Originally posted by servent101
Good questions - and I will answer the second first - If you assume that I think Frankie is wrong or right - it is possible in my book anyways that Frankie is where he needs to be at - that God is revealing Himself to Frankie as Frankie is able to understnd God - not that this is likely or probable, but possible.
As far as what I think a Christian is - well for me I try and as far as I understand, think it is not proper for us to put labels on people - you are Zakath - Frankie is Frankie, and I am William Bonnie (just kidding)
that is just one of my aliesis, anyways - a Christian to me is one who is aware of the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thinks He has and is the Way the Truth and the Life - someone who follows His teachings. This does not exclude all other religions - one can also be the admirerer of many a Teacher - even admire one more than Jesus, follow One more than Jesus - in my book anyways, all the World Religions come from the same SOURCE.
With Christ's Love