ECT MAD interp flaw


New member
Most of Christendom believe what you said.

Stop crying about it and come up with better responses.

No they do not; you spiritual fool.

They only think they do - ask them the above question.

Heck, TOL itself is replete with this eaxct "only think they do" ignorance.

Fact is, you are as ignorant as who, reading Paul's epistles: instead of seeing his apostleship was ever under attack; wrongly conclude he was one self-centered individual.

Theirs is your same fool ignorance - because we heavily quote Paul on issues he alone often heavily had had to defend; you conclude we are putting Paul himself on some sort of a pedestal.

I simply have no respect for your kind of stupidity in this.

Its like your kind get up each morning; and the very first thing you do; is smack yourselves in head with a hammer.

Go ahead, you dummy; ask the average believer the above question - see (or not, in your obvious case) how stupid you are being about this crucial issue.

The obvious is as far away as picking up your phone...

In fact, we should all consider asking the above question...


New member
No they do not; you spiritual fool.

They only think they do - ask them the above question.

Heck, TOL itself is replete with this eaxct "only think they do" ignorance.

Fact is, you are as ignorant as who, reading Paul's epistles: instead of seeing his apostleship was ever under attack; wrongly conclude he was one self-centered individual.

Theirs is your same fool ignorance - because we heavily quote Paul on issues he alone often heavily had had to defend; you conclude we are putting Paul himself on some sort of a pedestal.

I simply have no respect for your kind of stupidity in this.

Its like your kind get up each morning; and the very first thing you do; is smack yourselves in head with a hammer.

Go ahead, you dummy; ask the average believer the above question - see (or not, in your obvious case) how stupid you are being about this crucial issue.

The obvious is as far away as picking up your phone...

In fact, we should all consider asking the above question...

You haven't added anything to what I said.
My guess is that you've fallen into Christianity recently, and stumbled across mad and adopted this nonsense.
Now you're here to show everyone how it's done, while ignorantly not having a clue.


New member
You haven't added anything to what I said.
My guess is that you've fallen into Christianity recently, and stumbled across mad and adopted this nonsense.
Now you're here to show everyone how it's done, while ignorantly not having a clue.

As usual, yours is not only your guess, but an ignorant one.

In your opposition out of your personal vendetta - also in your ignorance.


New member
Hi Andyc , so how were you saved ??

Was it by Mark 16:16-17 and if you were not you are DAMNED as verse 17 says ??

dan p

Ok let's put this to bed a second time. I've already told you my testimony, but because you are only interested in finding fault with peoples testimonies who come against mad, you forget quickly.

I was brought up in a pentecostal family (AOG), and there is never a time I didn't believed in God, but until the age of 21 (March 1991), I didn't know God (wasn't born again). A person can believe in God, and even believe that Jesus dies for them (like I did), but not be born again.
I believed in God, and believed that Jesus died for me, but used to swear every other word, got drunk most nights, and generally didn't know God as Father. When I was very sick, I blamed God for everything bad happening in my life at that time. I had been made redundant in my job, had a breakdown in a relationship with my then girlfriend, lost my job, had a car that was in bad shape, and was very sick. I threw it all at God one night and said "it's all your fault" basically. A i was carnally feeling sorry for my self, bad things that I had done in my life started popping in my mind one after another. Eventually it became an avalanche of conviction for multiple sins I had committed, until I cried out to Jesus to forgive me for all of these sins. As I lay in bed late that night, Jesus walked into my room and sat on my bed. I didn't see him physically, but I knew he was there.
A word came to me, " sleep". I was previously unable to sleep because I was so sick, but the peace of God came over me and I shut my eyes and slept til morning. I woke up healed and hungry for the word, and knowing I was different but didn't know how exactly (I was born again). I didn't go to church until 4 years later, and didn't speak in tongues until 12 years later. Tongues was a doctrine that I fought for 12 years because I didn't understand it properly, even though I attended an AOG church.

Now tell us your testimony!


New member
So when were you supposedly saved?

Perhaps it was supposedly.

For my own "experience" was nothing more than Romans 10:17's "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

Actually from a booklet I was reading one day, on the need for clarity when presenting the gospel of our salvation.

In the booklet, the writer was basically asserting that Christ died for our sins, and that His resurrection had been evidence that Christ had paid the sin debt in full, and that those who believe this were not only right then and their forgiven of their sin in Adam, but made the righteousness of God in His Son.

Plain and simple.

So perhaps you are right; for my simple "experience" certainly does not match all your drama :chuckle:


New member
Perhaps it was supposedly.

For my own "experience" was nothing more than Romans 10:17's "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

Actually from a booklet I was reading one day, on the need for clarity when presenting the gospel of our salvation.

In the booklet, the writer was basically asserting that Christ died for our sins, and that His resurrection had been evidence that Christ had paid the sin debt in full, and that those who believe this were not only right then and their forgiven of their sin in Adam, but made the righteousness of God in His Son.

Plain and simple.

So perhaps you are right; for my simple "experience" certainly does not match all your drama :chuckle:

Your response shows that your wanting to know how people were saved, is not from interest at all.
You are wanting to find a problem with it from a theological perspective. You are so bankrupt spiritually.


Well-known member
Ok let's put this to bed a second time. I've already told you my testimony, but because you are only interested in finding fault with peoples testimonies who come against mad, you forget quickly.

