Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
where does scripture say that we should enlist the force of government to confront only forceful perversion?

further, aren't the homosexuals in question in Kentucky attempting to force acceptance of their perversion on Kim Davis?


New member
where does scripture say that we should enlist the force of government to confront only forceful perversion?

It doesn't, we are just at that point in history where our morality is much higher than it was in Jesus' day. As the NT tells us to be law abiding, that's what we should be.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
As someone from Kentucky, I would like to point out that there are over 100 counties and they are pretty small. It generally takes a short amount of time to drive from one county to another, especially in the rural areas in the East that I'me familiar with.

Right, the colored drinking fountain is just a few steps away, what's the big deal?


Originally Posted by ok doser
should we leave it to God to judge pedophiles?

or should we use government to force unto others our belief that pedophlia is wrong?

Do pedophiles use force? Of course they do, so your point is meaningless.

Ah yes, the ole "Perversion is ok as long as mutual consent is used".

If you knew anything about the subject drbrumley, you'd know that pedophiles and pederasts the vast majority of the time "groom" their victims.

Refer to the index in my thread if you're not familiar with the term "grooming".


Well-known member
where does scripture say that we should enlist the force of government to confront only forceful perversion?

You guys seem to be all hung up on Romans 13 yet ignore Romans 12.

further, aren't the homosexuals in question in Kentucky attempting to force acceptance of their perversion on Kim Davis?

Yes they are, which is why I oppose this. The homo believes in liberty as much as the social christians here do, not much!


Well-known member
Ah yes, the ole "Perversion is ok as long as mutual consent is used".

If you knew anything about the subject drbrumley, you'd know that pedophiles and pederasts the vast majority of the time "groom" their victims.

Refer to the index in my thread if you're not familiar with the term "grooming".

Ok dude, if you actually knew that much about the subject, you would know grooming is an action, thereby forced since a child cannot know and or consent.


New member
Right, the colored drinking fountain is just a few steps away, what's the big deal?

I don't see the similarity. And I saw a poll recently showing that around 60% of African-Americans oppose gay marriage. And I'd be willing to bet that the percentage is even higher among elderly blacks from the Deep South, the people who have experienced more discrimination than anyone in this country.