ECT MADist thought for the day

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One In Christ

New member
He doesn't care.

He likes to show everyone that he can lie through his teeth, and then brag about how it doesn't matter.

Then if anyone says lying is a sin, they are a self righteous, religious, legalistic, humanist, spineless, Cain.

Is this whining? Sounds like whining...


New member
Hall of Fame
Is this whining? Sounds like whining...

It's whining. Here is some cheese to go along...



He removes sin from us; we don't do it ourselves.
That is true... but in saying the same thing I say God enables us to turn from disobedience/sin to obedience, in particular by the Holy Spirit. A person is thus "born again" (born by the Spirit of God).
He makes us dead to sin, sets us free from it;
Paul argues that we should consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
from its power and condemnation. We should not live as though He has not done this. We are no longer slaves to sin, but slaves to righteousness.
This is true... but if a slave to righteousness I don't understand how you would then say the person who is in this state has not repented.


New member

Repent does not mean to turn in another direction. There is no NT usage of the word whose original word means to turn from, or to, anything.:nono:

"The word "repent" is an English word, and it means to turn in another direction. I agree that its meaning has evolved as a result of it being used in the bible to describe a person's change of mind concerning sin.

to change one's mind for better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of one's past sins

From the website you posted.
Do you agree with this?


New member
You are a moron.


John 3:19-20 "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.

What other MADists?

All of them that I have discussed this issue with.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
"The word "repent" is an English word, and it means to turn in another direction.
Irrelevant as the original words in the original language don't mean that.

I agree that its meaning has evolved as a result of it being used in the bible to describe a person's change of mind concerning sin.

From the website you posted.
Do you agree with this?
Why wouldn't I?

John 3:19-20 "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
So? That's not why I called you an idiot. But no surprise you were stupid enough to think that was the issue.

All of them that I have discussed this issue with.


New member
He doesn't care.

He likes to show everyone that he can lie through his teeth, and then brag about how it doesn't matter.

Then if anyone says lying is a sin, they are a self righteous, religious, legalistic, humanist, spineless, Cain.


He's being particularly nasty today, but his desire is to provoke to such a degree to where one of us lashes back, then he can say we are no different than he is. So his witness has utterly failed, but he doesn't care.


TOL Subscriber
"The word "repent" is an English word, and it means to turn in another direction. I agree that its meaning has evolved as a result of it being used in the bible to describe a person's change of mind concerning sin.

From the website you posted.
Do you agree with this?

The Hebrew word for repent denotes regret and remorse.

Persons who practice and continue in sin without any regret or remorse, are not indwelt with the Holy Spirit of God, for conviction of sins is His commission on this earth. John 16:8-11



He's being particularly nasty today, but his desire is to provoke to such a degree to where one of us lashes back, then he can say we are no different than he is. So his witness has utterly failed, but he doesn't care.

Yes, but the part I find most amazing in what he does, is the support he gets from STP, Voltaire, and other MADists.


New member
Irrelevant as the original words in the original language don't mean that.

Well if you can accept that repentance means to change one's mind regarding sin, and that Jews and gentiles are required to do this, good for you.
I'm dealing with madists right now who do not believe this.

You said the the word "repent" does not mean to change direction. This is incorrect. When the insults appear I know you're back peddling.

Why wouldn't I?

Because you said that no one had to repent of sin, and seeing that the statement describes repenting from sin, you shouldn't have agreed with it.

So? That's not why I called you an idiot. But no surprise you were stupid enough to think that was the issue.

So I presented a verse to prove my point. No responce from you.

Nope, but this thread is for madists, and they are free to give their view. I already showed you chickenman's.


New member
Hall of Fame
Repent means to change your mind, and baptism is this:

1 Peter 3:21 21 There is also an antitype which now saves us—baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ

We are baptized into one body the moment we have changed our mind about sin by receiving His offer of salvation - we die to self and are raised with Him - born again - a new creation in Him.

1st Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.


New member
The Hebrew word for repent denotes regret and remorse.

Persons who practice and continue in sin without any regret or remorse, are not indwelt with the Holy Spirit of God, for conviction of sins is His commission on this earth. John 16:8-11

That's right.
True repentance comes as a result of conviction, and this is why Paul stated that the power of God was thoroughly manifested when he preached the gospel. It wasn't Paul's persuasive words that convinced the people they were sinners, it was the conviction of the Holy Spirit on their hearts.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
All true.

Even you couldn't have asked God for forgiveness if you didn't know you were a sinner. What would you be desiring to be forgiven of?

“How can you submit to the righteousness of God without repenting?If I do not change my sinful ways, I haven't submitted to God's righteousness….Notice that the gentiles Paul preached to, had to turn from sin in order to be forgiven?... When we turn from our self-ruled life and turn to Jesus in faith, we are saved….What these guys are saying is that we are saved through believing only….Knowledge doesn't save you, faith that is initiated by turning from sin does…..Repentance in salvation is an initial turning from sin….If a person repents of their sin, then this is the proof that their faith was genuine…And if we genuinely do believe, we will repent (turn from sin)….. Repentance is simply to turn from sin.. Repent means to change/turn, and we have to turn from darkness, sin…We have to turn from our evil deeds in order to receive salvation.. What will he think of people who refused to repent and turn from sin,…?... So you do believe it is necessary to repent (change/turn from sin)? … then we have repented by turning to him. If we turn to him, we are automatically turning from our self (sin, repenting)…. So you do believe it is necessary to repent (change/turn from sin)? … Repentance means to turn from sin, …,. but you continue to insist that repentance (desire to change) is not a necessary component of salvation…. Do you believe we must repent of making sin our trade, in order to receive salvation?Or do you think we can continue sinning unashamedly?... We are repenting of our sin nature, as well as asking for forgiveness of sins previously committed…."-andyc

On record-rejects that the dbr settled the sin/sins issue-we need to stop sinning, turn from sin, to be justified=out with the cross, resurrection-not needed.


John W: What sin/sins?


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
He doesn't care.

He likes to show everyone that he can lie through his teeth, and then brag about how it doesn't matter.

Then if anyone says lying is a sin, they are a self righteous, religious, legalistic, humanist, spineless, Cain.

Let's get it out. Let's see if you are a cleaner rat than me. You love that. You relish that.

How often do you go to church? What percentage of your wiife's AGI do you give away?

Tet: MAD is "an easy belief system."

What sin/sins?
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