Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


New member
Hall of Fame
This has probably been mentioned before but I just read that the judge actually gave a compromise to Davis which said she could continue not issuing licenses and avoid jail if she only said she wouldn't interfere in her deputy clerks from doing it. She refused. That makes her even less of a victim in my eyes. If her objection is that issuing licenses is a violation of her beliefs, what's her objection with the deputy clerks doing it? Does she think it's still attached to her in some way because it's still her office doing it? :idunno:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
This has probably been mentioned before but I just read that the judge actually gave a compromise to Davis which said she could continue not issuing licenses and avoid jail if she only said she wouldn't interfere in her deputy clerks from doing it. She refused. That makes her even less of a victim in my eyes. If her objection is that issuing licenses is a violation of her beliefs, what's her objection with the deputy clerks doing it? Does she think it's still attached to her in some way because it's still her office doing it? :idunno:

her name is on the license

do you get it now?


New member
Of course this situation is not about her marital status either, is it?
I've noticed that snide is one of your favorite rhetorical choices....

and I've noticed that passive aggressive sniping is one of your favorite rhetorical choices.

Do you know the name of the clerk on your marriage licence? I have no idea whose name is on mine, I've never thought about it, mostly because it doesn't matter.

As for Davis' marital status, she invited that sort of scrutiny when she started discriminating and using her religion as an excuse for her actions. She started lobbing stones forgetting that she lives in a glass house.


New member
and I've noticed that passive aggressive sniping is one of your favorite rhetorical choices.

Do you know the name of the clerk on your marriage licence? I have no idea whose name is on mine, I've never thought about it, mostly because it doesn't matter.

As for Davis' marital status, she invited that sort of scrutiny when she started discriminating and using her religion as an excuse for her actions. She started lobbing stones forgetting that she lives in a glass house.

I wouldn't exactly call my style "Passive/aggressive". I'd call it aggressive!
I must be slipping!
We all live in glass houses.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Are you okay with freedom of choice as guaranteed under our Constitution?

yes but not our supreme courts interpretation of it
what is your point here?
you never answered the question

are you okay with your name on the license for same sex marriage?


Well-known member
Injustice is not putting Sodomites ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12]/homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) to death (Nu 35:31, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

We are not bound by the OT laws. Indeed, as gentiles, we never were. Moreover, we are certainly not bound by the holiness provisions of the Law meant for the Levites.