Letter of Apology

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by elected4ever

In other words servant 101 does not know what a Christian is and does not know what he believes.. That is why he is libel to fall for anything.

And obviously has.


New member
Electedforever, Frank

Lean not on your own understanding - but you have been doing this for so long your knack of understanding has left you - what to do - how do you recognise a mindless energy feed? - Which is what your concept of god - the literal interpretation of a closed book - that in no way addresses the validity of Scripture outside of the isolated geographical location it was Spoken in - nor has the validity of the Source been maintained in the History in which it was Spoken in.

It is you two, and a great many more who have fallen for something based on an instilled mindset - something you were not aware of, nor gave permission for the orthodox to instill, and now you do not have the intelligence or understanding to realize what has been done to you.

What to do, such a Pity - but this is not exclusive to Christians - every fundamental literalist sect does this to its converts - try sharing with a fundamentalist literalist of any religion - you will see the same orthodox mindset is instilled in them, as you have in yourselves. God only Spoke through their Scriptures.

With Christ's Love


Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :mock::Servent:101

Electedforever, Frank

Lean not on your own understanding - but you have been doing this for so long your knack of understanding has left you - what to do - how do you recognise a mindless energy feed? - Which is what your concept of god - the literal interpretation of a closed book - that in no way addresses the validity of Scripture outside of the isolated geographical location it was Spoken in - nor has the validity of the Source been maintained in the History in which it was Spoken in.

It is you two, and a great many more who have fallen for something based on an instilled mindset - something you were not aware of, nor gave permission for the orthodox to instill, and now you do not have the intelligence or understanding to realize what has been done to you.

What to do, such a Pity - but this is not exclusive to Christians - every fundamental literalist sect does this to its converts - try sharing with a fundamentalist literalist of any religion - you will see the same orthodox mindset is instilled in them, as you have in yourselves. God only Spoke through their Scriptures.

With Christ's Love



New member
Frank Earnest - it is your loss, not mine, I am free of the responsibility of any more earnest sharing - you are obviously just trying to belittle whatever I say - so I hand you over to yourself.

Repent, and if you can still think, think.

With christ's Love



Can anyone here spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y?

Are there any Americans around who feel discomforted by those who claim a corner on Christianity yet still cannot follow Jesus?

The ones who pride themselves as the righteous and the faithful are in trouble. The ground is shifting under them without their awareness or assent.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :mock::Servent:101

Frank Earnest - it is your loss, not mine, I am free of the responsibility of any more earnest sharing - you are obviously just trying to belittle whatever I say - so I hand you over to yourself.

Repent, and if you can still think, think.

With christ's Love

:darwinsm: Yeah, and you keep on worshipping yourself.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :mock::aikido:7

Can anyone here spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y?
Sure! You are a good example.
Are there any Americans around who feel discomforted by those who claim a corner on Christianity yet still cannot follow Jesus?
You're one of them, except you're not a real American. You are an America-hating commie.
The ones who pride themselves as the righteous and the faithful are in trouble. The ground is shifting under them without their awareness or assent.
:darwinsm: That would definitely be you and your commie cohorts.


One of us is quite comfortable admitting he is hypocritical. And not out of any sense of pride, either. Just out of basic honesty.

One of us took to heart the childhood maxim that you can't point your finger at another without taking into account the three other fingers that are pointing back at yourself.

One of us took on to the adult world the ultimate childish comeback: "You are the bad one. I am blameless."

One of us realizes that whenever we see evidence of someone bringing up the phrase "the hate America first crowd," we can't help but feel that this political shorthand is being pejoratively applied to those who, like Jesus, look within at their OWN shortcomings first before commenting on our neighbor's supposed shortcomings.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :mock::aikido:7

One of us is quite comfortable admitting he is hypocritical. And not out of any sense of pride, either. Just out of basic honesty.

One of us took to heart the childhood maxim that you can't point your finger at another without taking into account the three other fingers that are pointing back at yourself.

One of us took on to the adult world the ultimate childish comeback: "You are the bad one. I am blameless."

One of us realizes that whenever we see evidence of someone bringing up the phrase "the hate America first crowd," we can't help but feel that this political shorthand is being pejoratively applied to those who, like Jesus, look within at their OWN shortcomings first before commenting on our neighbor's supposed shortcomings.
:yawn: :kookoo: