ECT MAD error #433: That Israel was offered a restored state


Well-known member
If Danoh is a rep (maybe he is not), it is about straining to say that Israel's state or kingdom was going to be restored, as a theme in Isaiah, and as the meaning of Acts 3:21. Those who pride themselves in NOT using the NT to interp the OT don't seem to realize that the new wine of the mission of the Gospel keeps bursting the old wineskin of merely a restored kingdom in Isaiah. Isaiah prepares us for Acts; it does not prepare us for a restored kingdom then or in a distant future. Too many other things are to happen that are great works of the Spirit of God through the Gospel.

Not both ways.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If Danoh is a rep (maybe he is not), it is about straining to say that Israel's state or kingdom was going to be restored, as a theme in Isaiah, and as the meaning of Acts 3:21. Those who pride themselves in NOT using the NT to interp the OT don't seem to realize that the new wine of the mission of the Gospel keeps bursting the old wineskin of merely a restored kingdom in Isaiah. Isaiah prepares us for Acts; it does not prepare us for a restored kingdom then or in a distant future. Too many other things are to happen that are great works of the Spirit of God through the Gospel.

Not both ways.

Do you doubt that Christ will return and establish His rule on the throne of David?


New member
If Danoh is a rep (maybe he is not), it is about straining to say that Israel's state or kingdom was going to be restored, as a theme in Isaiah, and as the meaning of Acts 3:21. Those who pride themselves in NOT using the NT to interp the OT don't seem to realize that the new wine of the mission of the Gospel keeps bursting the old wineskin of merely a restored kingdom in Isaiah. Isaiah prepares us for Acts; it does not prepare us for a restored kingdom then or in a distant future. Too many other things are to happen that are great works of the Spirit of God through the Gospel.

Not both ways.

No, brother...not so.

One, I hold to a Mid Acts MORE OR LESS.

Meaning; I do not allow myself to settle on any conclusion I might arrive at as set in stone; final word; end of story; my way or the highway.

Instead; I keep an open mind to the possibility that tomorrow I might not only see some things I had not seen before; but the seeing of which might impact how I see other things.

As Jazz legend: the late great, Miles Davis, once advised - "Play it like you don't know how..."

Advice of which the Apostle Paul might have noted; were he still around - "this witness is true..."

As a result, two; my "Mid-Acts assertions" as to your above only demonstrate once more that you do not understand Mid-Acts.

This has nothing to do with some sort of a pride on my part in not using the NT to interpret the OT - that is your ignorance.

I interpret the OT thru the NT and the NT through the OT.

Because it is crystal clear to me from Mat.-Early Acts and Hebrews thru Revelation that that is what both their writers and who they are describing in their writings are doing.

What you continue to fail to see is that Paul is not doing either unless one; he is dealing with the issue of Israel.

Two; other times he quotes the OT when he is making use of a principle that is the same both in the OT/NT but that at the same time differs in his unique application of it within the Mystery he both preached and wrote of - which is neither OT, nor NT.

That might be one area where I appear to not "rep Mad," but only because the "Mad" I "rep" differs in this distinction.

Because, as with any school of thought within the faith; one is bound to find individuals within a same school who hold to a different understanding on some things.

An understanding that greatly impacts how they each see various things as a result.

And there are many valid factors behind such things on all sides of such fences.

Level of time in the Word; difference in approach; level of skill at questions and or distinctions and or similarities; and so on, being just some of those factors...

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
If Danoh is a rep (maybe he is not), it is about straining to say that Israel's state or kingdom was going to be restored, as a theme in Isaiah, and as the meaning of Acts 3:21. Those who pride themselves in NOT using the NT to interp the OT don't seem to realize that the new wine of the mission of the Gospel keeps bursting the old wineskin of merely a restored kingdom in Isaiah. Isaiah prepares us for Acts; it does not prepare us for a restored kingdom then or in a distant future. Too many other things are to happen that are great works of the Spirit of God through the Gospel.

Not both ways.



New member
:mock: LA Lost

Sad...some one fell and you glory in it.

As with your use of the word "lost" there - it depends on what you mean by it, in your use there - who knows what LA may or may not have meant by the word "bashing."

Nevertheless, LA was banned, that was supposed to have ended this matter.

Why is it then, that that is not the end of that?

Why the need to not only glory in some hollow victory; but to continue to?

Why is it that pointing this out will not result in what it is meant to - in repentence not to be repented of?

But I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual.

Mads - of all people.

Who should know better.

Who should walk the grace they talk.

For shame, bro...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
:mock: LA Lost


Well-known member
No, brother...not so.

One, I hold to a Mid Acts MORE OR LESS.

Meaning; I do not allow myself to settle on any conclusion I might arrive at as set in stone; final word; end of story; my way or the highway.

