LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **

The Graphite

New member
I love all that, Graphite, as I loved your "it's hinky" theory (obviously, as I've been pushing it for weeks). The "hot chocolate" thing also jumped out at me. But even though everyone seems to, I just don't quite see Claire and Rousseau as the same. I think Rousseau managed to not become infected. But maybe Claire has also... And I do think she'll rebel against unLocke.

Also, while Richard & Rousseau might share some similar circumstances, I don't believe that they're parallel.

Even though I don't quite buy the Sayid/Jin thing, I love it...

One of the great things about LOST theories is that even though sometimes I don't buy them, I still think they're awesome.

I think Desmond's going to expose a lot to us. I think next week'll be a game changer. His role (writing-wise) has generally been to switch things up. He's a game twister.

And as I've said, I've always thought of this as Desmond and Penny's love story. ...Though I think I'm wrong on that. (I also thought Ben'd be dead within the next episode or so, and now I think he'll be one of the last standing.)
Oh, I realize that not all of these people completely take over for other people from Season 1. My focus is more on the scenarios, the situations. Those are really what repeat on the show, so that just makes some of the individuals involved look like they have "replaced" earlier characters. But it's the situations that repeat. Sometimes it's with the same character, sometimes with the characters reversed, and sometimes with different characters.

Here's an interesting one. You know how Sayid was taken captive, laid down on a table, with electric wires attached to him, and someone shocked him in order to gain information about him in Season 6? Oops, I mean in Season 1. :eek:

Or, look at it another way. It's as if the producers/writers/directors, ie. The Powers That Be (TPTB) used Season 1 to give us vague pictures of what kind of events would happen in the final season. And Season 2 shows us some vague pictures of the kinds of situations we would see in Season 5. The details are rearranged, but the basic concepts are the same.

The Graphite

New member
Something just hit me.

With all of the many pieces of evidence suggesting a kind of loose symbolism for Jack relating to Jesus Christ (need I even go over the laundry list of associations at this point?).... who came before Jesus? The greatest prophet, John.

In Lost, John spent most of the series preaching the "gospel" of serving and protecting the island (a mission that was geared to serving Jacob, even before they ever knew Jacob existed). He felt more at home in the wilderness, all along, didnt' he? John's mission preceded Jack's, and eventually Jack stepped into the faith role, himself. After he did, however, you may recall that John lost faith for a while, just as John the Baptizer did to some extent after Jesus' ministry began. And what happened after that?

John (Locke) lost his head. Figuratively speaking of course. But Jack is now coming into his own and fulfilling the calling he has always had, as the shepherd king of Psalm 23, who heals the sick and makes the lame to walk, the son of Christian and the father of David (as opposed to the son of David and the father to Christians), etc.

John the prophet came first. He lost his head. Then came the real chosen one. Coincidence that so very many things about Jack point to Jesus, while the "prophet" who went before him is named "John?"

Hmmm. :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'd really like to see it come down to Jack and Kate taking over the two positions...stuck on that island at each other's throats. I don't have a theory to back that outcome, I just hate them both sooo much. :plain:


Well-known member
Any predictions on tonight's episode?

I think it'll be a season-changer... A big episode. Big step back into time / consciousness shifting and the beginning of the worlds merging together. I wonder what Desmond knows... Whether he has a conscious memory of the island.

I figure Zoe's going to try sending Desmond somewhere in time. Or space, or some-such. :plain:

I hope to see Faraday return today.

I think we'll go back to the idea of "constants."

And I like Eloise Hawking's character. There are always some good weird things that happen when she's around. I figure we'll see her.

And hopefully this'll mark the return of what I think's the strongest love story on the show: Desmond & Penny.

Though I have no idea if Desmond (or Penny, wherever she is... I assume back in LA) will make it out alive. I'm inclined to think he won't. But maybe they'll manage to be together. Sail off in his boat or something? That boat's still around.

Maybe we'll get to hear him tell Jack "You've got to lift it up."

The Graphite

New member
Most people didn't notice, but Widmore brought some kind of crate to the island. What's in it? That debate is raging on other Lost messageboards.

But considering that Widmore brought 1) Desmond, who has been charged with electromagnetic energies on the island, and 2) a geophysicist who would know a lot about geologically-based EM phenomenon, my guess is that the crate contains some kind of technology relating to electro-magnetic power.

And if that's the case, Widmore will use it for one of two purposes. Either 1) to siphon more island energy into Desmond to make him an unbeatable juggernaut weapon against MIB, or 2) siphon the energy out of Desmond to use against MIB. Either way, my money is on this general idea.

Can't wait to see it tomorrow! (Wish I didn't have to work every Tues. night! But I'm glad at least I'll be off for the season finale, which is on a Sunday!!! I'm hoping we can find someone to get together with for it, make an event out of it.)