I was brought up in a pentecostal family (AOG), and there is never a time I didn't believed in God, but until the age of 21 (March 1991), I didn't know God (wasn't born again). A person can believe in God, and even believe that Jesus dies for them (like I did), but not be born again.
I believed in God, and believed that Jesus died for me, but used to swear every other word, got drunk most nights, and generally didn't know God as Father. When I was very sick, I blamed God for everything bad happening in my life at that time. I had been made redundant in my job, had a breakdown in a relationship with my then girlfriend, lost my job, had a car that was in bad shape, and was very sick. I threw it all at God one night and said "it's all your fault" basically. A i was carnally feeling sorry for my self, bad things that I had done in my life started popping in my mind one after another. Eventually it became an avalanche of conviction for multiple sins I had committed, until I cried out to Jesus to forgive me for all of these sins. As I lay in bed late that night, Jesus walked into my room and sat on my bed. I didn't see him physically, but I knew he was there.
A word came to me, " sleep". I was previously unable to sleep because I was so sick, but the peace of God came over me and I shut my eyes and slept til morning. I woke up healed and hungry for the word, and knowing I was different but didn't know how exactly (I was born again). I didn't go to church until 4 years later, and didn't speak in tongues until 12 years later. Tongues was a doctrine that I fought for 12 years because I didn't understand it properly, even though I attended an AOG church.

Now tell us your testimony!

Hi and as a young kid , seeing my mother and many others speaking tongues scared me and as I grew up wondeing how people were saved and is was just many years later that I knew that people were saved by Grace and just 10 years later realized how Paul was saved and then found out by reading how people are saved !!

And one day I sat on my bed and and read Rom 10:9 and years later I still felt uneasy , and you have read what I have read many times , BUT many do not see the signigicant of these verses !!

Tell you what , you have yet to say how you were saved !!

If you can say YES !!

If you say NO !!

Then I will rell you how I was saved and how Paul was SAVED !!



New member
Your response shows that your wanting to know how people were saved, is not from interest at all.
You are wanting to find a problem with it from a theological perspective. You are so bankrupt spiritually.

Why; just because I'm riding you for your insistence on your walking by sight reality tv experiences.

Sorry if that offends; but it was just a matter of time before someone was bound to come along and point out this drama mama need of yours...

The gospel of our salvation is not all that complicated - but for those who, ever walking "by sight" ever crave "a sign" of some sort...

Beyond the simple fact of...

2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

I suppose you are still waiting around for "Mr. Ned" to announce that "Bozo Circus is on the air" and you have been selected to take part in - "our - grand - prize - game!!!"

You...have...a...long...wait :chuckle:

2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.


New member
Why; just because I'm riding you for your insistence on your walking by sight reality tv experiences.

Sorry if that offends;

It doesn't.

but it was just a matter of time before someone was bound to come along and point out this drama mama need of yours...

The gospel of our salvation is not all that complicated - but for those who, ever walking "by sight" ever crave "a sign" of some sort...

Beyond the simple fact of...

2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

I suppose you are still waiting around for "Mr. Ned" to announce that "Bozo Circus is on the air" and you have been selected to take part in - "our - grand - prize - game!!!"

You...have...a...long...wait :chuckle:

It makes no difference to me how salvation comes, as long as it comes.


Well-known member
Your response shows that your wanting to know how people were saved, is not from interest at all.
You are wanting to find a problem with it from a theological perspective. You are so bankrupt spiritually.

Hi and Mark 16:16 is not for today ?

And if you do than verse 17 , is for you ?

And if are witnessing to some one what will say ?

Just believe Jesus and be Water Baptized , Acts 2:38 ??

dan p
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Lazy afternoon

Perhaps it was supposedly.

For my own "experience" was nothing more than Romans 10:17's "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

Actually from a booklet I was reading one day, on the need for clarity when presenting the gospel of our salvation.

In the booklet, the writer was basically asserting that Christ died for our sins, and that His resurrection had been evidence that Christ had paid the sin debt in full, and that those who believe this were not only right then and their forgiven of their sin in Adam, but made the righteousness of God in His Son.

Plain and simple.

So perhaps you are right; for my simple "experience" certainly does not match all your drama :chuckle:

When was Peter saved?



Well-known member
When does Peter say that it was? He never spoke that way.
Acts 15:11 (AKJV/PCE)
(15:11) But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

Why does Peter use the future tense?

Because justification is also a future thing even though we gain its assurance ahead of time. The day of judgement has not taken place yet


New member
Hi and as a young kid , seeing my mother and many others speaking tongues scared me and as I grew up wondeing how people were saved and is was just many years later that I knew that people were saved by Grace and just 10 years later realized how Paul was saved and then found out by reading how people are saved !!

And one day I sat on my bed and and read Rom 10:9 and years later I still felt uneasy , and you have read what I have read many times , BUT many do not see the signigicant of these verses !!

Tell you what , you have yet to say how you were saved !!

If you can say YES !!

If you say NO !!

Then I will rell you how I was saved and how Paul was SAVED !!


Obviously the gospel is all about faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. It's not rocket science.

You are wanting to believe that Paul had a specific gospel message different from anyone else, and you're wanting people to subscribe to his specific formula that you think is exclusive for people today. Nope, that's nonsense.

If people don't worship Paul like you, they're supposedly not saved. That's why I treat you mad crowd as cultists.


TOL Subscriber
Obviously the gospel is all about faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. It's not rocket science.

You are wanting to believe that Paul had a specific gospel message different from anyone else, and you're wanting people to subscribe to his specific formula that you think is exclusive for people today. Nope, that's nonsense.

If people don't worship Paul like you, they're supposedly not saved. That's why I treat you mad crowd as cultists.

Well said . . so true . . exactly what MADists wrongly claim and impose upon others.

Lazy afternoon

When does Peter say that it was? He never spoke that way.
Acts 15:11 (AKJV/PCE)
(15:11) But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

Why does Peter use the future tense?

So you believe Peter was not saved during his entire lifetime.

When was Abraham saved?
