LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **

Nathon Detroit

EPIC!!! What an awesome episode!

The show had eluded to the answer several times as early as the first season. I have to say, I think that was a very satisfying episode.


The Graphite

New member
I don't think it's hell. I think it's some weird purgatory narrative in which each character is tested one last time before their judgement or something like that.
Actually, I'm afraid the producers have repeatedly and emphatically stated (for years) that they are not in hell or purgatory.


New member
EPIC!!! What an awesome episode!

The show had eluded to the answer several times as early as the first season. I have to say, I think that was a very satisfying episode.


I agree, definitely a good episode. For once, I felt like some of my predictions were proven correct (for now, ha).

I could be wrong here, but was this the first episode where the characters actually called the man in black the name "Man in Black"? Jacob mentions it when Richard encounters him on the beach, but then Hurley says it to Richard at the end of the episode. I thought that was interesting.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You know what would be great? If all of it ended up being a dream someone on the plane was having. :chuckle: And by great I mean wouldn't you just have to kill someone?


Nathon Detroit

Actually, I'm afraid the producers have repeatedly and emphatically stated (for years) that they are not in hell or purgatory.

True! From the very first season they have denied that theory.
Guys... did you watch the same episode I did??

They are NOT in hell, and they are NOT dead.

The island isn't hell, Jacob clearly stated that point. The island is a "cork" or a blocked doorway that leads from hell to our reality.

But even if the island were hell.... and the producers were asked... "is the island hell?" What did you expect them to say? Did you expect them to giveaway the ending of the show just because some moron reporter asked them the question?? :think:
I noticed that Jacob (who at this point looks like the "good guy") takes the position that all men are basically good. The MIB (who at this point looks like the bad guy) takes the position that all men are basically evil. The old switcheroo, calling good evil and evil good.

Nathon Detroit

I noticed that Jacob (who at this point looks like the "good guy") takes the position that all men are basically good. The MIB (who at this point looks like the bad guy) takes the position that all men are basically evil. The old switcheroo, calling good evil and evil good.
Yeah... and the show is still not making it crystal clear as to who is good and who is bad although they certainly want us to think that the MIB is bad and Jacob is good. My guess is most people are still not convinced.

It's still also possible that Jacob and the MIB are essentially the same being (one side dark and one side light). And each side works to manipulate our Losties into doing what they want them to do without removing their freewill which seems to be a somewhat important aspect of "the rules".

The Graphite

New member
I agree there is still a strong likelihood they are two sides of the same person. Whether they are a fractured psyche or whether this is a being who is consciously exploring these concepts and issues by intentionally acting as two people... either way, I strongly suspect they are the same being, ultimately.

Frankly, they look so much alike. Is it really a coincidence that Jacob and MIB (beach version) are the same height, same build, virtually identical hair style and length, same exact two-day stubble, same length sideburns, almost identical way of dressing (except for color contrast)?

Jacob fishes a red fish out of the ocean (just as he fishes people out of the world, catches them to use them on the island), sits down and eats lunch. MIB walks up. Jacob asks if he wants some. "No thanks," MIB says. "I just ate." Sure you did. We just watched you.

Carbonell is the MAN. Loved his performance! Exciting, sympathetic, romantic, passionate, tragic but also sometimes humorous and ironic... Such a complex performance, and he fulfilled everything in the character and then some. We finally, really understand Richard. I can't wait to see what happens with him next. Carbonell is now one of my three favorite performances on the show. Emerson is first, and Holloway second. (Ironic that my #1 and #2 play characters who I actually detest as human beings. But the performances are so layered, complex, nuanced, so familiar and real and yet also continually surprising in their twists and turns.)


New member
Hall of Fame
Didn't Richard visit Locke at his birth and when he was 7 years old? I guess Richard isn't stuck on the island.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, and he was also the guy who "hired" Juliette and brought her to the island.
I thought that was Ethan.

Also, did you notice the Black Rock's captain's last name? It sounded eerily similar to the last name of the guy on the Dharma videos (Miles' dad)


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, sorry, not the guy from the Dharma videos but the guy who founded Dharma, Alvar Hanso

The Graphite

New member
Did anyone notice Jacob baptizing Richard in the water... much like Jacob's "Others" did to Sayid? He could just as easily have choked him, right where he was, but no.. he dragged him all the way over to the water to get him wet.

Always remember; things on this island happen over and over and over and over again.

Oh, while we're at it, some very interesting duality between Jack and Locke. Or should I say... Jack and John. (Jack is a nickname for John, as you know.) Remember Locke gave up his kidney to rescue his nasty dad? In the end, he lost his dad to betrayal.

Jack went to Australia to rescue his nasty dad. If he hadn't done that, he would never have gotten that nasty gash on... hmm, what part of his body? Oh yeah... lower-left part of his back.

Just like Locke. I mean... John. The two have always been mirror-opposite adversaries, even when they were switching places and Jack believed and John did not. They always counterbalance each other. It's interesting that they were both cut open on the same place on their back, and stitched back up again... in both cases on account of their lousy fathers, who they lost forever.


New member
Hall of Fame
Also, the Black Rock that brought Richard, is it the same ship that Jacob and the MIB were looking at when we first met the MIB? If so, where did the storm come from? It was a clear day.