E. Coyote

New member

The mark of sound teaching is a theology that proclaims the gospel grace in Jesus Christ balanced with teaching the responsibility and accountability of the creature before his Creator.


After reading your statement above no one charge you with antinomianism. If you are not accused of antinomianism, then you have not preached the unadulterated gospel.


That you're a man pleaser.

I see One in Christ as some sort of "MAD Cheerleader"

He/she doesn't ever really post anything of substance, he/she more or less comes into a thread and cheers on the MADists and takes shots at those who oppose MAD.

This of course is when he/she is not busy reporting posts to the woodshed.


New member
Hall of Fame
I see One in Christ as some sort of "MAD Cheerleader"

He/she doesn't ever really post anything of substance, he/she more or less comes into a thread and cheers on the MADists and takes shots at those who oppose MAD.

This of course is when he/she is not busy reporting posts to the woodshed.

You don't talk about people though do you. Did you really post someones address on here and make fun of where they live? If so, Youre pathetic.


TOL Subscriber

After reading your statement above no one charge you with antinomianism. If you are not accused of antinomianism, then you have not preached the unadulterated gospel.

Are you claiming Antinomianism is Reformed?

It is not.

Amyraldianism can be Antinomian but it is not 5-point Reformed.

Are you an Amyraldian?


You don't talk about people though do you. Did you really post someones address on here and make fun of where they live? If so, Youre pathetic.

No, I didn't post someone's address and make fun of where they live.

If John W would quote people properly, instead of out of context, we wouldn't have this problem. Why do you think he purposely doesn't use quote tags?

He quotes me and others out of context, or flat out makes up things we never said to make gullible people like you believe him.

And by believing him, you just encouraged him to keep doing it.

But that's ok right? He's a MADist, and MAD has to be defended at all costs.

I have seen your posts, you are a perfect fit for MAD.
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