Letter of Apology

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by BillyBob

Do you think she'll run for Senate in '06?

My guess is that she's gonna focus on the Presidency and won't run for Senate if she thinks there's a chance she'll lose. How will it look for an ex Senator who lost her most recent election running for President?
Hillary is in for a penny, in for a pound. She will run for the Senate. It's her power base, without her senate seat she is merely ex-senator Clinton. Her massive ego requires that she be seen as an active participant in the senate's business during the ramp up to '08. Rudy will clean her clock...in '06. :thumb:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Gerald

So, how do you account for the lack of activity?

DHS may be good, but they ain't that good.
They are awaiting orders to strike. It will happen again.

Posted by Gerald:
If terrorist cells were routinely being captured, this Administration would be trumpeting it from the highest rooftop. Unless you consider secret arrests and detention to be acceptable in our society...
Surveillance requires stealth and persistence. Trumpeting is not in their bag of tricks.

Posted bt Gerald:
What will you do if they come for you? A sniper rifle won't work on a Bradley...
When the excrement hits the fan, as a retired E-9 U.S. Navy, I'll be in the Bradley looking for the bad guys with my trusty 50 cal. sniper rifle.

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Gerald Which is why nations don't fight by assassinating each other's leaders; better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
This archaic form of chivalry has lost its luster. Personally, I think capping boneheaded evil leaders is a more progressive form of modern warfare. Think of the lives it would save...


Originally posted by Art Deco

Hillary is in for a penny, in for a pound. She will run for the Senate. It's her power base, without her senate seat she is merely ex-senator Clinton. Her massive ego requires that she be seen as an active participant in the senate's business during the ramp up to '08. Rudy will clean her clock...in '06. :thumb:

I agree, Rudy will win. If Hillary is sure she is going to lose, she could easily save face by announcing her Presidential candidacy early and play the martyr by claiming she won't run for Senate because she wouldn't be able to properly do her job while running a Presidential campaign. Also, she would remind everyone that she'd have to give up her Senatorial seat two years into her term and it wouldn't be fair to those who voted for her, blah blah blah.......


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Art Deco
They are awaiting orders to strike. It will happen again.
You read too many comic books, man. This ain't HYDRA or THRUSH we're dealing with here, it's a bunch of little squads of guys who are supposed to hit targets of opportunity, without direction from a central authority. If one squad gets nabbed, it doesn't know about any of the others, and so can't rat anybody else out. That's how a sleeper cell network operates.

If they've been sitting around waiting for orders for the last three years, they're pretty pathetic as terrorists go. If you want to terrorize the populace, the best way to do it is to show that you can strike without warning, anytime and anywhere.

I can think of a dozen prime targets within walking distance of where I work, and I can think of precisely how to cause the most damage. Now if I can do that, it is a sure bet the bad guys can, too.

And yet there have been no attacks, not a single one.

Surveillance requires stealth and persistence. Trumpeting is not in their bag of tricks.
But tripping over themselves certainly is.
When the excrement hits the fan, as a retired E-9 U.S. Navy, I'll be in the Bradley looking for the bad guys with my trusty 50 cal. sniper rifle.
And how will know who the "bad guys" are, if they melt into the populace at large?

Do you plan to just pop a cap in every unshaven brown guy you see?


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Art Deco
This archaic form of chivalry has lost its luster. Personally, I think capping boneheaded evil leaders is a more progressive form of modern warfare. Think of the lives it would save...
Just remember, if you do it to them, they'll do it to you.

Unless you plan to hide the entire national leadership in "undisclosed locations", a move not particularly inspiring to the populace, because then they'll be the ones taking the heat...

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Gerald

Just remember, if you do it to them, they'll do it to you.

Unless you plan to hide the entire national leadership in "undisclosed locations", a move not particularly inspiring to the populace, because then they'll be the ones taking the heat...
Think of the good that would have been done had Hitler been assassinated early in his evil career. The symbology of cutting off the head of the snake works well. Retaliation? Never happen... :nono:


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Art Deco
Think of the good that would have been done had Hitler been assassinated early in his evil career.
Somebody smarter, less crazy and no less evil would have replaced him, most likely. Nazi Germany would have likely continued to expand, albeit more slowly.

You are aware, are you not, that there was in the 1930s a sizable amount of support for forming an alliance between the US and the Reich?
The symbology of cutting off the head of the snake works well.
Ah, the "Who else wants a piece?" approach to diplomacy. That generally works only if your opponent is smaller than you.

Let me ask you this: Following the atomic bombing of Japan, do you believe that Truman should have pressed his advantage and carried the fight on to Russia? Atomic bombs on Vladivostok? Kiev? Moscow itself?