Well-known member
Most people didn't notice, but Widmore brought some kind of crate to the island. What's in it? That debate is raging on other Lost messageboards.

But considering that Widmore brought 1) Desmond, who has been charged with electromagnetic energies on the island, and 2) a geophysicist who would know a lot about geologically-based EM phenomenon, my guess is that the crate contains some kind of technology relating to electro-magnetic power.

And if that's the case, Widmore will use it for one of two purposes. Either 1) to siphon more island energy into Desmond to make him an unbeatable juggernaut weapon against MIB, or 2) siphon the energy out of Desmond to use against MIB. Either way, my money is on this general idea.


I hadn't considered that... I figured it'd be more about his moving in time/space/consciousness. I'd thought that Desmond might play the role of being some kind of integral variable or constant. I do agree Zoe has some electromagnetic surprises up her sleeve and that they'll get unleashed on Desmond.

Can't wait to see it tomorrow! (Wish I didn't have to work every Tues. night! But I'm glad at least I'll be off for the season finale, which is on a Sunday!!! I'm hoping we can find someone to get together with for it, make an event out of it.)

I don't get to watch until tomorrow either.

The Graphite

New member
I agree, there will almost certainly be some time-hopping, etc. That's why I favor the option where they use that (theoretical) equipment to charge Desmond up.

I didn't say how he'd use that to defeat MIB. Only that Des is Widmore's secret weapon. I don't envision Des shooting lightning bolts out of his hands, ala Return of the Jedi.

"Och! Ya badly underestimated tha power o' the Dark Side... brutha!"


Well-known member
I agree, there will almost certainly be some time-hopping, etc. That's why I favor the option where they use that (theoretical) equipment to charge Desmond up.

I didn't say how he'd use that to defeat MIB. Only that Des is Widmore's secret weapon. I don't envision Des shooting lightning bolts out of his hands, ala Return of the Jedi.

"Och! Ya badly underestimated tha power o' the Dark Side... brutha!"

Eh, I didn't think you meant lightning bolts out of hands. :)

Ugh, I hate this 1/2 day that I have to wait to see the show... We don't have normal TV at our house, so I get LOST on iTunes... But it comes in the next morning, after it's aired.

But knowing there are already a gazillion recaps and discussions going on is tough... I stay away; I just don't like seeing spoilers... But I'm really dying to see this episode.

I think certain things I think about LOST and it's integral story really hinge on this episode. Sounds stupid, but: love.


Well-known member
Something just hit me.

With all of the many pieces of evidence suggesting a kind of loose symbolism for Jack relating to Jesus Christ (need I even go over the laundry list of associations at this point?).... who came before Jesus? The greatest prophet, John.

In Lost, John spent most of the series preaching the "gospel" of serving and protecting the island (a mission that was geared to serving Jacob, even before they ever knew Jacob existed). He felt more at home in the wilderness, all along, didnt' he? John's mission preceded Jack's, and eventually Jack stepped into the faith role, himself. After he did, however, you may recall that John lost faith for a while, just as John the Baptizer did to some extent after Jesus' ministry began. And what happened after that?

John (Locke) lost his head. Figuratively speaking of course. But Jack is now coming into his own and fulfilling the calling he has always had, as the shepherd king of Psalm 23, who heals the sick and makes the lame to walk, the son of Christian and the father of David (as opposed to the son of David and the father to Christians), etc.

John the prophet came first. He lost his head. Then came the real chosen one. Coincidence that so very many things about Jack point to Jesus, while the "prophet" who went before him is named "John?"

Hmmm. :think:

I just don't buy it.

Well, at least the Bible connection, no. I simply don't believe that Jack is a Jesus character (though as I've said, I do believe we'll see a profound Jack-sacrifice), and I increasingly think it'll come down to Jack at the story end (ugh)... But as I've said before, IMO, Jack has too many issues to deal with, too many things he's screwed up, too many things he has to account for to be a Jesus character... he has to redeem himself. Jesus didn't have to redeem himself.

I think Christian stories are going to take a back seat in this last 1/2 season... Not to be overlooked, but not come to the forefront.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'd really like to see it come down to Jack and Kate taking over the two positions...stuck on that island at each other's throats. I don't have a theory to back that outcome, I just hate them both sooo much. :plain:
And maybe Jack will have a broken leg that won't ever, ever heal...and Kate will have a lazy eye.



Well-known member
And maybe Jack will have a broken leg that won't ever, ever heal...and Kate will have a lazy eye.



I'm with you... Jack & Kate are what I like least about LOST, or hate most(?), followed (very) closely by Sawyer. I suppose they shift positions of dislike for me, but that's the gist of it.

