ECT "Lordship 'Salvation'"-perverting the gospel of Christ


And I say, "So what", specially when God had every intention of including the Gentiles and did . . by Peter and Paul Acts 10 being the first account? So again I ask what is your point on majoring on that?
The new covenant was for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Israel and the Jews received the truth and the Spirit of God was poured out. Later, Gentiles were included.

Right Divider

Body part
Wake up! You are mixing apples with oranges. In the day Jesus speaks of is not by covenant but what covenant relationship will produce for Him. It being "Redemption" unto "intimacy in God and Jesus Christ whom has sent", the means by which will be accomplished the day you site for both Jew and Gentile..

You demonstrate that you lack insight for understanding from what you read from scriptures.
You're just an Israelite wannabe.

Cross Reference

New member
Pentecost is an annual celebration. When the Gentiles first received the Spirit I don't know what day of the year it was.

Does it matter? OMT: The Spirit [indwelling] wasn't received. That happened in John 20:22 KJV. Pentecost was the "coming upon", the "unction to function" by enduing the Disciples with power. Did you read Acts 10 and 11 for when the first gentiles were baptized by the Holy spirit?? Just a thought but, wasn't Luke a Greek? That would be good reason, I suppose his gospel was written to the Greeks and Romans, i.e., to explain the Jewishness of it all to them.

Right Divider

Body part
Do you believe the new covenant came in Jesus Christ?
That's an extremely vague and leading question.

Jesus made it possible for the new covenant to come by the shedding of His blood, But it is NOT yet in place due to both Israel's disobedience and God's other plan that was a mystery hidden since the world began.


That's an extremely vague and leading question.

Jesus made it possible for the new covenant to come by the shedding of His blood, But it is NOT yet in place due to both Israel's disobedience and God's other plan that was a mystery hidden since the world began.
Not vague at all. The new covenant came in Jesus Christ.


Ephesians 3:6 to be specific, that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel,
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Does it matter? OMT: The Spirit [indwelling] wasn't received. That happened in John 20:22 KJV. Pentecost was the "coming upon", the "unction to function" by enduing the Disciples with power. Did you read Acts 10 and 11 for when the first gentiles were baptized by the Holy spirit?? Just a thought but, wasn't Luke a Greek? That would be good reason, I suppose his gospel was written to the Greeks and Romans, i.e., to explain the Jewishness of it all to them.
I don't know what you are talking about. Also, Pentecost is not the Spirit of God, it is a day on the calendar.

Cross Reference

New member
Not vague at all. The new covenant came in Jesus Christ.

Yes! absolutely! JESUS IS THE NEW COVENANT! Though Redemption was the covenant, the new birth from above by Jesus Christ is His seal upon it. Man's commitment is his signature that seals him..The two signaturies being then commited. Faith will produce the evidence of this "new life in Christ"..


Yes! absolutely! JESUS IS THE NEW COVENANT! Though Redemption was the covenant, the new birth from above by Jesus Christ is His seal upon it. Man's commitment is his signature that seals him..The two signaturies being then commited. Faith will produce the evidence of this "new life in Christ"..

I don't follow this.


Well, I don't think I can help you. My advice would be to study the covenant account with Abraham to see How God conducted the whole affair to see how little Abraham [man] played a part.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness. My hope is that what you believe would be Biblical.


Go ahead and confirm this opinion with scripture.
I don't know what you mean, but I do have a verse about Jesus and the new covenant.

Luke 22:20 And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood.