Letter of Apology


New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Apply this quote to the bible and the fairy tale termed creationism.
Now you have it. Nether can be proved. . To me God is real because He proved Himself to me. I cannot prove God exist and you cannot prove that He doesn't. But don't worry we will both find out soon enough. Why is it important to you that God does not exist?:think:


I have got an ammonite I picked up on the beach in Charmouth. Took it to my local museum and was told that it was at least 3 million years old. The person who told me this was an esteemed paleontologist. Sounds a lot more credible than a book that was written two thousand years ago which is full of contradictions. Now, if you want me to quote some of the myriad contradictions found in the book, just ask.
I used to believe in the bible, Jesus and God.... a long time ago. Like the majority of atheists/agnostics I was once a theist.


New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

I have got an ammonite I picked up on the beach in Charmouth. Took it to my local museum and was told that it was at least 3 million years old. The person who told me this was an esteemed paleontologist. Sounds a lot more credible than a book that was written two thousand years ago which is full of contradictions. Now, if you want me to quote some of the myriad contradictions found in the book, just ask.
I used to believe in the bible, Jesus and God.... a long time ago. Like the majority of atheists/agnostics I was once a theist.
OK. Im challenging you. But not on this tread. create a seprate tread and name it, "Biblecal Contridictions." Let's see how many contradictions there are. You game.


Righto, elected. Not just tonight. My favourtie tv program is just starting....much more important than biblical debates! Will start the thread tomorrow. One or two to start off, though:
1. God is satisfied with his works
Gen 1:31
God is dissatisfied with his works.
Gen 6:6

2. God dwells in chosen temples
2 Chron 7:12,16
God dwells not in temples
Acts 7:48


New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Righto, elected. Not just tonight. My favourtie tv program is just starting....much more important than biblical debates! Will start the thread tomorrow. One or two to start off, though:
1. God is satisfied with his works
Gen 1:31
God is dissatisfied with his works.
Gen 6:6

2. God dwells in chosen temples
2 Chron 7:12,16
God dwells not in temples
Acts 7:48
Fine you start the tread tomorrow. Just tell me where it is.


New member
:sozo: Hey, BillyBob,

Do you believe that morality only applies to interpersonal relations, not to international relations?


Originally posted by Skeptic

Did I touch a nerve, BillyBob? :chuckle:

No, I just pointed out how stupid you sound referring to Jesus when you make a habit of deriding George Bush for doing the same thing.

Lame! :loser:

For the nth time, I'm an agnostic.

Fine, but you're still Mr. Seperation of Church and State, anti-theocracy, Christianity is a stupid fairy tale, demo-commie who suddenly wants to cite Jesus while deriding all others who do so.

Lame! :loser:

My use of Jesus was not meant to claim that his morality was the Final word on morality. Rather, I used Jesus to point out the hypocrisy of those who claim to be good moral Christians, while making statements with which Jesus would likely disagree.

Do you believe that morality only applies to interpersonal relations, not to international relations?

No, but you did not mention morality, you mentioned Jesus. So tell me, Mr. Biblical scholar, what was Jesus' foreign policy? What did he have to say about sovereign nations defending themselves against terrorists? What did he have to say about the US Constitution???

Take your time, I'll be here all week.


Originally posted by Gerald

You are against this?

No, not at all. You failed to get the point, go back to your mailroom.

You are pro-theocracy?

Nope, you missed the point....again. Hey, how much does it cost to mail a clue, I'll send you one?

Why do you so vehemently disagree with this?

I don't. Standard shipping is what, 3 days? When your clue arrives, maybe you'll understand my point.

You're only a Christian insofar as you regularly play guitar at a church.

I better make that 2 clues. Hey, if I send them directly to YOUR Post Office, I bet it'll knock a day off of shipping. You should have an understanding of this whole thing in 2 days, 3 days tops. Unless your coworkers lose your mail, of course...

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Skeptic

:sozo: Hey, BillyBob,

Do you believe that morality only applies to interpersonal relations, not to international relations?
Pragmatism rules in international relations...

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Gerald

I will find it out the moment a Christian grows a pair and succeeds in killing me.