Only thing about Kate is that there seems a huge gap in what we actually know about her compared to everyone else, and I think that's odd. She might be a wildcard... I don't think we know her story. Seems like there's something we still need to learn about Kate. Then again, maybe she was just "sort-of-bad-sort-of-good-and-overall-vapid" from the get-go, and nothing's changed.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If the remaining episodes are as good as last nights episode then I cannot even comprehend what the finale is going to be like.

Desmond seemed to go too willingly with Sayid. Which makes me wonder what Desmond really knows. He seems to fear nothing now.
If the remaining episodes are as good as last nights episode then I cannot even comprehend what the finale is going to be like.

Desmond seemed to go too willingly with Sayid. Which makes me wonder what Desmond really knows. He seems to fear nothing now.
I think Desmond has become a converted fatalist.

Nathon Detroit

If the remaining episodes are as good as last nights episode then I cannot even comprehend what the finale is going to be like.

Desmond seemed to go too willingly with Sayid. Which makes me wonder what Desmond really knows. He seems to fear nothing now.
It seems as though Desmond is now fully aware of both realities which is the very first solid link between the two realms.

Imagine if you were existing in two realities and you had to choose which one survived, neither side (of you) would want to die for the other. Talk about the mother of all internal struggles eh?

This idea reminds me of the movie The Prestige and how the character played by Hugh Jackman had to kill off all the duplicates he was making of himself. Why? Presumably because if he didn't... they would kill him


Well-known member
If the remaining episodes are as good as last nights episode then I cannot even comprehend what the finale is going to be like.

Desmond seemed to go too willingly with Sayid. Which makes me wonder what Desmond really knows. He seems to fear nothing now.

Yeah I thought that was a great episode. Desmond's episodes have that game-changer thing going on. It was pretty much what (and who) I expected plot-wise, but I sure didn't see all of that Charlie stuff coming.

Related, I have no idea why Eloise/Widmore would have put Charlie and Desmond together... If they didn't want Desmond to remember, it seems like a pretty dicey situation to set up?

Definitely odd the way he just went off with Sayid. "Okay." Like he was just "going with the flow..." Seemed it didn't matter to him in a sense, as if he thought whatever he did would bring him to what he needed to do, knowing he'd figure it out as it/he moves along or something.

WOW! That was one awesome episode, brutha!

Sure was. Currently, I think that the LA_X timeline is being "written," (as Knight had said about it being like Hurley was writing it). But that it's been created by MIB (or the island) somehow... The things the smoke monster scans, or learns about our characters have been pieced together to create the LA_X story. But it's limited to certain knowledge... There's only so much materiel to work with. And some
very important pieces (constants?) have been left out.

That said, I think LA_X could still wind up as our "end" story. But that everyone will be pulled together to remember the island (looks like Desmond'll helm this), and that will change the LA_X scenario profoundly.

And horn-tooting, I think I was dead-on about the contrived aspect in the Sawyer "Miami Vice" scenes in Recon cluing that what we've been seeing is fake... It's like a script. Which makes me really like that Recon scene a lot.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Also, I wonder how much Eloise knows in the alternative timeline. She seemed to know exactly what was going on. Perhaps she didn't want Desmond finding Penny because then it would go away. She doesn't want it to go away because in the alternate time line...she still has her son.

And another thing. Do you think they could have made it any more obvious in the alternate time-line that the painting of the scale on Widmore's wall was the same in Jacob's cave?


New member
Hall of Fame
Definitely odd the way he just went off with Sayid. "Okay." Like he was just "going with the flow..."
I think both Desmonds are on a mission to preach the gospel (as revealed to him by Charlie) to both groups of 815ers. His willingness to go along with Widmore may have been insincere.

Not that I watch this stupid show or anything.


Well-known member
Also, I wonder how much Eloise knows in the alternative timeline. She seemed to know exactly what was going on. Perhaps she didn't want Desmond finding Penny because then it would go away. She doesn't want it to go away because in the alternate time line...she still has her son.

I'm kind of stumped about Eloise. I wish we were going to learn more about her (and Widmore), but I just can't see them devoting all that much more time to her. Why/when/how did she leave the island? It didn't seem that she'd left with Widmore. But she's obviously privvy to a whole lot more info than most. And there was the whole "this is the first time I don't know what's going to happen" thing. Sometimes I think she's been hooked in with MIB, like maybe she made some kind of deal after she killed Daniel. But I just don't know... She also seems o be trying to save the world.

And another thing. Do you think they could have made it any more obvious in the alternate time-line that the painting of the scale on Widmore's wall was the same in Jacob's cave?

There's a lot of heavy-handed stuff like that I could do without.