Oh, I understood you, but (rude horn noise) why should that control the price of squid in Athens?Sheer equivocation Not what I mean by "nature." I mean "nature" in the Aristotelian sense. Nature = quiddity = form = essence.
It can be. Not all of it is. And this isn't a crime, so either way...A crime is the serious violation of law.
Rather, the reason I recognize that it isn't a crime.The reason that you deny that sodomy is a crime is because it does not violate the law of the State.
Rather, in that way I give the appropriate context for the discussion of the law that Mrs. Kentucky is having a conniption about.In this, you betray your practical assumption, i.e., that there is no superior law, no superior court, no superior justice...
No, one of my best friends and a great lawyer I know is Catholic. He also understands what we're talking about. You should too, at some point.already a temptation in protestant thought in general,
So do any number of things we routinely do as human beings (not that most of us routinely sodomize anyone, but I'd bet we all have sins we struggle with) from exercising our vanity to a want of compassion or application of love. Omission, commission, it's in our nature. No sin is tiny given what the pay out is for it absent grace. And thank God for grace given all of that.But for all that, there is a natural law, i.e., a law which is written into the very heart, the very nature of the human being as a rational substance. The lawgiver and judge of the natural law is God. Sodomy violates that law.
I didn't suggest you were coining histrionics, only using them or it, depending on how you look at it...or them.It is so perverted and so wicked a crime that it, in the traditional way of expressing this, "cries out to heaven for vengeance." [Note, I'm not making his up. Google it: "sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance" or "sins that cry out to heaven for justice."]
But people do. And among those rights, often enough, is the integral freedom to err, to make poor moral choices. To sin. Our courts aren't sitting in judgment on your soul or your sin. That rests between you and God.Why do I say this? Because crime has no rights. Error has no rights.
That's a particularly ignorant belief to hold. A shame to wrap that much education in it. There are conservatives and Libertarians who would grant the homosexual has as much right to his liberty and error as heterosexuals who aren't being discriminated against or penalized for their sexual activities falling solidly into the sin category.The social liberal will pretend that the sodomite has such rights.
Okay. You're perfectly free to believe that. It simply can't have much to do (by which I mean anything practically) with the secular law that protects your right to think and hold for yourself whatever moral code and context seems right to you and for you.But it is just that: playing pretend; a giant masquerade. For all that, the sodomites' crimes remain crimes. The Just Judge is watching. He is taking note. And there is no escape from that Justice.
Practically speaking that doesn't amount to anything if you believe any sin can separate you absent grace, that the wages of any and all sin is death. 0 x 1,000,000 = 0The sodomite will not escape simply because the earthly State decides to let him play pretend.Rather the contrary: the sodomites' guilt is multiplied by this disgusting masquerade.
How secret is it though, really? Especially if you're getting married. Marriage without sex is, if you go by studies, more of a heterosexual lack of practice.How terrible are the sins of the sodomite when he does them in secret:
I'm poking fun a bit at you because of the whole thorns of life number you're pulling. John Barrymore would blush at it. Speaking of which, the curtain is going up on the third act, so...
It's good of you to be concerned but this is a different kingdom.Nature Itself cries out in protest and renders testimony against him! How much worse are they when he drags the whole political society, the State into sins, makes the State a party and co-conspirator to his crimes? He injures not only himself, but the entire common good of the State. He not only violates the natural law in secret, but scandalizes the whole political community.
He (or she) does though. With or without our permission. And that's what the Kentucky business is about, which is why the contest ended with a jail cell and not a pew."Rights?" Don't kid yourself. He has no "rights."
I hope God is kinder to you than you are to others, Trad. And I hope at some point you recognize that today's sinner is sometimes tomorrow's saint. And I'm fairly certain that very strong speech isn't going to be the difference.Before the eyes of the Just Judge, before the court of conscience, before the Natural Law, he is a criminal, and he will not escape justice.
When I was a young man I howled for justice too. The older I get the more I appreciate the quality of mercy.Whether here on earth, in purgatory (may God be so merciful!), or in Hell, he will meet his just sentence.