Liberal opens fire in Dallas at liberal protest


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If Trump is elected it will at best only delay the inevitable. There's no fighting fallen human nature, and all of western civilization (what's left of it) is now inverted to appeal to the lowest impulses within us all. That's how near-absolute power was gained by the Left and it's how they will maintain it.

I pray you are incorrect but, my gut says you hit the nail on the head. Liberals are fashioning the weapon of demise that will shatter all forms of liberty, property, privacy, et al, even for themselves, and they are heading towards that cliff at such a great rate it will all be gone before they realize what they have that point it is too late.


Well-known member
I pray you are incorrect but, my gut says you hit the nail on the head. Liberals are fashioning the weapon of demise that will shatter all forms of liberty, property, privacy, et al, even for themselves, and they are heading towards that cliff at such a great rate it will all be gone before they realize what they have that point it is too late.

Let's say all of that is bunk. What's the debt up to now, 20 trillion? That alone is death, sooner or later but the last person I can recall seriously talking about it was Ross Perot.

Grace believers can feel free to correct me but the only way I can explain it to myself is, we're seeing the secret of iniquity at work.


Well-known member
After all, if something's working for you, why quit on it?

What the Left has done and is doing works for them. It's taken about 100 years but it's only now beginning to pay off in spades. They're not about to quit. They're not about to lose 2016.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Grace believers can feel free to correct me but the only way I can explain it to myself is, we're seeing the secret of iniquity at work.

Prophecy is not a prediction. It is God telling us what he will do, or conditionally will or will not do. Revelation says authority will be given to over come the saints. In this case, that isn't us. But it shows they will win in time.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Let's say all of that is bunk. What's the debt up to now, 20 trillion? That alone is death, sooner or later but the last person I can recall seriously talking about it was Ross Perot.

Grace believers can feel free to correct me but the only way I can explain it to myself is, we're seeing the secret of iniquity at work.

What you are laying out is not only the death of America but, the world falling as well. If America falls there will be many dominoes falling afterwards...Let us hope that is not the case.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Prophecy is not a prediction. It is God telling us what he will do, or conditionally will or will not do. Revelation says authority will be given to over come the saints. In this case, that isn't us. But it shows they will win in time.

We both know who the ultimate winner is so, take solace in that...:thumb:


Cool story.

Give all the weapons to an authority- we'll just subjugate society and not care about authoritarianism :rolleyes:
How does "Crucible" explain the existence of many thriving democracies that have not been subjugated or placed under authoritarian rule - despite having strict controls concerning firearms?

Canada shares 5,525 miles of border with the US, has no 2nd Amendment, maintains strict gun controls, enjoys a far lower homicide rate and a voting public that has expressed no interest in emulating their American neighbors.
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How does "Crucible" explain the existence of many thriving democracies that have not been subjugated or placed under authoritarian rule - despite having strict controls concerning firearms?

You mean countries where political correctness has seized society, or where there are no constitutional rights? Or Communist states?

Yeah, 'democracy' ain't everything- how do you explain there never being a single time in history where gun control didn't result in tyranny?

Oh yeah, that's right- magic. Mankind magically repealed it's own nature :rolleyes:

If you don't like guns, then don't won one. How do you people get off on telling others they can't arm themselves?


Well-known member
How does "Crucible" explain the existence of many thriving democracies that have not been subjugated or placed under authoritarian rule - despite having strict controls concerning firearms?

Canada shares 5,525 miles of border with the US, has no 2nd Amendment, maintains strict gun controls, enjoys a far lower homicide rate and a voting public that has expressed no interest in emulating their American neighbors.

Trudeau is reportedly about to double down on the law Canada got rid of a few years ago, only now you can be jailed for a couple years for wrongspeech against sodomites. Nationwide.

Knowing you, you probably consider that a good thing.


Well-known member
Trudeau is reportedly about to double down on the law Canada got rid of a few years ago, only now you can be jailed for a couple years for wrongspeech.

Knowing you, you probably consider that a good thing.

Right! Why is it good to become a society where you are not allowed not to participate in events against your beliefs? All over the West governments are forcing people to partake in events that conflict with their beliefs. Soros wants us to "like" dictatorship.

"one state, one mind, all equal!" --post WW2 British Communist party slogan


Trudeau is reportedly about to double down on the law Canada got rid of a few years ago, only now you can be jailed for a couple years for wrongspeech against sodomites. Nationwide.

Knowing you, you probably consider that a good thing.

Right! Why is it good to become a society where you are not allowed not to participate in events against your beliefs? All over the West governments are forcing people to partake in events that conflict with their beliefs. Soros wants us to "like" dictatorship.

I don't see Trump calling for the erection of walls along the 5525 miles of US/Canada border to prevent those hordes of Canadians deprived of "free speech," escaping "a society where you are not allowed not to participate in events against your beliefs!"
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm perfectly fine with what you all sowed with your indifference on bad policing.

Not a tear shall be shed here, buddy. You all have been told of this problem for decades, with no acknowledgement :wave2:
You really are a thoroughly indecent human being.

First you won't care if women who offend your sensibilities are raped and now you describe the death of law enforcement officers with an equal measure of indifference. I wish someone would just ban you and put us out of your misery. :plain:


You mean countries where political correctness has seized society, or where there are no constitutional rights? Or Communist states?

Yeah, 'democracy' ain't everything- how do you explain there never being a single time in history where gun control didn't result in tyranny?

Oh yeah, that's right- magic. Mankind magically repealed it's own nature :rolleyes:

If you don't like guns, then don't won one. How do you people get off on telling others they can't arm themselves?
Are you actually telling Canadians, Australians, Brits, etc that the only true democracy in this world is the USA?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
One more Muslim found his way to hell and is facing God's wrath. Good.



Quote: Originally posted by Crucible
Man gets shot with girlfriend and baby in car- nobody bats an eye. They routinely pull out their pistols ready to shoot somebody; they may as well be walking death traps.

They go from being a solution to a problem- there are many cases where lives could've been spared if the police actually didn't get involved

But then
Police get sniped, and people are all like 'oh, what a tragedy'!


Quote: Originally posted by Crucible
I'm perfectly fine with what you all sowed with your indifference on bad policing.

Not a tear shall be shed here, buddy. You all have been told of this problem for decades, with no acknowledgement

You really are a thoroughly indecent human being...

Years of alcohol and drug abuse will do that to a person's mind.

If you truly want to try and understand Crucible, you'd have to know about his dysfunctional childhood (there's a lot of HATE inside of him).