ECT MAD is a lie and is proved to be a lie from scripture !


Well-known member
dan, in Acts 2 more than 3000 were added to the B.O.C., and before you repeat the lie of added to does not mean formed understand that you cannot ADD TO WHAT DOES NOT EXIST. Proving yet again from scripture MAD is a man made lie.

Act 2:41
Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

Again in Acts 4 many are added to the B.O.C..

Act 4:4
Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.

I would pray you place your focus on Jesus who Paul said to follow and stop ignoring Jesus and His teachings.

Hi and in Acys 2:47 we see these words : And the LORD was ADDOING TO THE assembly daily the ones being saved !!


#1 The Indicative mood means what I will write is a FACT !!

#2 , The ACTIVE VOICE means the One producing the adding is Jesus Himself !!

The Greel word BEING SAVED is in the Greek PRESENT TENSE and places the CONTEXT during Jesus earthly ministry !!

#3 tHE IMPERFECT TENSE means that Jesus only was ADDING tonthat assembky and than STOPPED !!

Glad to to let you know what ADDING OR ADDED means !!

Today , we are nall added to the B O C and NOT in the Gospels !!

dan p


New member
Hi and in Acys 2:47 we see these words : And the LORD was ADDOING TO THE assembly daily the ones being saved !!


#1 The Indicative mood means what I will write is a FACT !!

#2 , The ACTIVE VOICE means the One producing the adding is Jesus Himself !!

The Greel word BEING SAVED is in the Greek PRESENT TENSE and places the CONTEXT during Jesus earthly ministry !!

#3 tHE IMPERFECT TENSE means that Jesus only was ADDING tonthat assembky and than STOPPED !!

Glad to to let you know what ADDING OR ADDED means !!

Today , we are nall added to the B O C and NOT in the Gospels !!

dan p

Gobble gook,gibberish, and smoke and mirrors a cheap parlor trick, and sadly you are doing that with the words of God.


New member
Gobble gook,gibberish, and smoke and mirrors a cheap parlor trick, and sadly you are doing that with the words of God.

Actually, his is a part of how a word study is conducted.

Though he often falls short of proving his assertions because what he presents is only a part of how a thorough word study is conducted.

But part of how one is conducted, it nevertheless is.


New member
Actually, his is a part of how a word study is conducted.

Though he often falls short of proving his assertions because what he presents is only a part of how a thorough word study is conducted.

But part of how one is conducted, it nevertheless is.

lol, he gets more out of context from destroying the Greek translations than anyone I have ever seen, and of course you are not to far behind him.


New member
lol, he gets more out of context from destroying the Greek translations than anyone I have ever seen, and of course you are not to far behind him.

Your own wording is often very poor.

And that says something about one's ability to arrive at a proper context when reading.

And again; learn how to do a word study properly.


New member
Your own wording is often very poor.

And that says something about one's ability to arrive at a proper context when reading.

And again; learn how to do a word study properly.

I don't waste a lot of words when a few will do. I have English 101,102 , and first half of British literature from college. Being long winded as you are much of what you try to convey is lost in the wordiness and lengthiness when a few words would have sufficed. Of course you will not accept the constructive criticism.


New member
I don't waste a lot of words when a few will do. I have English 101,102 , and first half of British literature from college. Being long winded as you are much of what you try to convey is lost in the wordiness and lengthiness when a few words would have sufficed. Of course you will not accept the constructive criticism.

Add "a poor memory" to your sense of your many accomplishments. :chuckle:


New member
The difference is "pride" and bragging in who and what you are, and you aint all that.

Lol - you knucklehead: what I'd meant was that I have often mentioned in my own posts that I'd ended up ranting or that I'd ended up a bit long winded :chuckle:

Thus, my remark about your poor memory.

So much for your claim that you read things in context :D


New member
You're too hardcore to be SBC, Dodge.


I attended an IFB church "1" time , and I do not believe one hour and 45 minutes had that much influence on me. With "1" visit to an IFB church and disagreeing with the "message" on alcohol I feel pretty sure it did not harden me.

I am blessed by God in that I trust and believe His word more than the opinions of men.


New member
Lol - you knucklehead: what I'd meant was that I have often mentioned in my own posts that I'd ended up ranting or that I'd ended up a bit long winded :chuckle:

Thus, my remark about your poor memory.

So much for your claim that you read things in context :D

Point taken:

I do jump quick at times especially with an 8 year old grand daughter , her 6 week old kitten,and both of them wide open.

When I saw "poor memory" I thought you was speaking to my forgotten rules of writing, and poor wording,lol.