LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **


Well-known member
I agree Graphite. We have been saying since the start of season 6 that the "ALT" time line is more than just different, it's.... well.... different! Different than any other "flash back", "flash forward", or even "flash sideways".

Last night I watched the Expose episode from season 3 where they flashed back to Nikki's back story which started with her ULTRA cheesy TV show "Expose". This "ALT" time line doesn't feel a whole lot different than that.

Hurley, had once mentioned that since he was sent back in time he could write The Empire Strikes Back and sell it to George Lucas. :chuckle:

I loved that he was making some "improvements." :chuckle:

It almost makes you wonder if this "ALT" timeline isn't Hurley's creation in some way. Maybe a TV show or movie that he wrote based on his Island buddies. Although... that doesn't really make sense to me and if the "ALT" timeline turned out to be a TV show or movie I think I would be disappointing, yet I must say.... the writer's of LOST are very skilled and I have no doubt they would figure out a way to pull it off.

I agree that it seems it's some kind of "creation."

But what if rather than Hurley, the one doing the "writing" is the island? :plain:

It's as if it's being pieced together using a limited amount of information. As if only things that are essential to our heroes, combined with island-related references are included in this LA scenario.

The Graphite

New member
I loved that he was making some "improvements." :chuckle:
I kinda wish he had chosen to make some improvements on Episode 1 instead. :chuckle: But then... maybe he was trying to steer Lucas onto a better track early on, in order to avoid some of those later problems!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
For instance.... in Expose we are suddenly given the back story to a couple characters (Nikki and Palo) who up until then were little more than extras. To ease the audiences mind Sawyer repeatably asks.... "who are you people???" :rotfl:

Hey! You can't take credit for that. I mentioned it waaaay back here.:sibbie:


New member
After last night's episode we now know that "war" has been officially declared. But thinking back over the past seasons, didn't it always appear that it was Ben vs. Whidmore? Now it seems that it's Whidmore and everyone else vs. MIB and his following. Any thoughts on who is taking which side here?

Oh, and Desmond is back, brutha!
After last night's episode we now know that "war" has been officially declared. But thinking back over the past seasons, didn't it always appear that it was Ben vs. Whidmore? Now it seems that it's Whidmore and everyone else vs. MIB and his following. Any thoughts on who is taking which side here?

Oh, and Desmond is back, brutha!
Doesn't make sense, unless Widmore thought Ben was smokey, but Ben has been serving Jacob, who also does not want smokey leaving the island. :idunno:


Well-known member
After last night's episode we now know that "war" has been officially declared. But thinking back over the past seasons, didn't it always appear that it was Ben vs. Whidmore? Now it seems that it's Whidmore and everyone else vs. MIB and his following. Any thoughts on who is taking which side here?

Oh, and Desmond is back, brutha!

I'd posted this to a similar question a while back:

Don't forget that while Widmore and Ben have had their own battle going on, they both are ultimately concerned with the island over one another. I think their relationships with the island/Jacob/MIB trump the relationships between themselves.

Also, consider that Widmore probably believes (or knows) that if something really goes wrong on the island "we'll all die." ... I pretty much assume he does, because he and Eloise seem to share the same knowledge/mindset regarding the island's power, and that's what she's told Desmond. Maybe I'm wrong. I've wondered if perhaps, the whole Widmore "Secondary Protocol" thing with the freighter mercenaries, while it seemed particularly evil, was a last measure plan to make sure that a much greater catastrophe didn't occur.

Oh, and Desmond is back, brutha!

Yeah, I'm glad Desmond's there. Now I think we'll start seeing some crossover. Desmond's one of my favorite characters (partly because twisters come with him). I think the idea of "constants" might return.

Dad Faraday ever use the "If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume is my constant" that was written in his journal or did we just see it written?


Well-known member
Anyone think that Sun losing her ability to speak English had to do with some timeline merging?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Not to quibble, but in Korean culture the wife does not change her family name to the husband's name. I would have mentioned this earlier, but since there are 5 big names and only a couple hundred or so lesser ones, it isn't unusual that 2 people with the same family name marry (although it is if frowned upon). I had heard that some wives are taking their husbands name if they travel to the US and also some women have done it as a "Christian culture" thing but it is unusual.

Bottom line, Sun is not a Kwon she's a Pak/Park.

The Graphite

New member
Not to quibble, but in Korean culture the wife does not change her family name to the husband's name. I would have mentioned this earlier, but since there are 5 big names and only a couple hundred or so lesser ones, it isn't unusual that 2 people with the same family name marry (although it is if frowned upon). I had heard that some wives are taking their husbands name if they travel to the US and also some women have done it as a "Christian culture" thing but it is unusual.

Bottom line, Sun is not a Kwon she's a Pak/Park.

Yeah, this is a simple writing error on the part of the creators/writers, so I wouldn't read too much into it as far as hidden meanings in the plot. It's well established within the story that Sun is clearly considered a Paik. (Which, as most of you know by now, is pronounced something like "Peck". It is sometimes spelled Park or Paek.)


Well-known member
I think now that Desmond's back things'll start hitting the fan (time & space-wise). I think he'll play a large role in merging the two worlds, and that this'll be the episode that sets the ground for the pieces coming together (though we've been seeing glimmers).

As Faraday had said: "The rules don't apply to you. You're special. You're uniquely and miraculously special. "

And speaking of Faraday, I'm hoping Faraday will show up next week. :)

And speaking of Faraday again, I think that Zoe is going to wind up as some sort of a Faraday-ish character (heavy-duty scientist who deals with time/space). Remember that Widmore was responsible for Faraday and Charlotte (science) coming to the island on the freighter.

I love Desmond and the role he's played through LOST. The Constant was one of my favorite episodes. Will next week mark the return of constants? I'm looking forward to this episode most of all so far this season.

The Graphite

New member
You may recall I talked about how the series is parenthetical, or in other words has a kind of 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 structure, or A B C B A form, etc. And I gave examples of how Season 2 was mirrored by Season 5 in many ways.

Here are some of the ways that Season 6 is mirroring Season 1! And you'll just love the last one. If you don't have time to read the whole thing, skip to the end for a minor but funny example of this phenomenon!

Season 1 -- Sayid is a man who is ashamed of his violent past, and of how certain authority figures pressed him into service to them, to hurt innocent people for his boss's gain. Sayid's leg is injured in the process of being caught in a trap. He is caught by the person who set the trap, Rousseau. He passes out, and she takes him to her hidden home, where she interrogates him about her child, which she says was taken by the Others.

Season 6 -- Jin is a man who is ashamed of his violent past, and of how certain authority figures pressed him into service to them, to hurt innocent people for his boss's gain. Jin's leg is injured when he is caught in a trap. He is caught by the person who set the trap, Claire. He passes out, and she takes him to her hidden home, where she interrogates someone else she captured along with Jin, asking him about her child, which she says was taken by the Others.


In episode 9 of Season 1, we learn that Rousseau came to the island on a ship of several people. A storm threw them against rocks on the island, wrecked the ship. We learn later that she and her crew soon afterward met the Smoke Monster, and all but Rousseau were killed. Rousseau lost her husband.

In Episode 9 of Season 6, we learn that Richard came to the island on a ship of several people. A storm threw them against rocks on the island, wrecked the ship. He and the crew soon met the Smoke Monster, and all but Richard were killed. Richard had very recently lost his wife.


In Season 1, we first learn about the infection. It's not talked about in Seasons 2-5. Rousseau tells Sayid that she had to kill her infected crew because something terrible would have happened if they had ever gotten off the island.

In Season 6, we finally hear about the infection again. Sayid is the first person to be revealed to be infected by the "darkness." Then, it's revealed that Claire (the new Rousseau) has already been infected. It appears the Smoke Monster/Flocke has infected Sayid and Claire, and he wants to leave the island and take them with him.


In Season 1, Hurley decides that everyone needs to know who each other is, so he convinces Jack they need to start a census, which leads him to getting the ship manifest with the list of all the survivors on it. Many of the names are crossed off, having been "eliminated" (by death) in the crash or immediately afterward. By going over the list, Hurley figures out that one of the survivors is not a survivor, but is really an outsider pretending to be one of them... someone who had already been on the island for some time!

In Season 6, Hurley is used by Jacob to take Jack to the Lighthouse, where they find the mirrors and the giant dial with the names of all of the candidates written on it. Many of the names are crossed out, having been eliminated. Meanwhile, FLocke takes Sawyer (who in Season 1 had the manifest) to the cave by the sea, and also shows him the names of candidates. Many are crossed off. It is around this time that Sawyer also learns that Locke is not really Locke, at all. He is an outsider pretending to be one of the survivors... but is someone who had already been on the island for some time!

Last but not least... here's a small one, just to show they're winking at us.