Retaliation? Never happen... :nono:
And you call me naive. No doubt you whistle whenever you pass a graveyard...

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Gerald Let me ask you this: Following the atomic bombing of Japan, do you believe that Truman should have pressed his advantage and carried the fight on to Russia? Atomic bombs on Vladivostok? Kiev? Moscow itself?
No, but he should have used atomic weapons on Red China when they attacked us in South Korea. Circa 1952.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

No, but he should have used atomic weapons on Red China when they attacked us in South Korea. Circa 1952.

Way to destabilize the planet even more so, up the ante during the Cold War, and spawn ANOTHER generation of folks across the sea who hate our guts.

Turtledove material...:think:

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Way to destabilize the planet even more so,
It would have brought the Korean war to a hasty conclusion saving the lives of thousands of Americans and another check in our win column.

Posted by Granite1010:
up the ante during the Cold War,
That's how wars are won. Read Clausewitz.

Posted by Granite1010:
and spawn ANOTHER generation of folks across the sea who hate our guts.
Do not tire in well doing...who cares what the rest of the world thinks. Are they going to refuse our foreign aid or stop selling into our free market?


New member
Hall of Fame
"It would have brought the Korean war to a hasty conclusion saving the lives of thousands of Americans and another check in our win column..."

"Another check." :nono:

Dear gods, is it a wonder why people shake in their boots at this neo-con mentality? We're talking the nuclear football, folks, not a Friday night gridiron, for crying out loud.

There's always the strong probability that this would accelerated the arms race and given the Reds an even itchier trigger finger. But I digress.

"That's how wars are won."

I don't see how incinerating civilians does much more than confirm what the rest of the world and many of your countrymen think: that our leaders happen to be nuts.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by Art Deco
No, but he should have used atomic weapons on Red China when they attacked us in South Korea. Circa 1952.
Why not? If Stalin had been taken out in 1945, the Cold War would never have started. No Korea, no Vietnam, no arms race, no space race, and the US would've held dominion over the whole globe.

Don't tell me that you have a problem with stabbing an ally in the back after he's served his purpose. If the positions were reversed, you know Stalin would've done it to us...


New member
Originally posted by Art Deco

Your Secular Humanist mind is clouded with half truths and lies that fit your view of reality.
Secular Humanists base their ideas on reason.

No, it is YOUR fundie mind that is clouded with fairy tales and superstitions that fit YOUR view of reality.


New member
Originally posted by elected4ever

Laying aside our objections to the war that we can't change anyway. Don't you think it wise to leave Iraq better off than when we found it...
That ain't going to happen any time soon. Iraq is now worse off than before Bush's unnecessary and immoral invasion. As long as the U.S. is in Iraq, things are not going to get better.

... or had you rather leave it in the hands of the proven thugs that kill there own people.
Saddam had not committed mass murders, since the late 1980s. There are other countries that are governed by "thugs," who kill their own people, that the U.S. has actually installed into power. Why is it that Bush only invaded and overthrew Saddam? It was NOT because he was a thug. Bush's stated reason was because Saddam posed a WMD threat, which we now know was a lie (and Bush knew it). No, Iraq was invaded, tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children were killed, and Saddam was overthrown because of the misguided perception of Bush and his neocon Pentagon/CIA buddies that somehow they would gain political, economic and strategic advantage. No oil, no invasion.

We destroyed their ability to defend themselves don't you think we should at least restore that ability before we leave?
We destroyed their ability to defend themselves back in 1991.

There are lots of countries that have little ability to defend themselves. I say let Iraq remain in the ranks of these other countries, until they build up their own forces using their oil revenues.

War is a messy business and that is why the framers outlined the powers of the branches of government. It is supposed to be hard for us to go to war.
The framers should have made it much more difficult than they did. Yes, it IS supposed to be hard for us to go to war. But, Bush and company tweaked the system and hoodwinked Congress and the American people into thinking war was necessary with Iraq. It wasn't.

War is not something one would leave to the whim of the likes and dislikes of one man.
Agreed. So, just because Saddam was a bad guy (in a world full of bad guys), it was wrong to invade Iraq, killing tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children in the process, in March 2003.

War is not something one should leave to the whim of the President and his neocon Pentagon/CIA buddies. There needs to be tighter controls on the power of our own governmental thugs to wage wars.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Skeptic
Secular Humanists base their ideas on reason.

Reason. I love reason. Oh, wait, love is an emotion. I don't love reason. No, wait, it's not that I do or do not love reason - I actually have no emotion for or against reason. I actually hove no emtion for anything. Emotions are illogical.

:loser: = live long and prosper