Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting


Well-known member
Trump could have done something about BLM and Antifa while he was in the White House, but he chose to listen to his Jewish son-in-law instead:

Trump sat down for an interview with Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker for their book, I Alone Can Fix It. Trump spoke for hours on a wide variety of topics, and he confirmed that his response against BLM was a massive regret of his presidency.

‘I think if I had it to do again, I would have brought in the military immediately,’ he said.

Unfortunately, Trump listened to liberals in his inner circle, such as his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and went easy on BLM to pander to minority voters.

You are correct in saying Trump did not destroy BLM and anti-fa, the lawless militant arms of the democrat party.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
You are correct in saying Trump did not destroy BLM and anti-fa, the lawless militant arms of the democrat party.
Of course I'm correct. Trump allowed BLM and Antifa to run amok across the country during the George Floyd riots because his Jewish son-in-law told him he could score a few extra votes in the election by pandering to the black community.

How do you like them apples, patriot?


Well-known member
Of course I'm correct. Trump allowed BLM and Antifa to run amok across the country during the George Floyd riots because his Jewish son-in-law told him he could score a few extra votes in the election by pandering to the black community.

How do you like them apples, patriot?
You really should not believe every lie the democrat leftist media dish out. You cannot prove Trump's relative told him to give BLM free reign. The mere suggestion smacks of wicked dishonesty and hateful slander with no basis in truth.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You have no right to resist BLM and Antifa when they attempt to achieve the goals of the extreme left and burn America to the ground.


User Name

Greatest poster ever
You really should not believe every lie the democrat leftist media dish out. You cannot prove Trump's relative told him to give BLM free reign. The mere suggestion smacks of wicked dishonesty and hateful slander with no basis in truth.
"Unfortunately, Trump listened to liberals in his inner circle, such as his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and went easy on BLM to pander to minority voters. As a result, the terror uprising spread across the country, enabling a civilizational genocide by a low IQ mob that has singlehandedly risen violent crime rates to the highest they have been in decades."

That's from Big League Politics, which is "a far right American media outlet," according to Wikipedia:


I regret Trump called Anti-semites, and White Supremacists his kind of people. He failed to denounce them.
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Well-known member
"Unfortunately, Trump listened to liberals in his inner circle, such as his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and went easy on BLM to pander to minority voters. As a result, the terror uprising spread across the country, enabling a civilizational genocide by a low IQ mob that has singlehandedly risen violent crime rates to the highest they have been in decades."

That's from Big League Politics, which is "a far right American media outlet," according to Wikipedia:
Let me remind you of your quote:

Of course I'm correct. Trump allowed BLM and Antifa to run amok across the country during the George Floyd riots because his Jewish son-in-law told him he could score a few extra votes in the election by pandering to the black community.

I again condemn such claims by deranged leftists that Trump was somehow influenced by his son-in-law to allow black democrat rioters to run amok.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
He is clearly guilty of the misdemeanor gun charge

A subsection of the Wisconsin law that states the ban on minors possessing dangerous weapons applies to minors armed with rifles or shotguns only if those weapons are short-barreled. The language stems from a bill that then-Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson signed in 1991. Lawmakers across the country were trying to find ways to curb gang violence around that time. Kenosha defense attorney Michael Cicchini said the law was likely intended to prevent youths from carrying sawed-off shotguns.

Rittenhouse’s AR-15-style rifle was not short-barreled.