This week, Charlie's peanut butter returned! How, do you ask? Where?

Sawyer brings Kate one of her favorite things... hot chocolate. Where'd he get it, she asks? "I didn't. Just pretend."

Charlie's peanut butter FTW!


Well-known member
You may recall I talked about how the series is parenthetical, or in other words has a kind of 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 structure, or A B C B A form, etc. And I gave examples of how Season 2 was mirrored by Season 5 in many ways.

Here are some of the ways that Season 6 is mirroring Season 1! And you'll just love the last one. If you don't have time to read the whole thing, skip to the end for a minor but funny example of this phenomenon!

Season 1 -- Sayid is a man who is ashamed of his violent past, and of how certain authority figures pressed him into service to them, to hurt innocent people for his boss's gain. Sayid's leg is injured in the process of being caught in a trap. He is caught by the person who set the trap, Rousseau. He passes out, and she takes him to her hidden home, where she interrogates him about her child, which she says was taken by the Others.

Season 6 -- Jin is a man who is ashamed of his violent past, and of how certain authority figures pressed him into service to them, to hurt innocent people for his boss's gain. Jin's leg is injured when he is caught in a trap. He is caught by the person who set the trap, Claire. He passes out, and she takes him to her hidden home, where she interrogates someone else she captured along with Jin, asking him about her child, which she says was taken by the Others.


In episode 9 of Season 1, we learn that Rousseau came to the island on a ship of several people. A storm threw them against rocks on the island, wrecked the ship. We learn later that she and her crew soon afterward met the Smoke Monster, and all but Rousseau were killed. Rousseau lost her husband.

In Episode 9 of Season 6, we learn that Richard came to the island on a ship of several people. A storm threw them against rocks on the island, wrecked the ship. He and the crew soon met the Smoke Monster, and all but Richard were killed. Richard had very recently lost his wife.


In Season 1, we first learn about the infection. It's not talked about in Seasons 2-5. Rousseau tells Sayid that she had to kill her infected crew because something terrible would have happened if they had ever gotten off the island.

In Season 6, we finally hear about the infection again. Sayid is the first person to be revealed to be infected by the "darkness." Then, it's revealed that Claire (the new Rousseau) has already been infected. It appears the Smoke Monster/Flocke has infected Sayid and Claire, and he wants to leave the island and take them with him.


In Season 1, Hurley decides that everyone needs to know who each other is, so he convinces Jack they need to start a census, which leads him to getting the ship manifest with the list of all the survivors on it. Many of the names are crossed off, having been "eliminated" (by death) in the crash or immediately afterward. By going over the list, Hurley figures out that one of the survivors is not a survivor, but is really an outsider pretending to be one of them... someone who had already been on the island for some time!

In Season 6, Hurley is used by Jacob to take Jack to the Lighthouse, where they find the mirrors and the giant dial with the names of all of the candidates written on it. Many of the names are crossed out, having been eliminated. Meanwhile, FLocke takes Sawyer (who in Season 1 had the manifest) to the cave by the sea, and also shows him the names of candidates. Many are crossed off. It is around this time that Sawyer also learns that Locke is not really Locke, at all. He is an outsider pretending to be one of the survivors... but is someone who had already been on the island for some time!

Last but not least... here's a small one, just to show they're winking at us.

This week, Charlie's peanut butter returned! How, do you ask? Where?

Sawyer brings Kate one of her favorite things... hot chocolate. Where'd he get it, she asks? "I didn't. Just pretend."

Charlie's peanut butter FTW!

I love all that, Graphite, as I loved your "it's hinky" theory (obviously, as I've been pushing it for weeks). The "hot chocolate" thing also jumped out at me. But even though everyone seems to, I just don't quite see Claire and Rousseau as the same. I think Rousseau managed to not become infected. But maybe Claire has also... And I do think she'll rebel against unLocke.

Also, while Richard & Rousseau might share some similar circumstances, I don't believe that they're parallel.

Even though I don't quite buy the Sayid/Jin thing, I love it...

One of the great things about LOST theories is that even though sometimes I don't buy them, I still think they're awesome.

I think Desmond's going to expose a lot to us. I think next week'll be a game changer. His role (writing-wise) has generally been to switch things up. He's a game twister.

And as I've said, I've always thought of this as Desmond and Penny's love story. ...Though I think I'm wrong on that. (I also thought Ben'd be dead within the next episode or so, and now I think he'll be one of the last standing.)