Instead; I keep an open mind to the possibility that tomorrow I might not only see some things I had not seen before; but the seeing of which might impact how I see other things.

As Jazz legend: the late great, Miles Davis, once advised - "Play it like you don't know how..."

Advice of which the Apostle Paul might have noted; were he still around - "this witness is true..."

As a result, two; my "Mid-Acts assertions" as to your above only demonstrate once more that you do not understand Mid-Acts.

This has nothing to do with some sort of a pride on my part in not using the NT to interpret the OT - that is your ignorance.

I interpret the OT thru the NT and the NT through the OT.

Because it is crystal clear to me from Mat.-Early Acts and Hebrews thru Revelation that that is what both their writers and who they are describing in their writings are doing.

What you continue to fail to see is that Paul is not doing either unless one; he is dealing with the issue of Israel.

Two; other times he quotes the OT when he is making use of a principle that is the same both in the OT/NT but that at the same time differs in his unique application of it within the Mystery he both preached and wrote of - which is neither OT, nor NT.

That might be one area where I appear to not "rep Mad," but only because the "Mad" I "rep" differs in this distinction.

Because, as with any school of thought within the faith; one is bound to find individuals within a same school who hold to a different understanding on some things.

An understanding that greatly impacts how they each see various things as a result.

And there are many valid factors behind such things on all sides of such fences.

Level of time in the Word; difference in approach; level of skill at questions and or distinctions and or similarities; and so on, being just some of those factors...

Danoh wrote:
What you continue to fail to see is that Paul is not doing either unless one; he is dealing with the issue of Israel.

Two; other times he quotes the OT when he is making use of a principle that is the same both in the OT/NT but that at the same time differs in his unique application of it within the Mystery he both preached and wrote of - which is neither OT, nor NT.

Two nonsense grammaticals in a row. I have a headache. Your 2nd line is oxymoronic! 'same in both...which is neither OT nor NT'!!!

Make it simple for youself brother and just DEFINE THE VEIL!!!


Well-known member
The best example of Isaiah about the depth of transformation of the whole old covenant is ch 58. There is an 'old' kind of fasting and a 'new' kind. Just apply that across the board to the old covenant and you'll get it. And don't forget to read Heb 10. You know...shadow...reality...


Well-known member
Do you doubt that Christ will return and establish His rule on the throne of David?

He is on the throne of David now, Ps 2, 16, Is 56, Rom 1, I Tim 2, Rev 5, Acts 15.

I don't know your reading level, but I have said a hundred times, that the 2nd coming could have happened as early as 'right after' (Mt 24:29) the destruction of Jerusalem, but was delayed. You don't read, don't read this thread, or don't comprehend. Have you considered taking notes?

There is no theological need for what you are proposing about a 'nation of Israel throne of David' or else you have not read Heb 10-12.

I was told the other day that the 'atonement' for Israel means the restoration of such. But the same person said that the redemption from sin in Hebrews was only for them (the Jews)!!! He was completely unaware that Hebrews has no restored Israel kingdom doctrine. Why wouldn't it be mentioned there?


Well-known member
Sad...some one fell and you glory in it.

As with your use of the word "lost" there - it depends on what you mean by it, in your use there - who knows what LA may or may not have meant by the word "bashing."

Nevertheless, LA was banned, that was supposed to have ended this matter.

Why is it then, that that is not the end of that?

Why the need to not only glory in some hollow victory; but to continue to?

Why is it that pointing this out will not result in what it is meant to - in repentence not to be repented of?

But I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual.

Mads - of all people.

Who should know better.

Who should walk the grace they talk.

For shame, bro...

By their fruits, you will know them?


Well-known member
Since I can't find Heir's summary statement that involved Acts 3, Heb 8 and Rom 11, I've asked them to re-enter it or send it to me.

I believe that what they said will prove to be the nub of the MAD problem.


Well-known member
He is on the throne of David now, Ps 2, 16, Is 56, Rom 1, I Tim 2, Rev 5, Acts 15.


Nowhere do the scriptures say that David's throne is in heaven.

But they do say that the Lord Jesus is presently seated at the right hand of the the Father's throne.

David never had a throne in heaven!
David's throne has always been Jerusalem on this earth and ruling over the twelve tribes in the land promised to Abraham through Isaac and their descendants forever. Irrevocable!

2Sa 3:10 To translate the kingdom from the house of Saul, and to set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba.

1Ki 2:11 And the days that David reigned over Israel were forty years: seven years reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem.
1Ki 2:12 Then sat Solomon upon the throne of David his father; and his kingdom was established greatly.

1Ki 2:45 And king Solomon shall be blessed, and the throne of David shall be established before the LORD for ever.

Psa 89:34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
Psa 89:35 Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David.
Psa 89:36 His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me.

Isa 9:7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

Luk 1:32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
Luk 1:33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.