Care to try your luck?
the odds are greater that you will be whacked by a Muslim suicide bomber at your local Wendys fast food joint than by an angry Christian. Remember this is PC America run by the ACLU and lunatic left.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

The universe is over 6 billion years old.
The earth is over 4 billion years old.
Man dates back 2 million years.
Adam and Eve were created about 6,500 years ago.:)
Go figure.
Says who? Read your NIV Bible. There is a vast stretch of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. :angel:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Skeptic

Science is not about proofs. Proofs are for geometry.

Science is about coming up with reasonable theories that are supported by empirical evidence.

So I ask, is the Biblical God-poofed hypothesis a reasonable theory that is supported by empirical evidence?

I think not! :chuckle:
I believe you think not, or don't think as it were. Your Secular Humanist mind is clouded with half truths and lies that fit your view of reality.

Read "The Hiden Face of God" by Dr Gerald Schroder. Honest atheists wilt under the logic. :angel:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Apply this quote to the bible and the fairy tale termed creationism.
God created animals and plants with the ability to reproduce their kind . Without that ability all life would have died without the chance to reproduce. :angel:

the Sibbie

New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

The universe is over 6 billion years old.
The earth is over 4 billion years old.
Man dates back 2 million years.
Adam and Eve were created about 6,500 years ago.:)
Go figure.
Wow, that works out just peachy! Each sequential step was 2 million years apart!


New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

No, but you did not mention morality, you mentioned Jesus.
I asked Frankie, not you, what Jesus would think about "Might Makes Right."

I asked you about morality and international relations.

So, you agree that morality is not restricted to interpersonal relations, but also applies to international relations.

If it is wrong for a strong person to dominate a weak person, then isn't it also wrong for strong nations to dominate weak nations?

So tell me, Mr. Biblical scholar, what was Jesus' foreign policy?
Jesus does not explicitly talk about international relationships. Jesus did not do much traveling outside his own region or culture. He may have talked more about it, if he had traveled widely. However, if morality can be extended to the international realm, then doesn't it make sense that Jesus would have wanted nations to interact in moral ways?

I suspect that the following passages could apply to both persons and nations:

Matthew 5:9
Matthew 5:44
Matthew 7:12
Matthew 22:39
Matthew 26:52
Luke 14:13
Luke 18:22

I brought up Jesus in response to what Frankie said: "Might Makes Right = Survival of the Fittest."

I responded by saying: "Would Jesus agree with 'Might Makes Right'?"

Then you said: "Jesus wasn't the President of the US, he taught people how to intearct with one another, not how governments should interact."

Doesn't this imply that Jesus would not have cared about the morality of interactions between nations? I think he probably cared, even though that was not his focus.

While we're talking about the Bible, BillyBob, do you think your reaction to Bush's invasion of Iraq is in line with this passage?: Proverbs 24:17-18

What did he have to say about sovereign nations defending themselves against terrorists?
I don't know. But I suspect he might have been opposed to invading nations that are not a threat, and unnecessarily killing tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Don't you think, BillyBob?


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

Pragmatism rules in international relations...
Why should pragmatism rule international relations any more than interpersonal relations?

Also, you seem to fail to see the difference between what is and what ought to be. Pragmatism deals with the former, while morality deals with the latter. People often murder others for what they believe to be pragmatic reasons. Likewise, nations sometimes invade other nations for what they believe to be pragmatic reasons. But, when nations are invaded that are not a threat to the invaders, and tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children are killed as a result of the invasion, don't you think there are moral issues to be considered?


New member
Laying aside our objections to the war that we can't change anyway. Don't you think it wise to leave Iraq better off than when we found it or had you rather leave it in the hands of the proven thugs that kill there own people. We destroyed their ability to defend themselves don't you think we should at least restore that ability before we leave?

War is a messy business and that is why the framers outlined the powers of the branches of government. It is supposed to be hard for us to go to war. War is not something one would leave to the whim of the likes and dislikes of one man.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :mock::skeptic:

I asked Frankie, not you, what Jesus would think about "Might Makes Right."

It is irrelevant what Jesus would think. You don't believe in fairy tales, etc. Besides IF there was a Jesus, He was just another protocell descendant of no more value or intelligence than anyone else. :ha:

Might Makes Right = Survival of the Fittest. That's the ONLY scientific, rational and empirical way, is it not? :confused: