Letter of Apology


Originally posted by Gerald

Then why do you have a problem with people who cheat to get ahead?

That's a fair question.

I see the international political landscape as being under different 'rules' than our social interactions with fellow American citizens, or even other people in general. I don't know if I can explain it any clearer than that, but there is a difference.

Poeple in this country can get ahead without 'cheating'.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by BillyBob
Poeple in this country can get ahead without 'cheating'.
My experience has been that it isn't as much fun, though.

My high school won a state football championship, thanks to a can of itching powder...and I oughtta know, I'm the one who provided it... :chuckle:


New member
Originally posted by Gerald

Well, that pretty much sums up the way the Real World™ works, Skep...
One goal of modern civilization has been to fight against the might-makes-right mentality that has dominated human history. I think this is a worthy goal. Whether it is current "way of the Real World" is not the issue. Murder is a current why of dealing with things for many in today's real world. But does this mean that we should simply accept murder as a fact of life and not try to do anything to prevent or reduce it?


Originally posted by Gerald

My experience has been that it isn't as much fun, though.

My high school won a state football championship, thanks to a can of itching powder...and I oughtta know, I'm the one who provided it... :chuckle:

Just just can't keep your hands off of other mens underwear, eh? :nono:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Do you ever get tired of sounding like a...:noid: Uh, do you ever get tired of meowing all the time?:D
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Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :mock::skeptic:

One goal of modern civilization has been to fight against the might-makes-right mentality that has dominated human history. I think this is a worthy goal. Whether it is current "way of the Real World" is not the issue. Murder is a current why of dealing with things for many in today's real world. But does this mean that we should simply accept murder as a fact of life and not try to do anything to prevent or reduce it?

Might Makes Right = Survival of the Fittest :up:
Is there a problem here? :confused:


Originally posted by Frank Ernest

Might Makes Right = Survival of the Fittest :up:
Is there a problem here? :confused:

I have no problem with it. If our enemies were mightier than us, they certainly wouldn't hesitate conquering the US and killing as many of us as possible.

The difference is that the US does not abuse its power or conquer nations, if we did, Japan, Germany and Italy would be the 51st, 52nd and 53rd States!


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by lighthouse

Do you ever get tired of sounding like a...:noid: Uh, do you ever get tired of meowing all the time?:D
A resounding "no" to both questions! :D

And you have PM.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by BillyBob
Just just can't keep your hands off of other mens underwear, eh? :nono:
I just provided the weapon, I didn't deploy it. That task fell to others.

Like a bullet after it leaves the muzzle of a rifle, once it was out of my hands, it was no longer under my control.



New member
Might makes right. True democracy. God help you if you are a minority because no one else will. That is why this government was designed to be a republic, not a democracy. To protect the rights of the weak from the tyranny of the strong. Equal justice under law not unequal justice to the powerful.


Originally posted by elected4ever

Might makes right. True democracy. God help you if you are a minority because no one else will. That is why this government was designed to be a republic, not a democracy. To protect the rights of the weak from the tyranny of the strong. Equal justice under law not unequal justice to the powerful.

None of that has anything to do with our international/foreign policy.


New member
Originally posted by Frank Ernest

Might Makes Right = Survival of the Fittest
Is there a problem here?
"Might Makes Right" does not equal "Survival of the Fittest."

"This claim exemplifies the naturalistic fallacy -- arguing that the way things are implies how they ought to be. It is like saying that, if someone's arm is broken, it should stay broken. But "is" does not imply "ought." Evolution is descriptive. It tells how things are, not how they should be.

Humans, being social, improve their fitness through cooperation with other people. Even if survival of the fittest were taken as a basis for morals, it would imply treating other people well."

From: Claim CA002

Often, those who negotiate and cooperate have a better chance of long-term survival than those who try to kill each other.

Would Jesus agree with "Might Makes Right"? :confused:


New member
Originally posted by elected4ever

Might makes right. True democracy. God help you if you are a minority because no one else will. That is why this government was designed to be a republic, not a democracy. To protect the rights of the weak from the tyranny of the strong. Equal justice under law not unequal justice to the powerful.


Originally posted by Skeptic

Would Jesus agree with "Might Makes Right"? :confused:

You guys [commies] always ask what Jesus would do when discussing US foreign policy. Jesus wasn't the President of the US, he taught people how to intearct with one another, not how governments should interact. Your point is moot.