Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


New member
Who says one doesnt love them if they dont support their sin?
You are warped. You can call me whatever you want, i will never agree that to love someone means to walk them into hell.

In your case, WORDS.

I'm warped? You spew hatred and exclusion from democratic society and call me warped.
You may just meet them there given your propensity for hatred and judgementalism.


New member
Hall of Fame
As someone from Kentucky, I would like to point out that there are over 100 counties and they are pretty small. It generally takes a short amount of time to drive from one county to another, especially in the rural areas in the East that I'me familiar with.

yes and the gays that started this, told reporters the same and said but they dont want to go to another, they want her to be forced to issue it.

Other gays told her husband that they intend to rape her in front of him.

Sure sounds like sodomites to me saying crap like that, just like Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus said His return would be like the days of Lot after all.

Luke 17:28 "It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building; 29 but on the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.…


God did. And He will judge those choices. You disagree? Of course you do.

If that supposed "right" is hidden somewhere in the "Thou Shalt Not's", I must have missed it.

You are no better than they are when it comes to using government to force your belief unto others.

And what is the proper role of government if it isn't to force morality upon others?


New member
Hall of Fame
In your case, WORDS.

I'm warped? You spew hatred and exclusion from democratic society and call me warped.
You may just meet them there given your propensity for hatred and judgementalism.

Move on loser. Your starting to look obsessed with me.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
God did. And He will judge those choices. You disagree? Of course you do. You are no better than they are when it comes to using government to force your belief unto others.

should we leave it to God to judge pedophiles?

or should we use government to force unto others our belief that pedophlia is wrong?


the Love I have for My son leads Me to teach Him right from wrong. Not accept his wrongs.
But then? My son will not be one of the thugs you see on the news that shot a cop.


New member
the Love I have for My son leads Me to teach Him right from wrong. Not accept his wrongs.
But then? My son will not be one of the thugs you see on the news that shot a cop.

THAT is your mandated responsibility, just as I had with my 4 kids.
They are ALL grown up and love God AND their neighbour. Apparently some parents of some people on this forum did NOT do what the Bible tells us to do.